Chapter 873 Druids Against Blighters


Aria kept pushing Jose and Janny far away with her powerful spells and attacks. The two Druids couldn't recognize her anymore as how she used to be. Aria had utterly changed. She didn't even look as old as she was, having regained her youthful appearance. But as they fought, they quickly realized she had changed in more ways than just physical.

"Why would Kalma take on you Blighters anyways?" The turtle roared, clashing against Aria's claws, only for her to kick him away. "Ungh…! She used to be a calm goddess that only helped the dead rest! Why… What has happened to Finland while we were away?!"

"A lot has happened, old man." Said Aria, her darkness growing larger. The aura of Decay was intense, but the two old Druids possessed incredible Nature Souls, giving them a strong resistance.

"Old man? Hah, you're older than me, Aria!" Jose roared, hitting the ground. "To think my mentor would one day become a Blighter…!" As he hit the ground, spikes of stone emerged, constantly attempting to crush Aria.

"I was blind back then." Aria sighed. "I was blind of Nature's injustice, and of the imbalance there was in this world. My Lady calls for sacrifices, she calls for rotting corpses and souls. Why? Because she has noticed how this world favors life over death. There is no true balance. We've found our calling, Jose. We Blighters will bring balance to this world."

"By killing innocent people?! Stop pretending to be doing this for a good cause, you just came here because you hate us!" The white owl roared, her wings flapped, the feathers dividing out of her wings and firing down into projectiles of light.

Explosions of golden light engulfed Aria, only for a giant skeletal hand made of black and green smoke to protect her from the damage, surging from Aria's own Corrupted Nature's Soul, which has received the Blessing of Kalma.

"Of course you wouldn't understand, Janny… Always so blessed with everything in life. You were born with high affinity with nature and spirits. All while I had to work hard to where I got…" Aria sighed, her eyes glowing bright red. "And that was why when the forest we worked so hard for many generations to grow was burned, I was the one most affected. While all of you ran away, I stayed fighting, and because of that, my Nature Soul broke… It is all your fault!"

With a furious roar, Aria's Aura fused into her body, as she underwent Undead Wild Shape again, this time turning into a four-headed Undead Snake of over four meters of height.


The turtle stepped back, his shell slowly melting. However, more stone and ores grew where they were lost, and quickly attacked her. Several projectiles pierced her body, coming from his shell! She was quickly pushed back, her blood covering the entire floor on crimson red.

"Uuuggh…! You damn bastard!"

"You've forced my hand, my former mentor…"

Jose seemed pained on his words. Aria didn't care about his feelings, but he was conflicted. Being forced to fight someone that taught him how to commune with nature, live as a druid, and even how to Wild Shape made him feel terribly pained.

"I hate you two… You traitorous old bastards…!" Aria roared, her entire body slowly turning into a fog of green and black spores, poison, and shadows, swiftly transforming her back into her human shape. "Struggling will only make it harder for you, fools!"

"You're cornered! Enough is enough, Aria! Leave this instant!" Jose said, trying to give her an opportunity to escape.

"We don't want to kill you… Please, just leave." The owl sighed, her feathers pointing at Aria.

"Hahah… You don't want to kill me?" Aria laughed. "How cute… Because I really want to kill you two. And I won't leave until I take sacrifices for my Lady of Decay."


Suddenly, the floor covered by Aria's blood shone bright red, revealing her blood having taken the shape of thousands of runes, a powerful magic circle activated. And from within, an entity made of Decay, Putrefaction, and Death, emerged.

"Rise! Elemental of Decay!"


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