Bonded Summoner

Book 1. Chapter 33: Rewards and Classes

Book 1. Chapter 33: Rewards and Classes

Fhesiah finished absorbing the kill energy, and she had reached level ten as well. She would now be able to enter [Foundation Establishment], when she felt that she was ready. Jake spent some time reviewing his notifications.

Trial Complete: Champion of Hestia

Difficulty: S

Rating: A

Rating reward: Champions Runic Spear-Staff, Advanced Summoning Token

Reward: Champion Class, Multiverse Access, Core Evolution.

It looked like Jake received a new spear-staff and advanced summoning token for his performance in the trial, and his class, multiverse access, and core evolution were for merely completing the trial. Jake accepted the notification, and his core was ignited, once more. It had become a vortex of flames after Hestia made him her champion, but now, the center burned even brighter, and spun even faster. After a few moments, the effects stabilized, and Jake checked his menu.

Divine Hearth Core Lv. 1

+20 All Attributes, +6 All Attributes per Core Level

200% Total Mana, 25% Mana per Core Level

Jake was surprised at the total effect, the previous core had given +12.5 All Attributes, and 150% mana at level 5. The core now gave him +26 All Attributes, and 225% total mana. This was almost more total attributes than he had in total at level 8, just from his core; a total of 156 attribute points. What was once a small flame of mana near his heart, was becoming a bonfire. Jake retrieved the [Champions Runic Spear-Staff] from his [Storage Bracelet].

The spear-staff was light, but Jake could feel that it was quite sturdy. The staff portion was red with a gold spike on its base. Near where the staff portion met the spearhead, there was a golden cross guard that was shaped like an upside-down city with the staff standing up. Buildings surrounded in a circle and provided protection for his hand with spaced buildings of various heights, if he leaned on it for leverage or choked up on his spear. Some buildings were merely artistic, but none of them got in his way, and others provided protection.

On top of the circle that delineated the staff and spear-point, was a flaming focus, or orb on top of a pedestal; A hearth. It burned, but not overly brightly or chaotic. It had a soothing feeling, like a barely cracking fireplace.

Ophelia looked on at the staff with awe, and tears formed in her eyes. It feels like home, like Im back with my mom and dad but also with you two. Jake and Fhesiah joined with Ophelia in a three-way hug, as they gazed at the staff Jake was holding.

Around the orb were two blades shaped and colored like flames, that tapered upwards around but away from the orb, but met back up into a single sharp spear-point at the tip. Jake could tell that both blades were sharp, and could easily be used for slashing or piercing attacks. The metal it was made of appeared to be sturdy, but Jake felt it was quite light and well-balanced.

Nearing where the staff portion met the cross guard and the orb, there were gold bands with slots with hexagonal prisms inlaid. These prisms looked kind of like dice, and Jake found he could spin them with his mana allowing different runes to be shown, connected to the golden bands in a sort of circuit. They went through the core of the staff near the focus, and the slots and prisms could be seen from either side of the staff. Jake guessed that this is what allowed Jake to enchant the staff, and change the slots at a later date with ease by replacing the prisms; he would not be stuck with his first ideas.

Legendary Hestia's Champion Runic Spear-Staff

Scaling Weapon. Gains additional effects and strength with level.

Adds 10% Effectiveness of Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma

Adds 10% Effectiveness with runes.

Represents Hestia's authority. Those who gaze upon this staff will feel safe and at home.

Class Upgrade Selection Available

Jake looked over to the Fhesiah and Ophelia. Both girls were reviewing their own information and notifications, but they looked over at him and sent him a feeling of trust and affection. Jake was going to select his class upgrade, and they would leave it to him.

It gave Jake various options, and luckily, it gave him information about how he had unlocked each option. He used this criterion to reduce his options, and then eventually he realized there was in fact only one option that used everything that made Jake and his summons special.

Hearth-Bonded Runic Battlemaster, Champion of Hestia

Effects: +3 All Attributes / Level, +100% Mana Regen, 75% Mana Regen in combat.

+15% Effectiveness of All Attributes

Requirements: Advanced Hearth Core, Champion of Hestia, lv. 5 Runic Magic, Lv. 5 Summoners Bond: Love, Lv. 5 Weapon Skill, Class: Summoner, A-Grade Rating in Trial, lv. 5 Mana Control/Equivalent, Buffing Specialization, Humanoid Specialization

The class name was quite the mouthful, but many other class choices he had available to him that had a long list of requirements that he had already met, such as this one, had just as long or even more ridiculous names. Jake sort-of envied Fhesiah; her class would forever just be Cultivator, with the realm of cultivation she had reached in its name. Jake had recalled that part of Fhesiahs goal was for Jake to receive a class that had something related to his special bond in it, so this reinforced this as the choice, as it was the only one.

Jake smiled: it was like every choice theyd made culminated into this very class. The [Summoners Bond: Love] only changed to that moniker when all of his bonds were in love with him, and him with them. If he had summoned another woman before the trial, he doubted he could have made sure they fell in love with each other in time, and Jake would be against doing that, anyway. Perhaps that wouldnt have been the end of the world, as Jake could tell that the differences between the effects of these classes were minor, but who knows? After two more evolutions of the class, the two options could end up a world apart.

Jake selected the class.

Legendary Class Selected: Hearth-Bonded Runic Battlemaster, Champion of Hestia

Effects: +3 All Attributes per T1 Level, +100% Mana Regen, 75% Mana Regen in combat.

+15% Effectiveness of All Attributes

An evolution of the Summoner class, The Battle-master enhances their summons through their Hearth-bond and fights with them side-by-side. The Champion of Hestia carries the authority of his Goddess, and becomes a conduit to call upon her aid in battle in dire situations.

Jake noticed he would no longer be spending attribute points per level, but that did not bother him. He would now get eighteen attribute points per level, as opposed to his original three. Jake guessed that this "Battlemaster moniker in the class name drove him to receive physical attributes as well, and for him this was a welcome change.

Jake would not become a glass-cannon, becoming sturdy enough to never be a viable weak-point in his party. Though his girls were just so amazing that perhaps this was still the case. Jake could tell this class was a cut above the rest, as other classes would only get 9 to 15 attribute points per level in Tier 1. This eighteen attribute points per level class was quite special.

Skills Evolved!

Mana Control lv. 5-> Hearth Control lv. 1

Mana Transfer -> Energy Sharing

New effect: Transfer energy types at range freely among Summons.

Mana Siphon -> Energy Hunger

New effect: Increase draw in energy of all types, 100% increased regeneration with 10% more per Core level.

Summoners Bond: Love -> Hearth Bond

New effect: 50% Reduction in Mana and Mana Regeneration Reserve, Receive 5% of All Attributes of Bonded per Skill Level

Mental Communication enabled at Summoners Bond Lv. 4

Instead of a tether or connection, a contract between souls: your Hearths are Bonded together. When Hearth bond is formed, it is permanent. May your Hearths burn brightly together, till the end of time.

Valkyries Chosen -> Valkyries Chosen Champion

Effect: 50% damage taken to Chosen absorbed by valkyrie.

Additional effect: 5% per Ophelias T1 Valkyrie Magic Level Damage reduction to Chosen.

Runic Magic lv. 5 -> Hearth Runic Magic lv. 1

Subskills added: Runic Healing, Runic Destruction, Runic Enhancement. Each adds 5% enhancement of Rune words involved in each tree per skill level.

Skills Merged!

Advanced Bolster, Haste, Reinforcement-> Divine Reinforcement Lv. 1

New effect: 40% Increase in All Effectiveness. 5% additional per T1 Champion Magic Skill level.

New: Can only affect Summoner, Summons or Bonded.

Skills Upgraded!

Enchanting Lv. 5 -> Advanced Enchanting Lv. 1

Subskills added: Runic Enchantment, Hearth Enchantment. Each adds 5% enhancement of effectiveness of enchantments per Enchantment skill level, besides increasing enchantment options.

Melee Specialization Lv. 5 -> Advanced Melee Specialization Lv. 1

Champion Magic Lv. 5 -> Advanced Champion Magic Lv. 1

Stamina Regen -> Advanced Stamina Regen

Additional Effect: Increases overall stamina efficiency per skill level.

Jake immediately felt a change in his bonds shift, now being able to hear Fhesiahs thoughts once again, and Ophelia for the first time.

[Its almost time to celebrate. Should I wear those ones? Hmm, but if Im wearing panties, its one extra step when he removes my Jake? The connection is back?! So Jake, an important decision: black or none?]

The girls, especially Fhesiah, were both ecstatic to have this intimate connection with Jake.

There was a lot to unpack here, and Jake was not sure how to really process so much information at once. All he could tell was that he had just taken a qualitative leap forward, and if they faced that dark elf again, he would easily crush him. Jake reviewed his new stats, after hitting level 10 and spending his 6 attribute points from the two levels earned in the Trial.

Jake Status Level 10













Getting 26 to All Attributes from just his core made his attributes look quite impressive. Still, that didnt mean that Jake would be that far ahead of his opponents. While Jake did get 156 attribute points from his core currently, if someone was earning ten or twelve attribute points per level, by level 20 or higher they would surpass what he had gained from his special core. Then, his middling race of Human started that much lower than others. Jake only had to look at Ophelias level 1 attributes versus his to realize that hes playing from behind, and his advanced Core only brings him up to speed. Fhesiah had surpassed some of his current attributes at level 8, and he knew that the disparity would only increase when she entered [Foundation Establishment].

Jake decided to try out hearth control, as it was a strange change for mana; he thought he would receive advanced mana control.

Jake found that for the most part, his mana moved exactly as it had done before, only better, able to move it into his desired shapes for spells with no problem, except for one thing. The flames that were deep into his core: he could actually move them. He was so jarred when he managed to move what he thought was unmovable with ease, that he let it go and it snapped back into place. It didnt hurt, and he felt no danger, but it was like he had moved part of his core itself a few inches. It just continued to spin lazily in his center.

Jake decided to move it some more, and found that he could move it anywhere inside his body. There was still a pinprick's worth of fire in his center, despite him moving nearly everything, and mana continued to flow in and re-enlarge it, while he was moving the core. Perhaps- no, while he thought he might be able to move it outside his body, surely that would be dangerous? He would wait to try it out later, and get Fhesiahs advice. But Jake thought his Runic Magic becoming Hearth Runic Magic was a hint.

Jakes new spell, Divine reinforcement, was quite special. This spell would, simply, make the receiver of the buff better. At everything. Right now, the effect was over the base 40% thanks to his buffing specialization, 54% more attributes, 54% movement speed, 54% increased learning, and more, including things like reaction times and the power or control of their spells. It even increased total mana and mana regeneration, or Fhesiahs ability to use and store heavenly energy.

This effect is quite drastic, as Ophelia and Fhesiahs supernatural capabilities were already amazing, so reinforcing what made them better than humans already felt game-changing. Considering this amount would then be boosted by his specialization and then again by his proficiency, Jake was excited for the future. If this were a game, people would invite Jake just to be a buff bot providing this buff to members and they would be perfectly okay with him not doing anything else. Though, it could only affect his Bonded, he realized.

While Jake was playing with his mana, he suddenly felt his strong connection to his valkyrie become even stronger, and he could feel her elation at the new feeling. If it was like their feelings were starting to be in sync before, they were much more now.

But then Jake realized something as he looked at the new skill, the bond. That this bond was permanent. Up to now, he could have performed a ritual to remove Ophelias bond. But now, it was like they

[Why, its like you two are married now! Just look at that! Look at Ophelia, stealing the march on me. Hmm, but just how am I going to get a Hearth?]

Jake was flabbergasted. Married? Its not that Jake was opposed, but he would have really liked to, well, he didnt really know why he was so surprised by this.

Thats right, Jake. Ive been your wife in a sense since I made you my Chosen weeks ago. Whyre you being weird?

Its justIts all so sudden

My, would you look at that, typical human male. Its that big M word, isnt it? Afraid of commitment Jake? Itll all be okay, master. After all, theres simply no way such a permanent bond was completed without your will and desires wanting it. Deep down, you both wanted to be together, your level 5 of Summoners Bond: Love was not for nothing, after all.

Jake sighed, but he realized that Fhesiah was right. Of course he wanted to be with Opheliaer, till the end of time? Still, his thoughts and emotions brightened. He could feel their bond together, and knew it was stronger than ever. He wasnt sure how that would help, but he knew it would come in handy, eventually.

Jake checked Ophelias changes. He found that this change was brought about by selecting her class, her Hearth being upgraded and now linked to Jakes.

Epic Class Selected: Bonded Runic Vanguard Valkyrie of Hestia

Effects: +1 All Attributes, +2 Str,Con,Wis,Cha Per T1 level

30% Increased Durability and Hardiness

Effectiveness of Str,Con,Wis,Cha increased by 25%

Requirements: Chosen: Champion, Valkyrie of Hestia, Advanced Bond, Runic Magic Lv. 5, Mana Core, Melee Skill Lv. 5, Spear of Hestia Lv. 5, Barrier Lv. 5, Consecration Lv. 5

An evolution of the Shieldmaiden class, a Vanguard Valkyrie fights in the front of battle or side-by-side with their Chosen Champion, and both vanquishes foes and protects their chosen with martial prowess or spells.

Ophelia said to Jake, I was having a hard time choosing, with the options being so close, when a new option showed up. You selected your class and this added another option for me, so I took it.

Looking at the requirements, she too managed to pick a class with all of the things that made her special. On top of that, she lost her Shieldmaiden moniker, replaced with Vanguard. Jake noticed that the classs template made her much stronger and sturdier, even more than the attributes provided, 14 attributes per level, her receiving +3 to four attributes, and +1 to the other two. Her previous class of Shieldmaiden only increased Str and Con effectiveness by fifteen percent, making this quite the qualitative leap forward. Jake paid attention only to the skills that evolved, the rest simply being upgraded to advanced, the same as his.

Skills Evolved!

Hearth Core Lv. 5-> Bonded Hearth Core Lv. 1

Effect: +15 All Attributes, +4 All Attributes per Core Level.

150% Total Mana, 15% Mana per Core Level

Mana Transfer -> Energy Vacuum

Effect: 100% Energy regen, 10% Additional Energy Regen per Skill Level. 10% per Skill Level collected by this skill sent to Bonded.

Valkyries Fervor -> Chosen Champion Fervor

New effect: +25% All Attributes near Chosen, 2% Additional All Attributes per T1 Valkyrie Magic Skill Level. When Chosen Champion takes significant damage, effect increases.

Skills Merged/Evolved!

Sacrificial Flames: Renewal, Barrier, Consecration, Spear of Hestia -> Hearth of Hestia

New effect: Summon the Hearth of Hestia. Consumes a large portion of Health, Mana, Stamina. Once summoned, thought controlled Hearth can accomplish the same spells and more. Chosens mirrored Hearth is autonomous or can be controlled by Chosens Hearth Control. Can be fed fire or personal resources to maintain summon.

They tested the [Hearth of Hestia], and found that it created a floating fire near both of them. Jake could both direct and cast the spells Ophelia was able to do, and with each casting the fire would shrink. Ophelia found that as long as she used the flames of her own hearth core, she could still cast the same spells that she had been able to previously, and for the same cost and effectiveness as before.

This hearth, however, allowed additional options as she could move the hearth through the air quite rapidly, and she had even more control over how much flames of Hestia went into each spell: she could make both giant and tiny [Spear of Hestia] attacks, which had different draws on the flames. On top of that, coordinating with Jake became even easier and more versatile than before; the hearths could cast many spells at once with little more than a thought.

Jake then reviewed Ophelias status sheet.

Ophelia Status Level 10













The bonded core improved when she connected to Jake, and for now, Jake was only getting about 2 attributes back to all his attributes from their Hearth being Bonded. As their Bond improved, he would gain more. Still, just as he had thought, she was ahead of him in the melee attributes. She had gained some attributes outside of just the +3 per level that she spent in Tier 0 because of her core refining her like Jake, but Jake had finally surpassed her in a few areas.

Jake looked over to Fhesiah. She had finished absorbing her energy, and was also at level ten. However, she looked and felt a little unhappy, even depressed, but her thoughts were cut off. Jake felt concerned, and she noticed this and spoke, Idont think Im ready to enter [Foundation Establishment]. I think if I enter it as I am now, I will always be behind. You two have advanced so much thanks to [The Framework], and the help of the goddess, Hestia, that I feel like my heritage and circumstances are not enough on their own.

I had crafted my body, and my soul is much stronger than a usual cultivator of my level, but if I leave things as they are now, my foundations will be imperfect. I had previously awakened my bloodline as a dragon, but that is lost with that body destroyed. I must awaken it once again, and see about once again progressing my heavenly truths, as well as perfecting my foundations before I take the next step.

Jake took that in, starting to get worried himself. He was wondering how it was that she would accomplish such a thing. Was she wanting to leave on her own to search for what she needed or something? Or just why was she depressed? Her thoughts were cut off when she looked depressed once again, but her feelings completely did not match the look, making him realize

Because of that, I need My sugar daddys money. Only Daddy Jake can give me what I need, to make me whole once again. Please, Daddy, Ill be such a good girl if you give me lots of credits! She said the last sentence with a pleading expression, but she once again began laughing while pretending to roll on the floor, except in the air, and Jake was whip lashed by his worry and concern now being converted into embarrassment; she had really tricked him.

Fhesiah exclaimed, You should see your face! You were so worried! I thought about what would bother you for a while, and I knew Daddy would get you good. Not to worry: I have more.

Jake gave Fhesiah a tired smile. He was a little annoyed by her game, but he was relieved. Jake felt like money was the least of their concerns at the moment, so her taking some for her alchemy and personal advancement could work well while they trained up their new party member that they would summon soon.

The goddess had even mentioned she would give them some time before their first task, so that should work out just fine. Still, Jake felt like it was time to have a more serious conversation about what happened during the [Trial]. Nobody was hurt, but her pride could have cost them a lot of pain and suffering, the champion of Apophis being verbose about making that so if they failed. Fhesiah looked properly chastised, realizing what Jake wanted to talk about, and Ophelia sensed the importance as well and looked over.

Fhesiah then spoke first, I am sorry Jake, Ophelia. I had really let my Cultivator pride get in my way, and could have really harmed our family. This Trial was really devious, these Outsiders really play by a different set of rules than us Cultivators. For this, I really have no excuse. I was not keeping my promise to do everything I could to make Ophelia successful by being a hindrance to the group, and I let both Jake and myself down. I looked down on the dungeon, thinking myself above anything it could dish out.

Jake should not have had to beg me to improve my [Alchemy] skill, nor should he have to needle me to wear adequate protection, weapons, or to work more on [Framework] skills.

I can see that I was wrong; that fight with the dark elf would have been much safer with armor filled with Jakes enchantments and proper weapons that did the same. I will do better, and I will truly do my best for this family.

I will accept that I am now under a new Heaven, and do my best to see that the Framework is the new Heavens Path, if I want to ever see us safe and successful. Jake, Ophelia, can you forgive me? Jake could feel over the bond that her words were sincere and filled with remorse, and she had tears in her eyes as her last words were spoken, she felt truly sorry.

Ophelia moved in to hug Fhesiah, and Jake joined her in a three-way-hug. Jake said, Im glad you realized, and I forgive you. Im just happy that nobody got hurt, and well all strive to do better. Well work together to make a proper set of equipment for you, and if the robes are truly important to you, we can think of a way to incorporate them into the outfit.

Fhesiah shook her head, gave a wan smile and said, No, they are a relic from my past. I will still wear them on occasion, but they do not belong in the dungeon. My mother gave them to me, and even if they repair on their own, it feels like letting them get cut to ribbons is wrong too.

I will properly wear our familys armaments, and I will work hard on making use of [The Framework]. I hoped to get cultivation manuals and technique books, but that did nothing for us within the Trial. I will grab what is available to me, and if those things appear later, I will work on those, too. Once again, I am sorry, Jake. I was not giving my all before for anything but fun, and now I will properly accept that I am a part of [The Framework] and this family both.

The hug lingered for a while, but eventually they set about winding down. They had some dinner, and they were reviewing their menus of all the changes, and making plans for things to prioritize for their training. There was a lingering excitement in the group, as while the serious discussion had concluded, they still had accomplished their first major goal in this new life of theirs.

They were going to explore the multiverse, and see everything that it had to offer. There were [Bastions], paths to greater glory, [Contested Worlds], and even more. Jake realized that he could learn more now that he completed his [Trial] and was about to open up his [Menu] when he saw Fhesiahs head snap toward their now-closed-off portal room, and heard a knocking sound.

Knock, Knock, can I come in?

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