Borne of Caution

NOTICE: On Update Delays and How To Be Informed of Them

Not a chapter, but a quick notice. More than a few people were disgruntled with how long the last update took, and for good reason. I said it would take a few days at most when Act 2: Ch 16 dropped, and I intended it to be that way, but life got in the way. I won't get too deep into the details, but April was non-stop bad luck. From a broken tooth, to tax woes, to plain writer's block, it seems like it never ended. All of that caused a pretty terrible delay, and I wasn't the best at communicating it. I absolutely, positively hate making non-chapters like this, because I don't want people to see the notification, get their hopes up, then be let down when there is nothing new for them. To help combat both the problem of non-chapters and my admittedly bad communication, I wanted to give you all a few ways to keep an eye on everything.

First and most accessible is

I hold some distaste for twitter since it's de_dust2 for internet slapfights, but I know a lot of people have accounts just for lurking and whatnot. In light of that, I fired up an old account. It will mostly be official updates and the occasional miscellaneous post if it's gone unused for a while.

Next would be the community discord:

There is a channel there just for writing updates. If you use discord at all, feel free to join in, as there is a talented community here, a Minecraft server, shitposters aplenty, and other time wasters. Or you can mute everything but the update channel if just want to lurk. Your pick.

Finally, and probably most unreliably, is my Patreon:

Patreon defaults to making every post patron-only, and I sometimes (often) forget to make general update posts visible to everyone. I'll do my best to remember, though.

This 'chapter' will be deleted when Act 2: Ch 18 is ready.

Thankee much everyone for being patient.


To get to the minimum wordcount needed to post a chapter, have a little bit of Act 2: Ch 18

Act 2: Chapter 18

With the supernatural cool of chilled steel and the leashed, frantic energy of danger seeping into his mind, Corviknight analyzes his foe as he screams down through the air. Thoughts of a tactical sort supersede all else, and objectives take form.

Lee and Ninetales must be defended at all costs and evacuated as soon as possible

Brendan and Zinnia must be defended and evacuated.

Barriers and obstructions preventing evacuation must be removed.

Bystander casualties must be avoided where possible.

All foes must be disabled where possible.

From most important to least important, it all comes to him with lightning speed and assured confidence. A small part of him, a bit left over from his prior evolution, seethes at the notion of leaving such impudent opponents intact, but it’s silenced swiftly. The most important aspects must take precedence, and that means none of his can die.


A mere second before impact, the mockery of a Camerupt seems to realize something is amiss and raises its head. Its eyes, small and bloodshot, don’t seem to register the approaching danger.

A second later, Corviknight drives his beak into its neck with hellish speed and ferocity.

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