Bonded Summoner

Book 5. Chapter 29: Adornment

Book 5. Chapter 29: Adornment

Jake was working on his various projects within his lab. He was working on a less conditional mana fontone that would have a more open design, allowing even hisimmense wife to use it.

There were various limitations for items that could be brought in the Raid. He would have to be mindful of how many items they could bring, and what types. It appeared Ophelias semi-sentient shield, Bloodberris semi-alive shapeshifting weapon, and Fhesiahs magical torch were of a special type that allowed for only one per person.

That same slot was taken up by Jakes Mana Font, and potentially his shield once he finished it. Thankfully, Tandas weapon wasnt considered the same as Bloodberris, despite being capable of transforming. He may need her to carry it for him so that he could use his slot for his shield.

Jake and the girls armor had to be re-enchanted. He was able to use a special game-like item to remove the previous ones, and easily enchant them again. Removing all the nordic runes from them, it should no longer be possible for them to be inhibited like they were before.

He now had what he thought was a potent mixture of runes in the Highlands language, and demonic runes, in a layered approach. Each girl now had auril beast leather bodysuits underneath their armor.

Jake went to take out his chest piece to have another quick look at it, and he frowned. Where is it?

Fhesiahs voice echoed in his mind, [Aw, we hoped you wouldnt check until it was completely ready. I suppose now is as good a time as any. Just give Ophelia a few minutes and meet us in the living room? Meet us in your Tribal Elder outfit.]

Jakes eyebrows rose in surprise. What was she doing to his armor?

He cleaned up his workspace and got dressed, and came to the living room as she bid him. Wearing the tribal elder outfit, he now had his leather bracers and odd headdress, along with the red vest and shorts he had worn to a few of the parties and other events.

The girls were waiting for him, all wearing the same tribal attire and beaming smilesas usual, Tandas tail was practically buzzing behind her.

Whats all this?

It was Tanda that responded, We hadnt had much time until now, but we finally had some time to get organized. We made your adornments!


Fhesiah smiled. Of course, we wanted to coordinate! Ive seen plenty of adornments in Cascadia, and they often follow a sort of theme. Clans focused on woodworking might make wooden badges, while hunters might just show off trophies from their prey from each of their mates.

Ophelia added, Then the avian beastkin often use feathers from their mates and other trinkets, and weve all seen the idols. We wanted to make some for at home, and for in battle. So we have two sets.

She took out his chest piece, and he saw that around the odd orb that was held in the center, there were spots for five circular objects to fit in place now. She placed it next to him on the couch.

Fhesiah came over, and presented hers first. It seemed to be a leather badge, that reminded him of a little chibi caricature of herthat is, a sort of deformed miniature of herself, meant to look cute more than anything else.

The image looked like she was somehow both a dragoness and a kitsune at the same time, wearing her robes, with her hips cocked to the side. She was holding a heart-shaped flame in one hand and a potion in the other, her big golden eyes having a teasing look.

He supposed this was depicting his passionate sage in some way. This is great, I love it.

Tanda gripped his beast-hide bracer, then used her auril to form slots for the badges with a wink. Then, Fhesiah placed her coin-like badge inside.

Fhesiah then placed the coin inside Jakes chest piece. It depicted a kitsune animal with dragon wings and horns, and a flame in the center beneath its head, along with depictions of the sun and moon.

Fhesiah gave him a loving hug and a kiss, before stepping to the side. Ophelia presented her chibi next, slotting it inside his bracer. It was a cute version of her, holding a shield and what looked like a smithing hammer.

She had a determined look, that on the caricature looked especially cute. This easily depicted his loyal guardian.

This is cute, just like you, Lia.

The coin was a winged shield, that had a bolt of lightning and flames surrounding it. She blushed as she placed it inside the chest piece, then she too gave him a loving hug which wrapped him in her softness and warmth, before kissing him and stepping aside.

Bloodberri presented their caricature next. It was them, wearing both a crown and

Is that an ankh baseball bat?

Berri nodded. Mmmhmm! Its pretty cool. I had to include that saint thingy somehow.

There were depictions of beasts on her snake tail, which was coiled up underneath and next to her. Andan egg on top of her coil. This one was a little all over the place, but depicting a radiant saint and devoted monarch in a chibi seemed challenging.

They slotted it in his bracer, as Blood floated the coins into the chest piece as well.

The coins featured a black and a white snake, one wearing a crown and the other an ankh-bat. Jake enjoyed Bloodberris loving embrace, and a quick kiss, before allowing Tanda to show hers.

Her adornment was again a chibi caricature of her, this one dancing with her crescent moon spear. Plants grew around her, with Harmony Peaks in the background. She slotted it to his bracer, then added the coin to the chest piece. It had a wolf with raven wings, and there was a spear in front of it. The symbol for auril was present; the triskele with a heart.

There. Now you really look like a proper Chieftain!

Jake raised his brow. I didnt before?

She blushed. T-Theres no such thing as a Chief without mates! 4, or 5 is low for oneat least for a Chief as young as you. Still, the world is changing, and I know you arent beastkin. Im happy you are taking part in my peoples customs!

Fhesiah and the rest of the girls smiled at Tanda, and Jake chuckled. Im happy to meet you halfway. Thanks, girls. Ill wear my adornments proudly.

They all hugged and kissed him again, each taking their turns hugging both Jake but also each other. Fhesiah interrupted the silence. Well, its about time for us to get moving. Harmony Peaks is having a minor festival.

What for?

Tanda beamed. Were welcoming the Elysians! Most of them had arrived in battle, and many hadnt even gotten to see their final destination yet, the growing World Tree. The Ravenwolf Tribe wanted to have a bit of a party to both celebrate the many victories in the war, and to welcome the Elysians to their new homes. Their resurrection timers have all completed.

Heading through the portal, Jake was shocked when they arrived outside the HQ. The entire location had already been vastly transformed.

Originally, a vast plaza with just a few saplings and open space sat just outside the portal area. It was now filled with much larger trees lining the outside. Plants and vines grew everywhere, and naiads played and sang in a massive fountain.

Lanterns were lit everywhere on long hanging vines, with music and singing drifting into Jakes ears. Wonderful smells of cooking meats and vegetables entered his nose, and he saw thousands of people making merry.

Oh! Dont you think we should summon our friends, so they can enjoy the party, too? They only come out for battles, Tanda said, her tail wagging.

Ophelia smiled. Great idea, Tanda! I think Valora would really enjoy being here. She summoned Valora, and the powerful longma appearing in motes of light.

[We ride?]

No, we party! The people are here to thank those for fighting and celebrate victory, and to welcome the Elysians to Highlands.

Valora took on the vast crowds and happenings with interest, but nuzzled against Ophelia and moved to walk alongside her. Tanda joined her in the petting and praising of the creature.

Jake went ahead and summoned Jasmina, realizing she would definitely want to explore.

Berri patted Jasminas snout. There are a bunch of the naiads in the fountain there, I think theyll all enjoy your singing. Well bring you some food later!

Jasmina looked at Jake, and felt a little worried at so much happening. Go ahead, Jasmina. Youre protected by the Framework now. Everyone should know youre an ally, and if you need anything, I can call you right away.

She seemed to understand his sentiment, but Blood reiterated it with the same words, and that caused the meaning of the words to click for the naga siren.

Jasmina snaked off, heading to the fountain. He saw her join the naiads easily, the many little girls quickly opening up to the overwhelmingly large creature.

Jake worked to summon one of the heroic beasts. He probed his connection to the three strange beings, trying to determine if any of them wanted to come and enjoy a celebration. Bree accepted his probing, the other two shying away from it, if not outright rejecting it with a sneer.

That last emotion was a little strange, but since Bree was willing, he put that at the back of his mind.

He summoned Bree, the large boar appearing in motes of light. As her auril heart beat powerfully, many of the beastkin took notice right away as her song joined them.

Bree looked over the many people enjoying the party, before looking at Jake and giving a light bow of the head.

Jake really wasnt sure what to make of her behavior. He tried to probe her about his many questions he had for her. Since youre herewhats with you and Ainora and Isolyn? Are you three related?

Bree froze, and almost shook, in response. He felt the Framework sort of descend, the air becoming thick with an unknown energy. Jake realized that this creatures ability to communicate with him was limited, perhaps like how Fhesiah was limited originally. He decided to change the topic, before something bad happened.

Im sure many of the beastkin would be happy to feed a venerated heroic beast. Or, you can come enjoy the party with us?

Dozens of spriggons were waiting off to the side for Bloodberri and Bree both, and they charged in, jabbering and cheering all the while. Many surrounded Bree and even began climbing her, which she didnt appear to mind at all.

Berri addressed them, Hello, forest friends! Have you been being good?

The dozens of them smiled and nodded as they jabbered, and Jake could have sworn he heard a few words of speech that he almost recognized, even beside Bloodberris name. He wasnt sure, but it appeared the creatures were learning.

Jake was certain that they had all increased in strength, however. Many had joined the Ravenwolf Tribe in their assault of the West, and some had started joining parties accomplishing incursions.

As Jake understood it, the creatures were not able to have a true class, but they could learn magic. They could rapidly grow restricting vines, and often used magic that quickly overwhelmed the senses for a brief instant, stunning most monsters.

One in the lead stood forward, with a crown made of black and white flowers. It presented it to them.

Berri smiled. For me? Oh! Youre so nice. Thank you. Blood floated them onto her head, using telekinesis.

The spriggons were filled with joy, clapping and dancing. Blood smiled at them. Thank you so much for your help. The beastkin and Elysians are always telling me how good youve been. We are proud to call you friends.

The creatures became even more fervent. Berri confirmed with Jake and the rest that she could head off and play for a time. There were dozens of beastkin children not far away playing, and so she left to enjoy herself.

To Jakes surprise, Bree and Valora went off with them. He noticed that some of the spriggons ran off to where they were handing out cooked meat, likely to obtain some for the creatures.

Tandas tail was wagging as she watched them. It looks like they are going to pamper them both along with Bloodberri!

Jake was happy to see them in their element. Blood enjoyed playing with the children a little less, and probably wanted to be at Jakes side more than she liked playing with the kids. However, it appeared she had more than one reason for acquiescing to her sisters demands.

Fhesiah said, Thats a shame about Bree, huh? Just when we thought we would get some answers. I wonder if well have much better luck once this world has completed its Trial. Restrictions loosen even further when we reach the next Tier as well.

Jake nodded. I suppose well just have to be patient. They are clearly a special entity to be restricted in this wayjust like you were, at first.

Fhesiah gave Jake a quick kiss on the cheek. Ill go meet with Aisling and Nadessa, so I can leave you three together. You kids have fun! Us old ladies will spend some time together for a bit.

It appeared they were letting them go on a mini date, and this was the reason why Blood hadnt fought Berri to stick around with their lord.

Tanda, Ophelia and Jake were soon to have their dual cultivation activities together, and so it was them being thoughtful about them spending a little time togetherjust the three of them.

They began walking through the large festival grounds, Jake flanked by his two wives.

The many beastkin and Elysian people were seen all over getting to know one another. There was dancing and singing, and once again, much food about. While the Elysians didnt much need to eat, he did see them snacking on fruits and drinking various beverages.

There were even some Adventurers present, and Jake spotted many from Hearthtribe.

Tanda smiled at Ophelia. What did you want to see? There should be a roost jousting competition, but I bet they are going to try to be a little inclusive. Maybe the treants will act as moving roosts? That would be fun!

Jake and Ophelia asked at the same time, Roost jousting?

Yeah! Like you saw the kids playing roost tag, those poles with the places to stand on? But with spears!

Jake frowned, thinking of them. The roosts had resembled a sort of coat rack, but those were only a few feet up. To do something where someone could fall a great distance seemed reckless. Soundsdangerous.

Tanda laughed. They have padding! Both on the spear, but also a net below to catch them. Its fun to watch! The roosts allow for you to attack from many angles rapidly, using our auril enhanced legs to launch ourselves from the roosts in quick bursts.

Ophelia smiled. That does sound like fun! I bet you were really outstanding at it.

Tanda shook her head. Nope! I was terrible. I only beat those that were not at the same level.

Ophelia asked, Whys that? I thought you are quite the warrior compared to your peers.

Tanda twisted her body, showing her wagging tail. Because of this! Those tail feathers help a lot for altering your flight in subtle ways.

Jake noted, I bet your flaps, or cape would help with that, though. You know, I bet Fhesiah could change your tail for you to a ravens if you really wanted.

Tanda gasped, and held her tail protectively and gave Jake a hurt look. W-What? No!

Ophelia laughed, as she rubbed Tandas back. Youre always complaining about it, but now you fight to protect it? You know, Jake was just trying to help.

Tanda giggled, as she rejoined Jake and Ophelia on their walk. Youre right, I guess it justshocked me. Iam fond of it. I did want to get it under control, but its always been part of me. Plus, I can tell Jake thinks its cute.

He chuckled. It is, and you are. The hearth bond conveys our feelings, so we can feel things like your honest feelings, but theres something endearing about your body being honest too.

Ophelia looked thoughtful. I also dont have those tail feathers, but my wings are half magic. They have special control over my flight, almost like Fhesiah has.

Tanda smirked. Yeah, but maybe you could still use some tail feathers! Fhesiah told me youd like to shoot them out of your

Ophelia blushed. J-Just when did she tell you about that? Dont you tease me too!

Tanda laughed, as she hugged Ophelia tightly. We only do it because youre so cute!

Jake smiled at the two girls. Shes right. Well, if you end up with tail feathers, I wont mind. Youll still be the same amazing woman that I love.

Ophelias blush was still prominent, as she touched her two index fingers together. It appeared she was still worried about something. W-What about, if I end up with a beak? Will you still love me?

Jakes eyes grew wide at the implications, but he answered confidently. Till the end of time. But he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, and looked her in her blue eyes. This was like if a girl asked you if she was fine with her putting on extra weight or something, but a million times stranger.

B-but, I uhh Definitely wouldnt mind if you used Fhesiahs help toput you back the way you are more comfortable with.

Ophelia and Tanda both laughed at their joke, Jake now realizing that it was a bit of a setup.

Tandas tail was wagging furiously. We got em! Jake is cute too. He looked as if he saw a ghost.

That was funny. Jake, I promise if I somehow evolve to have a beak or something super weird like my body all covered in feathers, to let Fhesiah put me back to normal. I know how much you like my face as it is! Ophelia smiled, and kissed Jake on the cheek.

Yup! And I know you wont like me having too much fur, or the mouth of a wolf. I definitely want my mate to desire me, so Ill make that same promise.

Jake did remember the play, and the heavy beast blood people were a bit of a stretch for his ability to be attracted to them. It was reassuring that Fhesiah would handle any significant changes.

Ill return that promise to you, though I think Hestia is definitely going to watch out for us. If I end up with any weird things, Ill have Fhesiah take care of them.

Ophelia rolled her eyes. I dont know, I think shes all too excited about you maybe getting some tentacles. She might throw a bit of a tantrum if you just got rid of them. I think shell at the very least want you to give them a test drive first.

Tanda frowned in confusion. Why? Why would she want Jake to have tentacles?

Ophelia whispered in Tandas wolf ear, causing her eyes to bulge comically before her face was filled with a cute blush. She covered her face with her paws. I-If theyre my matesand he liked it, maybe?

They spent some time watching the roost jousting, the two girls clapping and cheering at each battle. He could see Ophelia would enjoy participating in the sport, likely needing to avoid using her Technique to have a real challenge.

Tanda hugged Ophelia with her tail wagging. Youd be really great at this! Id like to see you jousting on Valora.

Valora would like that too. Maybe some day Seamus can set up that kind of thing, Ophelia said, thinking of all the events she would like to participate in there.

Lets get something to eat? Well check on Valora and Bree.

The three continued their date, enjoying their time together. Bree and Valora were being all but worshiped and pampered by the spriggons and beastkin alike, as they listened to their songs.

Fhesiah got juicy gossip from Aisling and Nadessa, while Blood and Berri met with the many children, and the numerous spriggons that seemed to worship them. Despite looking like children, the dryads had little interest in playing with children outside of their own.

They spent much of their time riding in the boughs of their treant husbands, meeting the many beastkin and joining them in song and dance. The satyrs and fauns seemed to get along with the beastkin especially, at least looking the part. Despite lacking an auril heart, the beastkin people were welcoming of them.

Still, many of them joined in the singing and dancing, the Elysians mixing among the beastkin. Valtor and his people were there, along with many of the Warrior Brotherhood.

Morwen and Bedwyr were heading to the frozen tundras up north, to scout out their future home and see if there were many nethril warriors to meet.

Most likely, another HQ would go there before the next major conflict on Highlands.

What a great party. You girls ready to head back? Jake looked over at his lovers fondly, having enjoyed their little date.

Ophelia nodded with a bit of a blush. Im ready. Well become stronger together, and have a bit of fun.

Thats the spirit, Lia! Lets take care of our mate, together.

They headed back to their Refuge, ready to enjoy and level up for the rest of their evening.

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