Book Eater

Chapter 96: State Guests of Elvenheim (2)

Chapter 96: State Guests of Elvenheim (2)

State guests!

They were only two words, but everyone’s complexion changed significantly. Elvenheim had only ever accepted trade delegations from other countries. In a sense, Elvenheim had never treated the delegates of even one country as state guests.

Kurt III was the only one who maintained his composure. “Hrmm, state guests.”

Inwardly, he was flabbergasted. His highest expectation had been an increase in trade items or more favorable terms for activities around the Great Forest. However, was Edwin saying that they would be allowed into Elvenheim’s borders, where no one else had been let into? That, more than anything else, was worth considering.

He clarified, “Sir Edwin, can I take your words to mean that Elvenheim is accepting a delegation?”

Edwin nodded. “Yes, that’s right.”

Kurt III looked him in the eye. “Is it on the outskirts of the Great Forest again?”

Edwin shook his head with a wry smile. “No. We can’t treat guests like that. The meeting will take a little longer, but Elvenheim has decided to welcome Theodore’s companions in front of the world tree.”

Kurt III’s eyelid twitched. “The world tree at the heart of the Great Forest...”

Edwin nodded solemnly. “Yes, our parent tree.”

Kurt II immediately raised the value of this mission by three stages. Elves couldn’t tell lies. It wasn’t due to beliefs or superstition. Those who danced and sang with nature would steadily lose their power when they lied. Consequently, elves who lost their affinities after lying were regarded as sinners in their society and expelled from the clan.

As a master, Edwin was even more bound by his words. He might lose all his strength just from speaking a few words of lies. His word was, in itself, proof of Elvenheim’s attitude.

“How many people can accompany Theodore?” Kurt III asked calmly as he envisioned a few potential ambassadors.

“The fewer the better. If an attacker showers up like last time, it would be difficult for the escort if there were many people.”

Kurt III nodded slowly. “Well, that is definitely tricky.”

“Ah! There is one thing I forgot to tell you.” Edwin's next words made Kurt III’s complex thoughts grow even more frenetic. “The closer it is to the world tree in the center of the Great Forest, the higher the concentration of mana. A body that isn’t properly trained won’t be able to endure it.”

Kurt III asked, “What is the level?”

Edwin replied, “On the basis of a magician... they must be at least the 5th Circle.”

“Then most of the court is eliminated,” Kurt III muttered quietly as he glanced around the room.

Some of the court officials could use magic, but none of them had reached beyond the ‘wall’ of the 5th Circle. Some were busy with their duties, others regarded magic as self-defense or a hobby, and the rest spent years or decades hurling themselves against the wall. If they needed five Circles, it looked like a minimum of Superior ranked magicians could be sent on the mission.

Kurt III muttered, “... It is hard since the staff is too scarce.”

This needed more than just a magician’s touch. It required politics. If he dispatched fighters from the magic towers, it was clear they would return empty handed with some chicken or fruits they had been given, or they might just go sightseeing. Half of those who met the criteria had died in the last convoy. However, if he sent the rest, there wouldn’t be enough left in the kingdom.

If possible, he wanted to send a tower master, but…

Kurt III said aloud, “Veronica.”

Edwin’s complexion subtly changed at the name. “Y-Your Majesty!”

Kurt III sighed. “... As expected, she can’t?”

Edwin bowed. “I’m sorry, but please refrain from allowing her to join the delegation.”

It was funny to see a master so freaked out, but he had a reason to be. Meltor and Elvenheim were close enough to have a history of commerce and trade, and Veronica had once visited the Great Forest with a delegation. Her combat power was the greatest safeguard for the delegation, so the danger level would be like the front yard of a mansion. However, there was a problem when she approached Elvenheim.

The elementals guarding the exterior of Elvenheim were empowered by the world tree, however, they started to burn as soon as Veronica’s power reached them.

“It wasn’t deliberate destruction, so we let it go. However, we can’t endure a second incident like that.” Edwin started sweating at the memory of that day.

But Veronica was offended by the cautious refusal and shouted at him, “Hey! Why are you blaming me when your grass is so dry and poor?”

“T-That isn’t it...”

“Then what? You want to use Breath from the top of the world tree, huh?!”

Edwin paled, as he knew Veronica was definitely capable of doing that. But if that happened, both countries were likely to suffer catastrophic damage.

Kurt III forgot about maintaining his composure and opened his mouth to stop her, but Theo was one beat quicker.

He judged it was best to interrupt her with something that would catch her attention. “Calm down, sister.”

“I will burn down the world tree and everything… Huh?”

When Veronica registered the magic word and paused for a moment, Theo pulled her into his arms and held her in place. The sight of the Red Tower Master, the god of destruction in Meltor, being defeated was met with a wave of relief.

As she tried to get Theo to call her that again, Kurt III quickly changed the topic. Inwardly, he decided to give Theo a few more rewards.

Unexpectedly, one of the interior ministers stood up and recommended someone, “Your Majesty, what about the Blue Tower Master?”

“I want to do that but...” However, Kurt III shook his head. “Blundell is currently on a mission to stop the flooding in the eastern rice fields. For the time being, he can’t return to the capital.”

Another interior minister asked, “Then how about the elders of the magic towers?”

“We have a dearth of manpower at the moment. There are a few elders who are being treated for old age, but we can’t send them.” Kurt III could recall a few people from missions, but he didn’t want to further endanger his magicians who were handling risky missions.

A light debate started in the room. Disputes arose between nobles who wanted their magicians to join and those who didn’t care. At this rate, it wouldn’t come to a conclusion in a few days.

Kurt III decided to take some damage and opened his mouth to speak.

However, a masked man suddenly appeared in the air. “If you don't have the right person, I will go, Your Majesty.”

The masked man was dressed in flowing white robes, and mouths dropped open as the people in the room realized his arrival.

One murmured, “White Tower Master?!”

Unlike the Yellow Tower Master who didn’t reveal his identity, the name of the White Tower Master was well known. He was the best space magician in Meltor. Orta, the White Tower Master, slowly descended to the ground and fell to one knee.

Kurt III gestured for him to rise and said, “You’ve returned from Genga, Orta.”

Orta nodded. “Yes.”

“I thought you would take two more days, but you were much faster. This is a happy miscalculation.”

It was as Kurt III said.

He could trust in the skills of one of Meltor’s strongest magicians. The tower masters may have some flaws in their personality, but their prowess more than made up for such idiosyncrasies. The White Tower Master was the most active tower master when it came to missions, and he handled everything with utmost care.

“Good, this mission will be entrusted to Orta. Gather applicants from each magic tower. They have to be magicians of at least the 5th Circle. Don’t go beyond 10 people.”

Orta bowed. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

Kurt III turned his attention elsewhere. “And Theodore Miller.”

Theo, who was still being cajoled by Veronica in his arms, responded to the call by escaping from her dangerous embrace.

Kurt III looked Theo up and down and asked a strange question. “How is your body?”

Theo blinked. “Huh? Oh, it is good. Your Majesty.”

Kurt III stared at him more carefully. “Is that so? I heard that your condition wasn’t good. It was around a month ago, so I don’t know about these days.”

Theo realized the meaning of the question instantly.

His Majesty was aware of the side effects from the Sensitivity Amplifier.?

However, the presence of the Sensitivity Amplifier was a secret, so the king had to ask about it in a roundabout way. Theo was already planning to give his all in the mission, but he felt much more motivated when the king showed such simple kindness. Fortunately, his ability to use silent casting was sufficient for battle use, and it would only grow more polished as he fought.

Elvenheim, the Great Forest and the world tree.

Theo had been looking for a new opportunity to cross the wall of the 6th Circle, and this invitation seemed to be it.

He said confidently, “There are no problems, your Majesty. Please don’t hesitate to send me.”

“... I see.” Kurt III smiled at the assurance and nodded. Theo was someone who never let Kurt III down. In that case, it was the king’s role to trust him.

Kurt III understood that this meeting had come to a natural end and rose to his feet, followed by the rest of the occupants.

Before everyone, the king of Meltor declared, “Today is the moment when I declare that new possibilities have opened in the relations between Meltor and Elvenheim! There will be a delegation centered around the hero, Theodore Miller, and I will only allow you to discuss it once diplomatic relations have been re-established!”

“Yes! Your Majesty!” The people responded.

He continued, “And this mission's representative, Theodore Miller!”

Isn’t the White Tower Master the representative?

“Yes, Your Majesty!” Theodore barely kept his face neutral as he waited for his king on one knee. He was inwardly nervous, but the king’s next words were for him alone.

“You bear honor and a heavy burden despite your youth. However, I believe that you will be Meltor’s light. Please remember that you are the main character of this diplomatic mission to Elvenheim.”

Theo bowed. “Yes, Your Majesty!”

“On this mission, I will grant you the same authority as the White Tower Master. Don’t hesitate to voice your thoughts!”

Theo bowed again and answered as firmly as possible, “I, Theodore Miller, will do as Your Majesty commands!”

He had become more familiar with the increasing burden on his shoulders.

Someone had once said that a person’s footsteps are as deep as the weight of the load they are carrying on their back. If they don’t fall on their path, they will only grow stronger. Thus, it is a hundred times better to be overwhelmed than to not receive any expectations.

Before all the influential people of the magic kingdom of Meltor, Theo embraced his task in a dignified manner.

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