Bonded Summoner

Book 5. Chapter 44: Ceremony

Book 5. Chapter 44: Ceremony

Aisling fluttered her wings, landing next to Jake. Wearing a black and purple dress, the crow parentage womans smile was beaming. My, you do look good, clan son! Surprised? Now, this is our first one in this style, but us beastkin already do something kind of similar. Maybe it will catch on, this merging of our ceremonies. There are so many people here!

There was. Jake saw thousands of people gathered in this large clearing. There were two smaller sections holding a hundred of their closest friends and allies, but there was a giant half circle with many seated in a way that reminded Jake of a theater or auditorium.

Stands were woven out of plantlike vines and trees. The overall grotto with the world tree inside it was shaped like a bowl, with the World Tree at the lowest point. Light filtered in from above, the mountain higher up covered in tall trees.

The stage was raised in front of the world tree, which would allow the many seated to view everything.

Your wives took some liberty with selecting your best men, and we found a way to record everythingincluding your reaction as you walked out! Now, join your clan mothers and best men over there in front of that tent, and well begin shortly. I bet theres still plenty for you to be shocked about!

Jake moved toward where indicated, at the tent at the edge of the crowd. He knew his wives waited inside, filled with excitement. Dahlia stood ready with a smile, along with Tandas other clan mothers.

There was what appeared to be a white carpet rolled out down the aisle, but upon closer inspection, he realized it was entirely made of tiny white flowers.

Along the aisle at each row were potted flowers, their contents primarily white, but with a mixture of colors added in. Each end cap appeared to alternate which of his girls colors were mixed in, from black, gold, and white he assumed for Bloodberri, to red, purple, and gold for Fhesiah.

There was purple, black, and gold for Tanda, and Jake expected to see white and blue for Ophelia, but a gold and blue was chosen for her, it appeared by process of elimination.

At the end of the stage was the sycamore-like World Tree, along with Brigids Hearth Tree, and Cernunnoss willow-like death tree towering over it.

Dahlia smiled at Jake as he arrived, her dress black and purple as well. As Tandas mother, she would normally be entering first.

I have already experienced my little Tanda being wed, or selected as a mate. But that we can share this moment with so many more directly makes me happy for it. Ive learned that this might be a little different from what youre expecting with us merging our traditions, clan son.

Jake learned that Elysians, Eternum, and Emberborn all had a form of wedding, so this was likely their way of combining them, finding harmony in their cultures. Then, Jake supposed if there were four brides, all without their fathers present but one, it would make things even more different than usual.

Valtor, Seamus, and Rookard stood near the outside of the tent as well. Jake smiled, as he realized there were few he would want more to be his best menif he had selected them on his own, he doubted he would have chosen differently. His wives knew him all too well.

Jake asked, So youll be my best men? Thank you, you three. Your efforts have been instrumental to our success.

Rookard smiled. Wouldnt miss it, Chief Jake. You have done so much for my people, saved and inspired so many. Healed them, enabled them to accomplish their goals and grow their dreams, while also protecting the balance. Nobody is as fit to lead the beastkin as you are.

Jake did his best to keep the confusion off his expression. Thanks, Rookard. I appreciate you saying that.

Seamus laughed, and clapped Jake on the shoulder. We all feel the same way, Chief Jake. His lion face looked at Jake almost impassively, his expression hard to read as Seamus appeared to be sensing something. That aura of yours is like a fresh cup of grokk now! I like it.

Jake had a hard time picturing the lion man drinking coffee. He noticed that Seamus and he now stood eye to eye, Jake finally having grown to the size of the lion man. However, Jake knew that when he tiered up, the lion man would probably jump in height again.

Valtors flames grew brightly, his scripts filled with arcane light. Today is a very special day! My people love weddings. Two lovers joined in holy matrimony for all time is romantic and beautiful. Amara and I joined in our union hundreds of years ago, and it was the best decision I ever made. I am happy that you can find this blessing in your life, Lord Jake.

Jake smiled at Valtor. Thanks, Valtor. Whos officiating the wedding, anyway? Theres nobody on the platform.

Rookard nodded to the platform, as the auril in the area began to stir. I believe it should be known in just a moment.

Amara, Avina, and Nadessa appeared to be joining as bridesmaids. Rhia held a flower basket, and was actually wearing a cute pink dress over her armorso he assumed she was the flower girl.

Dahlia was first to march up the aisle, to sit in the first row and show her support of the union.

Jake watched the platform with his new Umbral Gaze. In the area with thousands of different people of various races, there were countless energies drifting into the air, but he was able to ignore them to focus on what he wanted.

Auril and mana began to gather into an extremely dense cloud far beyond what Jake could control, before it formed a figure.

From the feet to the head, a body was constructed, an avatar of some kind. As they appeared in motes of light, Jake understood who it was.

Claps came from the crowd, as the Heart of the World appeared. To Jake, she looked like an adult large dryad mixed with a reindeer parentage beastkin, wearing a black, green, and gold dress made of vines and flowers.

The beautiful pale green woman floated an inch off the ground, almost as if standing proudly with a soft smile. Thankfully, she did not come out as large as she had been when he first met her, when they removed the curse of the death god from the stem.

Her voice was proud yet gentle, but like magic, carried across the crowd. Greetings, and welcome, people of Highlands, and special guests. I am Avalara, but all have come to know me as the Heart of the World. We are gathered here today for a momentous occasion. A joining of lovers in holy matrimony, and an acceptance of responsibility.

She looked over the many guests, as she continued, Highlands has suffered from attacks by horrible wickedness for a thousand years, only now winning against this great evil. It has changed in the conflict, but it has grown through its struggle to become more. Peoples from across the cosmos have arrived, seeking its succor, and to join as brethren against a common enemy.

But that enemy has not yet been defeated. Perhaps, it never will be. Evil and darkness will always fester, always lurk where good does not cast its light. It is for this reason that Highlands needs a shining beacon of hope. Heroes that will always banish the darkness, destroying any evil that casts its gaze on our world and its people. With that in mind, let us begin. Let our first hero be revealed, followed by his heroic brides to be.

A drumming began to play from the side of the stage, a tribal chanting accompanying it. Jake could feel the warmth of their voices, an excitement that appeared to drift into the air as the auril within the clearing began to stir further.

The auril hearts beating within the crowd drawing in the auril energy into the grotto made the air thick, a powerful vitality that lifted their spirits. Jake knew Tanda could hear their countless songs within her heart, and was filled with joy.

Jake also noticed Morwen and Bedwyr, along with many of their people. They were within a special barrier, that reduced the life energy in the area to allow them to more easily enjoy this moment.

Valtor said, Thats your cue. Since the families and circumstances involved are unique, so too will the ceremony be, Lord Jake.

Jake began his approach to the stand. As Jake marched up the center aisle, the many guests looked on with reverence. He could feel their respect as they clapped and hollered, their admiration for him something that, thanks to his Gaze, it was like he could see it in the air.

Arriving at the altar, Jake smiled and nodded at Avalara. She had chosen her name, and he thought it was based on Avalon, from the tale of King Arthur. It was a magical retreat, a place for healing. For being an entire worlds heart, he thought she was signaling that Highlands was meant to be the heros place of safety, his source of strength.

Jake would love to talk to her, but they were in the middle of a ceremony and it was not the time. Valtor, Seamus and Rookard came out behind him, and eventually fanned out next to Jake on the altar, turning and watching the aisle.

The bridesmaids entered, followed by the flower girl, Rhia. She seemed to be enjoying her task, throwing her mixed petals out as she floated down the aisle. Arriving with the rest of the procession, it appeared to be complete.

The music shifted, to something vaguely sounding like the bridal march. The first to exit the tent and enter the aisle was Fhesiah, being brought by Aisling. His first summon and love, she looked wonderful.

Her red and gold dress was filled with lace, a long length that touched the floor. Her black hair was done up in an elaborate bun, with various pins of gold. Fhesiahs hair up helped showcase her draconic horns, and her pale skin around her neck and chest.

She appeared to be floating down the walkway, and Jake realized that was actually true. At the top of the stairs, Aisling gave Fhesiah a quick kiss on her forehead before fluttering over to join the bridesmaids.

Fhesiah arrived across from Jake, her smile beaming. Jake could tell she loved all the attention from the crowd, but also his thoughts as he watched over his beautiful bride.

As their emotions for each other increased, he felt her hearth attracted to his own, and his in turn. In addition to his heart wanting to leap out of his chest, his hearth was almost literally doing this.

[Dont forget about the upcoming ravishing. I am excited about that part too.]

The music shifted, almost as if it began again, but different. Ophelia marched out with Tandas snow owl clan mother. When Jake saw her, he was shocked.

She was wearing a blue dress quite similar to Fhesiahs. But her massive golden wings were shocking, as even curved forward they spanned two meters in each direction, her wings forming a crescent. Then, her hair was also a brilliant gold, a sharp contrast to her original white.

Her wings and hair had a sort of spotting pattern of white and dark gold, that reminded him of an owl. There were also twofeathers in her hair that protruded from it, almost like antennae, that curved around and framed her face. She had an intricately braided hair into a looser ponytail in the back, and her dress was shoulderless, showing off her neck and shoulders.

But most prominent was the flame within her chest. Just above her cleavage was the same ring Jake had, her Divine Vajrafire Hearthian Core on display. Her Hearthian Presence washed over the crowd as she marched, her smile wide.

She was taller than before, and while Jake thought he had grown significantly, he thought she might be just a little taller than himself now by a small margin. Her longer legs glided down the aisle, and eventually, she reached the end as she walked up the stairs.

As Jake felt her Presence wash over him, it felt like he was protected. Ophelias profound loyalty for him washed over him, stirring the hearth in his chest. In addition to her loyalty to him, there was the feeling that the crowd likely feltwhich was her loyalty to her morals, a beacon of strength and righteousness.

Jake couldnt help but feel her wedding dress, like Fhesiahs, lookedqueenly, somehow. There were golden accents prominent on her blue lace dress, with a white gown layered underneath. She joined next to Fhesiah, and she smiled shyly at Jake.

Jake returned her smile with his own. You look amazing. I do like that you kept your beautiful blue eyes, but Id love them all the same.

[You like it? Theowl thing? Look?]

Sure? I suppose you were just a warrior woman with wings before, but they were kinda like a doves wings, before. They are just golden now instead of white, and larger. I suppose they look even more.bird like now. But you look stunning, like always. Why are you being shy again?

She hesitated a moment, and Jake couldnt help but notice her blush. Her hearth flames were also flickering toward Jakes, just like Fhesiahs were. It was just even more noticeable, since they were visible even to the crowd. Looking at her further with his Gaze, he thought he saw something at the back of her dress

[N-No reason. Oh! Here comes Blood and Berri.]

Turning back to watch the aisle, Bloodberri emerged from the tent, and the crowd let out a collective breath. She was even larger than before, and Timones hawk parentage wife looked tiny as she fluttered in the air next to her, holding her arm as she escorted her.

Bloodberri now had golden hair as well, with a golden snake body. Her dress was predominantly gold, but with a mixture of black, white, and gold lace. The spriggons in the crowd cheered loudly, shouting her name, as she snaked down the aisle with a preternatural grace and beauty.

Her hearth was prominent in her immense chest, her black and white flames flickering. Somehow, the flames looked much more stable than they were previously to Jake. The previous black and white flame was chaotic, almost swirling around one another, but this one appeared to be a close to static.

Her Hearthian Presence once again washed over the crowd, as she undulated up the aisle.

As Jake experienced her presence, it was like a powerful mother had entered the room. Jake knew it was a strong desire of both the girls to be an amazing mother, each with their own special ideas on what that meant. One, a selfless, loving mother, and the other, a noble mother that desired and enabled greatness for her children.

That strong desire was now influencing reality, making it the truth. An almost commanding presence also wafted off of her, along with Berris desire for happiness. For Jake only, was a feeling of devotion instead of the command.

Despite Jake having grown larger, their premonition about her growing too came true. Even though Jake had gotten close to her original three meter default-posture, she was now closer to four. She was even larger now, though not nearly as bad as his terrifying dream.

Jake just wryly smiled at how essentially, from his perspective, nothing had changed. He had gotten bigger, but so did she. Thanks to her tail becoming thicker, in many ways it felt like she had gotten even bigger than before.

Still, her beautiful golden hair was long, with a braided crown at the top. She had a serene smile on her face, as she ascended the stairs easily, to arrive across from Jake. He kind of missed her bone white hair, but thought the new change was beautiful as well.

Coiling her tail behind her and out of the way, Jake nearly chuckled at how large the coil was. The girls had a lot of tail, and Jake wondered what the final measurement was going to be.

As always, the twin-minded woman was beautiful. The black and white accents on their golden dress fit them well, her ample cleavage on display. Her waspish waist made her large thighs flare out, and Jake thought she looked extra sexy.

You two are breathtaking. Im so happy to have you both as my brides.

Berris smile grew wide. [Thanks, Jakey! I am so excited. Were going to marry a wonderful lord, with so many people watching, filled with happiness. I never thought we could be so happy. Even the children, they seem so excited for us.]

Blood chuckled in his mind. [Yes, my dear sister. We never knew we wanted a wedding, but it is truly going to be a magical moment, being wed to our lord husband in front of so many. Then, I can show my devotion to him forevermore, building our familys future together. I cannot wait.]

Last to walk out was Tanda with her father, Timone.

Her dress was black, purple and gold, and once again gave off a sort of regal air to it. Jake guessed it was the lack of white other than the bottom layer that peaked out the bottom of the dress, but overall, their dresses looked extra fancy, to him.

Jake thought Tandas paws coming out of the sleeves of her tight dress looked extra fluffy. Her usual almost wild mane of hair was done up with a look similar to Bloodberris, where there were braids of hair woven around the top of her head, but her hair was straightened beautifully.

Her hearthian presence washed over the crowd, her desire for her people to find harmony and happiness nearly making it so. Within her presence was also the feeling of a fierce huntress, an enemy of the wicked.

Only those with evil in their hearts would feel threatened, the rest feeling reassured that such a protector was nearby.

Arriving at the stage, Timone kissed Tandas forehead and moved to the side, and the last in the procession was complete. As before, Jakes hearth and hers sought to make a connection, her black flames dancing as her heart pulsed underneath it.

It seemed with her recent advancement, her Auril Heart and hearthivy vines formed a single system, making them in truth a singular organ.

Her soul and hearthivy vines drew in death from the void, igniting her deathly flames. But her auril heart fed on the deathly energy through the hunt, that energy being reborn as life energy as her heart beat.

You look amazing, my mate. I truly have five beautiful wives or mates, a very lucky and blessed man.

All the girls beamed, and behind the stage, the idols of the divine lit up, and Jake could tell that they were watching. If Jake had to guess, they didnt make a huge showing of it, as it might detract from the girls and their special day.

Avalara smiled where she stood behind the altar. Now the hero is here, and his heroic brides to be. Before us stands not just a groom and his brides, but a harmonious gathering of souls, bonded by a thread of fate stronger than life or death itself. We are here to celebrate their union, to share in their moment and witness the meeting of their hearts as one.

Now, let us seal this union, their bonds forged in the fires of destiny. Witnessed by their beloved community and the divine. Let us have the necklaces and the ring.

Jake raised his brow at the idea of wearing a necklace. They had flames billowing off the center of their chests! Still, he supposed that the necklace could sit a little higher, the bottom of the flaming ring sat just above their cleavage.

A spriggon carried a pillow up through the aisle, jabbering and laughing all the while. It was wearing a miniature black tux, and it brought the pillow in front of Jake. Avalara motioned for him to grab the pillow, so he did. The spriggon moved to the back of the procession, Berri giving the creature a smile and a nod.

The necklaces were the same as he had forged for them, though the ring for Jake was somewhat of a surprise.

Mated necklaces are a representation of the beastkins culture, a signal to the community that a woman has found her mate and joined a family, a new clan. A symbol of their love, a proof of their connection.

She gestured to Jake, to begin placing the necklaces on his wives. She continued as Jake did so, giving each girl a kiss on the lips as he did. By placing these necklaces on his beloveds necks, witnessed by the divine and the community, they will be bound in holy matrimony for all time. By accepting his necklace, they are accepting and returning his protection and his love, their responsibilities as wives, mates, and as clan members.

Each necklace sat high on their necks, just above their flames. As he kissed each of his wives, their flames leapt at each other, forming a connection. While Fhesiahs couldnt be seen by the crowd, their flames connected just the same. When they did, he felt each of his wifes passion and love for him, their desire and happiness for both the event and the personal celebration of their union soon to come.

There was an edge to their emotions that Jake already knewthat there was still more to come.

With that, this union is witnessed and sealed. Our lovely heroes are now joined in holy matrimony for all time.

Jake returned to his place, and looked down suspiciously at the ring. What happened to that?

Avalara continued, The Framework has deemed Baron Jake Hart the Planetary Ruler of Highlands. This allows him to act on its behalf for its protection, to fight and make decisions for the good of the world in the War against Tartarus. But it does not allow him to lead us, to guide us like a Chieftain leads his Tribe.

Timone walked to the altar, and stood next to Avalara.

For hundreds of years, our people have been against the gathering of power. Our tribes were led by a Chieftain, a clan meant to protect and lead the many clans in protecting the balance. To unite more under a single banner meant to grow their desire and greed. And when a chiefs greed grew, it grew along with the taint, the curse of the death god.

But that curse on this world has ended, by the very heroes you see before you. Going forward, we need these heroes to be a beacon of hope, to take on the responsibility of leadership to protect Highlands forevermore.

The world has changed, being transformed, baptized in the flames of war. New peoples have joined as brethren: the Elysians, the Emberborn, the Eternum, and Warrior Brotherhood. The Heart of the World, the ravenwolf, the lion, the wolf, and the stag tribes have each helped protect the balance for a thousand years. They are here today along with the leaders of our new brethren, and they all agree: that Jake Hart and his wives should rule Highlands as Kings and Queens, to continue their task protecting the balance in this new conflict. Highlands must transform once again, guided by our saviors and heroes!

The crowd clapped and cheered, the beastkins auril hearts beating heavily. They gave our wordless cries of praise, a near-full agreement and acceptance. Their songs echoed within the clearing, the auril in the area stirring. The warmth given off by their approval touched Jakes heart, and filled his wives with pride.

Avalara was the one to continue, giving Jake a knowing smile. This duty and responsibility is heavy, millions of lives on Highlands hanging in the balance. But our hero has already given his Oath to protect Highlands for all time, witnessed by the Framework, Hestia, and the thousands within Cascadia.

She continued, Crowning Baron Jake Hart as King shows our unity, our harmony as a people in deciding to put our faith in our savior, to submit ourselves to his strength and leadership. Because the people of Highlands know in their heart of hearts that Baron Jakes strength will lead them to victory in their darkest hour, just as he had done before.

Avalara gave him a large smile and a nod. Something about Avalaras message felt like she was talking about herself, rather than just all the people of Highlands. To Jake, this ceremony was kind of weird. It was kind of like he was marrying the world.

All four girls floated the ring into the air with their will alone, the tiny ring rising from the pillow Jake was holding. The auril within the area stirred and converged toward the ring, and Jake could tell Avalara was definitely one of many driving this. The many auril heroes, especially Timone and his wives, sent their auril into the tiny object.

It began to grow, until it became a crown. A crown of vines and metal, with Celtic knots and symbols for the many Divine and tribes involved in Highlands salvation, lining its outside.

It floated in the air in front of him. Waiting for him to accept it.

When Jake became Hestias Champion, she voiced his dream aloud. She told him that by becoming it, that he could matter in the world and make a difference. That people would need him, and that he would be wanted.

Having a family with people that loved him was also a desire or dream of his and was already achieved by Fhesiah and Ophelia, but that didnt exclude his other goals for his life, his other dreams.

This ceremony was a symbol, an actualization of his dream being achievedthe reason he was willing to put his life on the line, to sacrifice his effort and struggle with facing the great enemy by becoming Hestias Champion. Even though he never voiced it aloud, his wives knew this down to their very soul, that in many ways, this was something that Jake wanted.

Of course, when Jake pictured accomplishing his goal or dream originally, he thought maybe he would run a soup kitchen or something of that scale. Hed have numerous people in the community that were filled with gratitude for his efforts, and people that cared about him, happy that he was a member of their communityand perhaps, some that even needed and relied on him.

This was simply a much grander scale, a dream achieved where he became the person, along with his loving wives, his queensthat mattered the most. That millions of his new beastkin, Elysian, Emberborn, and Eternum brethren, had agreed they wanted and needed him.

Through all of Jakes efforts to improve himself and his wives, to empower all those around him, he had become the cornerstone, the nexus on which all the people of Highlands relied. Thanks to his efforts, they could definitely stand strongly on their ownbut they wanted him to continue to lead, to continue empowering them.

The responsibility was heavy. The amount of trust the people of Highlands were putting into Jake was far beyond what he ever imagined when he became Champion. But he knew this was only the beginning. He already earned two more worlds, after all.

He stepped forward, and the crown was lowered on to his head, guided by those in attendance and his wives. Jake accepted the weight and responsibility, the duty of wearing the crown as king of Highlands.

The crowd cheered once more, clapping and roaring. The new king was selected, the responsibility one that would way heavily on Jakes shoulders. But having his queens at his side, he knew he could take on any challenge.

Avalara smiled. Now, let us celebrate our new Kings and Queens on their union and our victory over the terrible enemy, our freedom. Rejoice!

The stage shifted even as the crowd continued their roars in happiness and in excitement, and vines began growing out of it, with various implements for food and drink. Staff exited the large tent in the back, trays of food and drink. Vines constructed even more furniture, many tables for holding numerous people forming almost out of thin air, but from seeds in the ground, Jake realized.

Music began playing again, this one much more dance-like than that which was played during the procession. The procession began to leave the stage, and Jake realized that the event had just become the reception.

Fhesiah came to Jakes side, wrapping her arm around him. Much more fun this way, huh?

Blood added, And efficient. No need to head to another venue, or to be filled with a bunch of stuffy portions of the ritual. I hope you liked it, milord.

Jake chuckled. I liked it, but I just noticed I didnt get to say anything, and neither did you girls.

Ophelia joined him at his side. Youre right, but it was a surprise, so it wouldnt have been right to put you on the spot. Besides, weve already said it all. Our hearths are proof, after all.

Tanda looked at all the people partying, enjoying the celebration. It could have used more singing, dancing, and fighting, but your peoples wedding is okay too, my mate. Lets go see our friends, and thenlater She blushed.

Berri nodded. Yes! Then itll be time to make babies together! I cant wait.

Fhesiahs smile was wolfish, as she leered at each of the girls and Jake. Yes, I can hardly wait too. Well all enjoy our lord husband together.

Ophelia blushed. W-Why do you always have to make it weird?

Fhesiah chuckled. Its you thats making it weird, for you. Whats wrong about us all enjoying our husband?

Jake decided to thank Avalara, but it seemed her avatar had, at some point, been disbursed. He had wanted to talk to her.

Tanda told him, O-Oh, she told me to tell you that she would reach out to us soon. She has numerous things to work on, so just enjoy our relaxation for now.

Jake shrugged, and focused on the people in front of him for now. They would thank their community for coming, and celebrate their union. Then, celebrate together later.

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