Book Eater

Chapter 128: Kargas’ Underground Auction (1)

Chapter 128: Kargas’ Underground Auction (1)

In the central continent, sunset was an hour or two behind the south and north, where the sun started to fall at 6 o’clock in the evening. As such, Kargas’ lively nights were short but intense. No one could deny that Kargas’ location had made it ideal for the rise of a trade kingdom. Its citizens enjoyed the day, and dove into more entertainment than any other country once the sun went down.

These were the two faces of the trading kingdom of Kargas. Just like how long shadows stretched behind the radiant light, the subtle desires of people gathered in the back alleys of the bustling city.

The large border city of Sipoto, where a large quantity of people moved through, was no exception. In fact, the night was far more prosperous than the day, since it increased in activity in proportion to the number of outsiders. Those who didn’t set up signs during the day would start shouting throughout the city as soon as the sun went down.

Then there were those who gave seductive smiles and suggestive gestures to those passing by.

“The handsome fellow over there! Do you want a chance with a hot southern babe for just a gold?!”

“Hey hey, what are you trying to entice with some common service? Our place has the best beauties of the north and the best service to boot!”

There were those who aimed for the gap between that.

“A gorgeous half-elf beauty is waiting for tonight’s master! Only the first four will be accepted! One time is five gold!”

“Hey! What a shameful human!”

“Isn’t it five gold for an hour, instead of the whole night? Stop talking nonsense!”

Of course, sometimes there was a bit of fuss and heckling. However, the residents of Sipoto were clearly used to it as they grinned at the hecklers. It wasn’t uncommon for drunks to hit a brick in the backstreets or for pickpockets to move among the crowds. In other words, it was the very picture of the chaos of a main street.

However, the atmosphere of the night market was a little bit different tonight.

Ching! Ching! Ching!

Several heavily armed and highly skilled knights were boldly shouldering through the crowd, escorting an old man who was leisurely following them in an unusual outfit. The entire area fell silent, as if a lord had made an appearance.

However, he wasn’t the only important personage that night.

“Make way! Agent of the Orcus Company is coming through!”

A horse drawn carriage was belligerently pushing their way through the crowd too. The hawk that symbolized the Orcus Company was emblazoned prominently on one side of the lavish carriage. The Orcus Company was one of the three biggest merchant companies in the central continent, and was rumored to have competed on equal terms with royalty when it came to money. Even Sipoto’s guards gave way in front of them, showcasing their authority.

A number of other bigwigs had appeared all over the city. A wealthy noble exiled from the Austen Kingdom, a mercenary leader who led A rank mercenaries, nobles visiting from neighboring countries... Each and every one were all well known in their field. They had all come a long way to participate in the underground auctions, the hidden specialty of Kargas.

“What a spectacle.” However, Theo ridiculed them coldly. “Driving a carriage in the middle of the city… The agent of a business company shouldn’t be acting so stupidly.”

Cough, hrmm, cough...!” Someone started coughing at Theo’s sharp words. Theo didn’t like the reaction, so he looked over and asked, “Are you afraid someone will be listening? You are the branch director of the Information Guild.”

The King of Mice, head of the Sipoto branch, was indeed accompanying Theo. However, Gibra’s appearance was different from what Theo had seen underground. Theo didn’t know what method he was using, but Gibra was only as tall as Theo and his skin blended in with everyone else’s. It seemed like an impossible disguise because Gibra had been so unique.

The seemingly ordinary middle-aged man, Gibra, replied in a reproachful voice, “Employer, the Orcus Company isn’t just a group making money. You should be careful about any statements you make.”

Theo queried, “What does that mean? Please explain it properly.”

“Uhh… The cost for the information is separate from the commission fee...”

“Tell me.” Theo smiled as he rolled a gold coin between his fingers. His attitude made the gold seem like it was just a pebble.

Gibra took it quickly, and after confirming it was pure gold, decided to speak. He had already earned five gold coins this way, but Theo was more than happy with the quality of the information he had presented. Gibra delivered the information using an aura technique which eastern warriors called Sound Transmission.

[Don’t answer and just listen. This information isn’t something I’m sure about. Otherwise, it would be worth at least ten gold.]

Theo nodded naturally.

[The Orcus Company was founded just twenty seven years ago, so it is still, relatively speaking, new. But it doesn’t have a solid background or a great deal of business talent.


[But in less than thirty years, it has grown to become one of the top three companies in the central continent. Even if they got lucky, that growth is beyond common sense. So, our guild decided to send a few elites to dig up information.]

Gibra’s assessment was correct. A common company growing to become one of the top three in the central continent within less than thirty years was impossible unless the god of luck itself lived in their headquarters.

Theo started pondering more questions. It seemed the Information Guild had had ideas of expanding their reach and power by discovering the Orcus Company’s secret.

However, Gibra’s expression sank as he continued. [Not a single one returned. They were experts and were fully capable of escaping master level opponents. But they just disappeared into thin air. After that, we didn’t accept any requests from the Orcus Company.]

“... Did you decide to give up?”

[Just the direct investigation. The indirect investigation continued. It was then that we discovered an amazing fact.]

Theo couldn’t help squinting and realized that Gibra was sweating slightly.

[Everyone who stood in the Orcus Company’s way, or faced them as an opponent… are dead. There’s no hint of assassins either. A sudden illness, a random accident, or a betrayal from within, something?always allowed the Orcus Company to achieve their objectives.]

Theo glanced sideways, “Is there any evidence?”

[Not at all. If there was evidence, would we remain quiet? They would’ve paid a price for all of the agents they’d eliminated.]

In the shadow world, loyalty was absolute. Members who weren’t loyal to their organization wouldn’t last long. But that also ran both ways. There were different motives behind the loyalty. Logically, it wasn’t a question of good and evil but a matter of revenge. Indiscriminate violence was part of human nature. The Information Guild was relatively moderate, but they couldn’t escape from feeling like this.

However, Gibra said that retaliation was impossible.

... Orcus Company, I have to remember that.

It might be groundless, but Theo felt a strange sense of anxiety inside him.

People who had been abandoned by their family and friends, had suddenly become ill, or had encountered an incident… At first glance, they seemed unrelated, but Theo knew of one possibility which could link them.

Thousands of random illnesses, inviting misfortune such as a lightning strike from blue skies, and confusing the hearts of others... they were all acts of a branch of magic that the Magic Society had declared as taboo.

Black magic.

The magic system had mostly disappeared after the necropolis of the warlocks had been attacked a few centuries ago.

In principle, if Theo suspected information about the possible existence of black magic, he should inform the Magic Society and arrange for an investigation. However, the present Theo was an invisible person hiding secretly in a distant country. He wasn’t in a position to communicate with an investigative team or the Magic Society.

Theo could only hope that this foreboding feeling wouldn’t come true.


The conversation about the Orcus Company had cast a pall over the evening, and the two of them walked wordlessly through the city. Some people felt the uncomfortable atmosphere and carefully avoided them. The unnatural silence continued until they reached the gambling casino that contained one of the northern auctions.

When they were near the entrance, a man politely intercepted them. “You’re here.”

Theo had no idea who this man was, but Gibra responded as if he had been waiting for the greeting. “You're on time, Akan.”

Akan nodded. “Yes, Branch Director.”

Gibra turned to Theo and said, “I haven’t introduced you yet. This guy is Akan, a member of the Sipoto branch.”

“Ah, yes.”

Regardless of whether he knew that Theo was the employer, Akan bowed and treated Theo as politely as he did Gibra.

Akan didn’t look beyond thirty, but since he was a member of the Information Guild, it was meaningless to guess anything from just his appearance. The pair became a trio, and they approached the casino.

A security guard blocked the three of them from entering. “I’m sorry. Today, we are holding a special event at our casino that’s only open by invitation.”

Akan walked forward without any hesitation. “Hah? Do you know who I am?”

The security guard blinked. “Huh? T-That...”

Akan interrupted, “That’s okay. I can tell you’re not too bright, so I’ll make it obvious.”

This was a pride which went beyond arrogance! The polite guild member had completely disappeared beneath the persona of a business company executive. The guard grew nervous as Akan started to overwhelm him with his personality and gestures.

Theo admired the change in Akan, who seemed like a real actor.

Indeed, this is the Information Guild.

This Akan was certainly a skilled con artist, to so seamlessly trick the guard. Theo definitely would have been deceived if he had been in the latter’s position. Akan’s act was flawless.

It didn’t take long for Akan to play his trump card as he pulled out the item Theo had left with him, the mark of the Polonell Company.

“Now, if you have eyes, look! Do you dare to doubt my qualifications after seeing this?”

“... T-The Polonell Company?”

“Hah, you’re making another mistake.”

“Huh? M-Mistake?!” A tremor went through the guard’s body. It was obvious that he was uneasy.

Akan went for the kill. “Even though you know who I’m representing, you are still blocking the way. Is this a challenge to the name of the Polonell Company?”

“Ah, no! O-of course not!” The guard quickly stepped out of the way while bowing at a ninety degree angle. “I’m sorry! Have a good time!”

Akan scoffed, “Tsk, be careful next time.”

“Yes! I will keep that in mind!”

There was no inspection for Theo and Gibra as they followed Akan. The guards at the front door had seen the browbeaten gate guard and didn’t dare make any more trouble.

Gibra chuckled as they crossed the threshold of the northern auction house. He discreetly pointed at the stiff guards and grinned. “How was that, Employer? Wasn’t it fun?”

“... Certainly. You do as much as you receive.”

Gibra’s grin grew wider. “Huhu, it isn’t over yet. You will be much more surprised by the end of the auction.”

Step, step.

The trio made their way down a set of nondescript stairs tucked away inside the casino. The sheer size of the underground space surprised Theo. His eyebrows rose as he realized it could comfortably accommodate up to a thousand people.

Yet there was still more to this place. This was a special place in the Kargas Kingdom—an underground auction house. The three people descended a few dozen meters before the true face of the auction house was revealed.

“... Hah.” Theo was forced to stare blankly as he arrived at the entrance.

He didn’t know that this type of space would be hidden in a city which wasn’t even the capital.

No, I knew but didn’t realize it.

Seeing it with his own eyes was completely different from hearing it from Gibra. Dozens of colorful chandeliers hung from the ceiling as the walls and floors oozed luxury. This seemed like a home for every kind of debauchery imaginable.

The floor of the auction house buzzed with activity. A masked man, a man in a robe, a woman in a dress, a man in armor, a man sipping from a glass of wine… There was a whirlwind of human desire raging before the magician. It was a desire completely different from the magicians who pursued the truth of the world and magic.

A faint dizziness welled up inside Theo.

“Hey, Employer. Are you okay?”

“... It's nothing.”

Theo took a steady step forward into his first brush with human desires. The man who had taken Meltor by storm entered the pit of human greed and wealth with firm steps.

“Let's go.”

The curtain rose on the first day of Kargas’ underground auction.

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