Chapter 877 New Goddess Versus Old Goddess


The bear's entire body exploded, burning with golden flames. Most of its flesh and skin was slowly turning into ashes, while the bones remained behind. When a Druid or a Blighter die in their Wild Shape forms, their corpse remains in that form. Elayne had no idea if this monster even a human form at all had, she had not come here before seeing him transform after all.

"Phew…" Elayne quickly took a Mana Potion out of her Inventory and drank it fully. Her Mana swiftly recovering alongside her stamina. It was a special B Grade Potion she made using the highest quality ones, diluting them on low-grade and cheap mana potions you can buy anywhere in BNLO. "Hahh… He was tougher than I thought."

Elayne realized that this world was much dangerous than she imagined. From Angels to Demons, and now Blighters. There was nothing saying there wouldn't be many other corrupt societies of evil wizards or hunters out there. If these relatively unknown Blighters were already so strong, she couldn't imagine how strong could those families Rose feared be. The families of ancient wizards that have lived for hundreds of years, some thousands.

"That's right, Mark!"

She quickly glanced at Mark, who was clashing against a gigantic hydra monstrosity with two other Druids. They were both transformed into giant animals, making Elayne even more curious about who these people could even be. 

"Mom! Behind you!"

However, her senses flared at the same time as she heard her daughter's scream behind the Divine Ward she left behind. Her senses expanded, swiftly sensing something powerful, something terrifyingly strong appearing right behind her… from the bones of the Blighter.

"So you're the new… goddess."

His giant bear bones reassembled as a phantasmal and divine power possessed them, transforming the entire pile of bones into a Bone Monster. Its empty eyes flaring with phantasmal blue flames. Elayne swiftly covered herself on golden scales, before the beast moved forwards.

"Who are you?"


Kalma' rushed towards Elayne. Her gigantic bone body overflowing with the Nether Energy that the Demon King of Death has feed to Kalma, part of their deal. With her new overflowing power, she was able to easily construct a Lesser Incarnation out of the bones of someone blessed by her. Her chimeric bone monster shape swinging its four arms against Elayne, explosions of phantasmal fire, nether, and decaying rot spreading over her and her surroundings.


Elayne gritted her teeth, stepping back as she blocked the attacks with Heroic Parry. However, the strength these attacks carried were on a completely different level than the Blighter. It made her arms tremble and gain cracks each time she received them. And the Decaying Rot spread over her arms, forcing her to discard them and regrow them, losing precious Mana and Stamina in the process.

"I'll wear you down piece by piece, until your regenerating body ends as nothing but a little seedling!" Kalma laughed sadistically, her giant bone jaws opening and closing, attempting to bite through Elayne.

Elayne counterattacked with a variety of spells, summoning the power of her Spirits. Explosions of spirit flames, winds, and light bombarded over the Goddess' Incarnation. However, a thin and invisible layer of divine power protected her from almost all damage.


"What? No damage?!" Elayne thought. "What is she…? Can Gods… be even damaged?"

"Surprised I don't take damage?" Kalma laughed. "Do you truly believe that pesky magic can damage the Incarnation of a Goddess?! Hahahaha!"

With a mocking laughter, Kalma swung her claws, trashing Elayne into the ground, half her body ripped to shreds.



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