Bonded Summoner

Soul Knight Book 1 Preorder Available on Amazon! And Bonded Summoner Book 6 Announcement!

Soul Knight Book 1 Preorder Available on Amazon! And Bonded Summoner Book 6 Announcement!

Hey, everyone! Book 1 is now available for preorder on Amazon Kindle Unlimited! Release is set for March 13th, only a few days from now! So wishlist/order/tell your friends!

I made two covers, one for each of our awesome beastfolk girls. Please preorder, wishlist/download when it comes out, and give it another read!

Click Here for Amazon!

I think you'll find it's a bit different the second time around. I have had it professionally proofread, plus applied all the helpful fixes of Aalan and the many helpful others that provided suggestions and so on. I do appreciate all your help in identifying when something is unclear / incorrect! That said, there are a few extended scenes in the Amazon version, with somewhere like 5-10k additional words in total.

If nothing else, a rating can go a long way to helping me out on Amazon. Five star ratings and reviews from a fan can make a significant difference in making the book look appealing to new readers!

Stolen from its rightful place, this narrative is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings.

There will be a paperback version, but I have not yet submitted it. Those that want to collect each of the books in that format should be happy with the result, I'm sure.

Thanks for all your support, Patreon already has several chapters of Book 2 available for reading for those wanting to support me even further. I go full-time soon, and I can use all the help that I can get to keep writing!

Bonded Summoner Book 6 has already started in the same/similar fashion over there on Patreon. In about 2 to 3 weeks, the chapters will begin airing here on Royalroad/Scribblehub, approximately 2 per week (Basically alternating between Soul Knight and Bonded Summoner, M/W/F). Once I am fully-full time, I may increase to 4 chapters in-total per week.

I hope folks that enjoyed Bonded Summoner give Soul Knight a try. I know some didn't like Nick at first, but I had taken quite a bit of feedback and had squared away the introduction, and most folks find him likeable and a lot of fun. Give it another shot! Anyway, thanks for your patience on Bonded Summoner, I know I had planned on starting up releases again much sooner. I'm excited about Book 6 and getting back into it, now that Book 1 of Soul Knight has been completed in its drafting. See you soon!

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