Bonded Summoner

Book 5. Chapter 12: Greater Rift Assault

Book 5. Chapter 12: Greater Rift Assault

Dinosaurs and beastkin marched in front of Jake, fighting through the undead. Jakes powerful [Aura of Heavenly Flames] enveloped them, enabling the powerful creatures and Auril Heroes to easily fight through their foes.

Everything was going smoothlytoo smoothly. They had cleared four large Rifts and many smaller ones, divvying up the assault to the various parties within their massive Battlegroup.

It had taken them three days after Jakes Hearth enchantments fighting to the Greater Rift, and it was now in view.

There was static in their headsets now, but there was still no sign of the enemy Champions. As things went, they were cutting things kind of close. Closing this Rift, if the other took just as long, would put them pretty low on time to strike the other Greater Rift in time before it spawned.

Still, Jake was confident in a mad dash to the other Greater Rift. Having defeated this one, they would be able to easily focus their assault on the other, as this was accelerating the Conquest within the entire continent.

By clearing it, it would free up all the warriors here and around the continent, and they could swarm the final Greater Rift. Finally, the borderline airships would allow them to arrive rapidly to reinforce Morwens people.

If the worst happened and Jakes party somehow failed, the beastkin had been given the orders to retreat and hole up at the HQs.

This should be able to buy Jakes party enough time to resurrect, the conquest progress positive enough. Jake was confident in their success though, or at least a partial one.

He had a hard time imagining how the enemy could accomplish a full sweep of his party, without losses of their own. A Champion or two would not be enough to beat the Alliances overwhelming presence, combined with their drastic lead.

A Tier 2 Boss-type enemy would be of a major concern, but it would have to traverse the world to reach Harmony Peaks or Cascadia, something that would take time on its own. Then, the Elysians combined with tens of thousands of beastkin and Adventurers was not a battle that would end in just a few days.

But his enemy was one that liked to counter pick, and so his party was wary about entering the Greater Rift. Tanda had spent enough time in the Refuge since the previous summoning of Cernunnos that she was capable of calling the god once more.

Then, Jake had been ready to call Hestia for quite some time.

Jake learned his Champion party would have a unique situation when entering the Greater Rift. Usually, it would be a Battlegroup of 25 members. However, since Jakes party was five Champions even with three prospective, it would just be his party of five allowed to enter.

Vesuvius reptile tribe had now swelled to having over a hundred Auril Heroes. Between them linking up and discovering other tribes, and their own people reaching the first Tier, his force was becoming much more formidable.

The average level of those not already Auril Heroes was close to ready to take on the Trial, many waiting until these Rifts were cleared before doing so. Dozens had completed their Trials, with very few having failed.

They would advance, but without their increased potential. Part of what they would receive when successful was their abilities immediately evolving or advancing, rather than having to increase them on their own.

Others it seemed they were sort of waiting for the Contest to be completed, where their entire Race would complete their Trial and join in truth. Having classes assigned, part of their reward would be then.

When the Raid completed, Tanda would be able to receive her class, and she would change significantly. Most likely, her abilities earned would be just as many as Ophelia and Jake received, or she would receive powerful ones.

In the coming months, Jake bet they would have thousands of Auril Heroes. Thinking about a strong partys impact on places like Ariminum, he was excited to see what kind of impact the beastkin had on the overall war in the Sector.

Despite many of his people just barely being over level ten aside from the ex-tribal leaders, Jake would put money on Vesuviuss Auril Heroes being able to defeat Antoniuss Battlegroup before.

They were backed up by Takoda and his Auril Heroes, and dozens of powerful dinosaurs. Then, their various archers and javelin throwers, his massive tribe was now at a whole new level.

They had found a tribe of turtle beastkin, as well as a tribe of frog parentage in their underground treks, adding hundreds of new allies. The frog parentage leaped over enemies and allies alike, allowing for interesting assaults, while the turtle parentage were excellent at defense.

Both tribes had lizard parentage, which often grew, and there were various dinosaur types interspersed among them. Jake found these beastkin fascinating, frequently having more gods blood within them.

Fighting through the Rifts, the tribes cleared the undead without issue. On this assault, Jakes party spent nearly no mana, resting up for their final attack. Now that this Rift was cleared, they were ready to go in.

The large portal sat in a large clearing, almost directly next to the heavily wooded jungle.

Vesuvius looked at Jake on Bloodberris back with worry. Are you sure we shouldnt stick around, Chief Jake? You said if enemies arrive while youre inside, to make a fighting retreat instead.

We suspect that there could be a trap, Vesuvius. Whether it be for my party or this Battlegroup, nobody is safe. Your duty isnt to protect us, but to ensure you can defend Lakemere or our headquarters should we fail. If a Tier 2 Boss spawns with reinforcements attacking this portal, defending against it at the city walls with all your forces is our best chance. My understanding is we wont be in there for long, win or lose. Anywhere from thirty minutes to several hours at most.

Jake had some confidence of being able to escape just about any army, anyway. It was only the enemy Champions that could do something beyond the norm. Moreover, Fhesiah and Ira had doubts about them hiding more than a small group of people. They already checked for miles.

Vesuvius nodded. The static on the headsets is even more now. There is clearly something happening, and we cant count on any scouts to report back.

Blood said to Jake, We really dont have a choice but to proceed, if this Greater Rift isnt cleared, the enemy will be empowered soon instead. Well just have to push forward. On the other hand, we have to consider why there must be static on the headsets. The enemy could be moving on our other holdings.

Jake said to Vesuvius, Prepare the airships, in case you guys need to get out of here to help, or control the encounter. Mobility might serve you well.

Vesuvius called down the airships. Each had a powerful ballista like the ones they had out East, but larger.

The blimps now looked like flying boats, and were made of auril wood. Various scripts and auril-based runes were inscribed throughout, providing a weight reduction and hardening.

They carried far more people each, but enhanced by powerful Auril Heroes and Awakened Warriors, the odd rowing oars with Jakes enchantments helped move it speedily.

The only real disadvantage was that they could not be stowed away in [Storage Bracelets]. At least not for now, or without a [Storage Ring] which could hold larger objects.

Fhesiah and Ira were both searching for a hidden enemy, and coming up empty in their searches. They would just have to go in.

As they approached the portal, Jake definitely felt an ominous feeling. It was not the same as the will of the world warning them, but something else.

Fhesiah sighed in Jakes mind. [It is possible the enemy is here, but they are using an advanced artifact or technique to hide. I think if the Champions are not inside, we must assume an ambush will be waiting for us when we get out, or they are hitting Lakemere, Cascadia, or Lifes Haven. It seems foolish to wait for us to attack the other Greater Rift, our Conquest Progress will be far too close to victory. We would respawn before their Conquest could possibly be completed after completing this one.]

This was the path that Jake had chosen. He had empowered the beastkin as much as possible, brought in the Elysians, giving them a home. Even the Eternum would fight to defend their holdings.

While Jakes party needed to win here, they had some confidence in their allies. Even if they lost, this wasnt the end. Still, they would fight as if it were, never showing any weakness.

Outside the portal, Jake received the prompt about the appropriate party size. As expected, his party would take all the allotted slots.

Jakes party entered the portal, the Greater Rift event beginning.

On the other side, Jakes party arrived within a giant gatehouse. A dome-shaped translucent barrier covered it, keeping them from flying over the gate.

[Welcome to the Greater Rift Challenge. Your Challenge: Capture, Control, and Conquer.]

[Rules: There are five notable locations on this map, called Bases. Each Base has a flag, and starts the match unowned. By standing within the circle at the Base you can capture it for your team. The more party members within the circle, the faster it will be captured.]

[Each Base owned by a team will generate points. This is multiplicative based on each base the team owns; the more locations owned simultaneously, the faster points are generated. Capture and Control the most Bases for the longest to Conquer your enemy.]

[Note: The Center Base is worth more points. However, enemies will spawn and attack those that Control it.]

[Respawning is enabled within the challenge! Should you die, your body will respawn at the gatehouse within five minutes. Divine Energy will not be replenished, and other exotic energy types will only be restored more rapidly within the Gatehouse. Mana is restored at a x5 Rate, but also replenished significantly on respawn.]

[Battle begins: 10 minutes.]

There were additional rules written on some glyphs, many not pertaining to Jakes party. There were some concerning notes about various strange abilities.

One noted that a target mind controlled or heavily restrained for more than two minutes would be considered dead and forced to respawn.

There were many like this, and it was hard to keep track of all of them as they wrapped around the gatehouse. However, it appeared the rules were meant to keep things fair in terms of one team unable to win the fight a single time and declare victory.

It was designed around the idea that a team could respawn and with a majority of their mana or resources replenished, win over the enemy team and reclaim a Base, or two. A team would have to be significantly stronger than the other to perform a full sweep with ease.

One rule that did affect Jakes party with how they fought, was that temporary Summons and Tamed creatures could not capture a point by themselves. However, they could hold one and keep it from becoming contested, and aid or accelerate in its capture.

Another was related to storage bracelets. It appeared aside from minor restorative items and ammunition, they wouldnt be allowed to bring anything out beyond their marked equipment.

His party quickly marked everything they would be bringing out, and they quickly found a limit to this. They were allowed special accessories or equipment, but it was restricted.

Fhesiah could only mark her Torch, but couldnt add her Pill Furnacenot that she was particularly interested in using it in combat.

Jake was not reliant on his spell-rods thanks to his Champions Staff, but he would only be allowed one. They managed to mark various consumables, but even these had limits.

Summoning his Garuda, the large winged humanoid appearing in motes of light. Ophelia summoned Valora, her releasing a triumphant whinny as she arrived. It appeared she, in particular, was excited to join the battle.

Ophelia patted her side, as she mounted her. In this fight, mobility is important. Well run circles around them!

[We ride. For glory.]

Jake smiled at hearing Valoras voice through Ophelias link. He was happy that the summons would be able to join them here. The mana he used to summon the creature was replenished rapidly, and he guessed that even if he expended all his mana, it would take him under twenty minutes to replenish from completely empty.

Jake looked over the location they spawned at.

There was a massive valley in front of them, with three paths heading out of their gatehouse. Down the almost center was the first base, known as the South Base, just at the bottom of their hill.

Across the valley, nearly an entire mile away, the enemy team had the same called the North Base. It was clear that this was designed as a point that was easy for each respective team to hold. Any that died would be able to quickly reinforce this point.

To Jakes right, was an area that went into a deeper canyon. This East Base had low visibility in the approach, and since people could likely fly or float down at a minimum, could even be attacked from above.

The left path went up a higher mountain. This West Base had high visibility of the entire battlefield, and was much more wide open. Jake would much rather own this location than the canyon if he had a choice.

Beyond the location at the bottom of the path, the center, were three paths. There was a large rock formation up a hill or mountain, that had low visibility for Jake even from their gatehouse from above. It was like a giant stone keep.

Tanda looked over the battlefield. With most of us able to fly, we have a unique advantage.

Fhesiah said, Its an odd species of red goat demons we are facing. However, they have what looks likeOh my!

Jake did his best to look, but his [Arcane Eye] could not leave the barrier. At around an entire mile away, the figures were tiny to him. Fhesiahs Divine Sense couldnt go outside the barrier, so she was using her superior eyesight.

He thought his eyesight had improved as a High Human, but it appeared to not compare to the Dark Lamia or the Dragoness. Ophelia was similarly baffled, but looked on at the Framework scripts on the walls, overlooking the rules.

The only reason they could see the enemy gatehouse at all over the stone keep was because it was slightly offsetnot entirely straight ahead.

Blood said, They are sacrificing these creatures in a ritual. They are likeunicorn people?

Ophelia noted, The rules here say that ritual empowerment is possible, but those slain by the same team would not be resurrected for the duration of the battle. This is a one-time empowerment.

Fhesiah frowned. Disgusting. But they are not empowering themselves, instead summoning a terriblewraith-like creature.

Berri shrugged. No Champion though, right? Thats good news.

Jake grimaced. In a way it is, but it means our allies might be in trouble. The enemy is here to weaken us for the battle outside. Nowdo I summon Oran, or

Just as Jake was thinking that, the bond between him and Bree pulsed. He could feel her desire to join him in this decisive battle.

He looked to Fhesiah for more details on their enemies. The boar felt like a poor pick, to him.

She shrugged. I think these demon guys look like they are either users of fire or strong against fire, but the boar will be helpful against anything with her size. We also have to think about the battle after, too. Oran means Tanda can summon Cernunnos, right?

Tanda tried to find harmony with the world, Jake taking interest in what she could do. It took her longer, but it seemed she managed to connect.

Its like the Heart is so far away, but I can reach it! Still, I cant feel any guidance there. I think if the other heroic beasts arent longing to join, you should call Bree. Maybe she has some confidence for this battle.

Jake shrugged. He supposed he still had enough time to change his mind, and could indulge the creature. Gathering his Hearth mana, he summoned Bree. In motes of light, the Heroic Boar appeared once more. Only this time, she was larger.

Her vines on her body had advanced, woven in a strange armor along her body. The vines formed a woven basket skirt along her body, in an almost rainbow assortment of colors. There were more vine tendrils, and more flowers filled with flickering flames.

Jake imagined her silhouette would almost look eldritch, with all the vines waving off of her like tentacles.

Bree stood proudly, and for a moment Jake thought she was about to give him her usual attitude. Instead, she bowed to Jake, her expression apologetic. He felt her gratitude for calling her, before she fixed her gaze at the enemy.

His eyebrows were raised in surprisethis was a complete turnaround from the creatures previous behavior. He went ahead and added Divine Reinforcement to the Garuda, Valora, and Bree, as he thought about his strategy.

Clearly, the Garuda and Ophelia had exceptional mobility. Fhesiah and Tanda were certainly no slouches there, but they would not win a race against them of nearly any distance.

Of course, the creepy looking wraith, which was large enough that Jake could actually make out from this distance, was a concern. The enemy sacrificed 5 of their party members for the duration of the entire battle just to summon it.

Jakes party was smaller, and thus would take longer to conquer an individual base. It was a challenge to determine the best course of action. Still, he thought he had a decent plan within a moment.

Ophelia noted, It looks like as long as we own three points, we will win. The Center Base with the South one is simply not enough to earn more points and win.

Blood hummed. But the team that owns the center, they can easily reinforce and conquer a third point if the opportunity arises. I think the design is such. The West Base is higher in altitude, sure, but I doubt we are the only ones that can fly. They wear strange billowing cloaks.

Jake nodded. Letting them obtain the center and going for three bases ignoring it might seem smart, but I think thats riskythe center has that hidden advantage. Still, its somewhat balanced by the idea that creatures spawn and attack the owners. This is why after we capture the base at the bottom, Bloodberri, Tanda and I will head for taking the center.

He continued, Ophelia will go West to the high Base and Fhesiah East to the canyon Base, either taking the bases or preventing or slowing them from taking it after we take the base at the foot of the hill. Unless they go straight for them.

An overlay within their Menu appeared, showing the five base ownerships and the current point score.

The first to two thousand points won. As the countdown timer approached zero, Jake layered his best Einherjar style buff on the Garuda, and Ophelia her [Hearth of Hestia], placing it within her shield.

He hopped on Ophelias shield, to get him to the base at the foot of the hill as fast as possible. As the gate opened, Clan Hart blitzed down the field.


Vesuvius watched the Greater Rift with worry. It had shifted to an ominous black and golden glow after their Chief and Goddess had entered. The buzzing on his headset continued, but he still heard reports of their scouts periodically, although garbled.

Takoda patted his arm. Dont worry, my friend. I havent known Chief Jake long, but I have faith in their victory.

Vesuvius nodded, his people prepared to enter the blimps. After just a few minutes, the static got even worse, and it was like a low hum or buzzing had entered their surroundings.

There were details about locusts, and this sounded a lot like they could be involved.

Hearthtribe, can you read? This is Lakemere. Were under attack! The Naga

Vesuvius responded, How many is it? How long can you hold?

Theres too many! We need reinforcements right away!

The static persisted, and Vesuvius now had to make a decision. They were being drawn away. It would take their fastest dinosaurs nearly thirty minutes to arrive near Lakemere.

If the Greater Rift Challenge took longer than an hour, Jakes party might not make it in time.

The humming increased, and his head started to pound. The beasts all became anxious, like a hidden danger was present. An odd vision came to his mind unbidden, of the Rhino parentage beastkin at Lakemere.

The countless refugees hed seen, the many beastkin losing their mates, their children. Them coming under attack by the beasts. Surely, Jake would rather they were protected.

With each passing moment, the desire to stay in the area left Vesuvius. Something seemed oddly wrong about the situation, but Vesuvius felt more and more powerless.

Jake had told him to protect Lakemere, so that was what he would do.

Vesuvius shouted, We move! Lakemere is under attack! All riders will move on ahead! The rest, move in formation on the airships, protect one another. Make a fighting retreat toward Lakemere if attacked!

Climbing up Missy, Takodas mount alongside him, the humming almost became a buzz. Looking around, Vesuvius couldnt see any enemies, other than a swarm of delicious insects.

The hundreds of dinosaurs and their riders left the field, the buzzing seemingly going along with them. All had left, except for one lone reptile beastkin.

Davonius had long-since covered himself in his gray auril. He could hear the odd buzz, and feel the desire to leave. But as he stared at the portal where his goddess entered, he pushed away the fear from his body with his resolve and gripped his spear, even as his allies left.

At least, he thought he did. Until he received one notification after the other.

[Enemy Champion of Eternal Night Detected. Defeat for Reward.]

[Enemy Champion of Loviatar Detected. Defeat for Reward.]

[Enemy Champion of Greed Detected. Defeat for Reward.]

[Enemy Champion of Apophis Detected. Defeat for Reward.]

[Tartarus Enforcer Detected. Defeat for Significant Reward.]

A strange figure arrived near some rocks in the clearing, landing on the ground. Some kind of bug man, maybe a grasshopper? Davonius didnt know.

A dark elf woman with a powerful looking bow stood next to him, almost appearing out of thin air.

The grasshopper man spoke, That was harder than expected. That lizard mans mind was strong. If the Naga were half as strong-willed, wed be unable to control them.

The Dark Elf woman scoffed. If you could hardly overwhelm the rank and file, how do you propose to effect the Champions? The missive stated they all have advanced cores. Their minds are reinforced by their powerful souls. I still say you were a waste, wed have been better off with more offensive power.

The Swarms Will cannot be ignored. You only need but a moment, and we shall buy it. Enhanced by Greed, I can do more than just disrupt them for a moment.

Davoniuss mind raced at the information he just gained, trying to think of the implications

As his mind raced, the locust mans head with its compound eyes snapped in Davoniuss general direction. The Greed Champion seemed to be looking for Davonius, so he stopped all thought.

Backing away slightly, it seemed whatever caused the creatures attention was dismissed.

Davonius hardly dared to breathe, as he watched the other enemies arrive near the clearinga giant scorpion, with a man that was somehow a part of it, or merged with the top of the creature. Then, a giant of a humanoid that was made of the blackest stone.

The malevolence wafting off the monster was immense, twisting Davonius stomach from a large distance away.

He crept his body low and slowly in the grass, as he decided on his goal as he changed his position and watched.

The only thing that was for sure to Davonius, was that he would aid his goddess. She had made him immortal, so what fear should he have of these foes, even if his body doesnt seem to be moving right? He would watch, then he would act. Probably.

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