
The aberrations came, seeking Elayne. Whatever malicious entity was controlling them, it knew she was up to no good. The creatures, made of torn apart fingers, eyes, and jaws, reached her, only to be stopped by a girl with a sword made of darkness. Her movements were swifter and more precise than ever before. With a flash of pure black, she reached the beasts, appearing and disappearing through her incredibly quick, lightning-speed movements.


Countless slashes covered the creatures, their bodies bursting into pieces and then burned by phantasmal flames. Slowly being charred until they became black like charcoal. Elena appeared above another one, her Aura shaping itself to resemble a dozen swords.

"I won't let any of you fuckers touch my mom!"

With a mighty roar, Elena descended over the monstrosity, her legs wrapped around her aura. It was as if two giant swords pierced the monster's body, before it exploded into pieces. Elena wasn't covered on the demonic monster's poisonous blood as her aura permeated her entire body.

The more she fought, the more she learned how to use her unique spells and control her abilities to protect her body. She was an unusual magician, one with spells and abilities that worked around fighting in close combat. Something that imitated her Avatar in BNLO.

"I'm getting better at this, but my Mana's still way too low…"

She quickly drank a Mana Potion before evading three more aberrations by kicking the air. At the same time, Monica conjured her magic, chains made of darkness wrapped around those three monsters, alongside another five. And then, a deadly curse sapped away their life, slowly turning them into dried out husks.


"Hahhh…" Monica gasped in both relief an exhaustion. Her curses were incredibly strong, but they usually spent all her Mana if she used it against many foes at once. "Mana Potion, q-quickly…"

As he cried, a giant stone turtle fell over six of the aberrations. Their bodies exploding into pieces with the sheer pressure. The giant turtle then became a spinning shell and threw off balance another dozen monsters.

"Elder Jose!" 

As the squirrel celebrated, a hawk flew across the skies, releasing powerful waves of winds, and stopping the monsters from coming any closer. Accompanying him was another druid, a white howl, firing feathers of light.

"Elder Janny! There are just too many!"

"They emerge from the destroyed demon arms… The more they destroy, the more they come! Eventually this entire city will be flooded by them!"

Elder Janny looked around the perimeter, noticing roughly fifty people wearing white armor and clothes, wielding all sorts of weapons. They clashed against the monster as well, giving their all to protect their city from the invaders.

As of now, only a street has been affected, but if things continued, not only one, but two, three, five, seven, ten, a dozen streets will be overflood. People will die by the thousands. The entire city could be completely destroyed in a single night.

"We Druids come from nature. We despite these people that live in their concrete walls and love their damned technology." Sighed Janny. "They have completely separated themselves from the harmony of nature itself! …However, our goddess is a benevolent woman. She lives among them and helps them. We must learn from her and do the best we can as well! This power I've amassed for so long, what use is there for it if I can't save lives with it?!"

Janny recalled her past. Of a girl that lost it everything over two hundred years ago back in Finland, by the hands of a flood of Ogres that were living there. In those times, not all monsters have been slain yet. In the corners of the world, giant nests of wretched beasts remained. And to continue living, they constantly attacked and devoured humans and their cattle, to expand their ilk and thrive.

And Janny was one of the many people that was affected by such fate. Her entire village was destroyed, alongside Jose and Aria, the trio of children ran, and ran, and ran, after seeing their entire families being devoured alive, their entire village destroyed.

They felt lost in the endless woods, dark and scary.

Yet Janny heard the call of someone back then, in between her tears and sobbing.

"My child, why are you crying?"


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