Blue Phoenix

Chapter 657: Getting Ready

Chapter 657: Getting Ready

The information dealer was greatly disappointed when he heard what Hui Yue said. Looking at the young man, he did not doubt that he was telling the truth. To save one’s friend was a noble course, but it was not information he could sell later.

The fact that a King of Hell was entering the Archaic World was news that would sell rather well, but he understood his position. He was in Youdu. If news about Hui Yue’s travel plans were to be spread, it would be no hard feat to ensure that this information dealer turned it some of the soul energy that permeated the air throughout the city.

“Well, in the Archaic World there are three worlds which have been partially explored. They are all filled with treasure, and they are fairly safe. At least they show no signs of collapsing anytime soon. Because of this, most treasure hunters aim for these three worlds.”

“They also happen to be located at the front of the Archaic World. The further in you go, the more dangerous it becomes.”

“Not many have dared to venture in too deep. We need to consider that when a world collapses if you are in the surroundings, you might be caught up in the explosion.” The information dealer said seriously.

“Another thing to consider is that it is not only the exploding world you need to watch out for but the worlds themselves are filled with dangers. Some have beasts; others have plants. There are even traps hidden within the worlds to protect their treasures.”

“But since you are not going for treasures you should be safer than most.”

“Some more Important information about the Archaic World is that the further in you go, the older the worlds will be. No one has ever reached the end where it is rumored that Ancient Worlds are located; no one even knows if they still exist because the further in you go, the more chaotic space becomes.”

“Most of what we know about the Archaic World is just legends, but I know for a fact that the death rate of those who enter is around fifty percent.”

“The ones who do survive all come out with great treasures. Which can be new formations, weapons, inscription patterns, fierce magical beasts or other wonders that are generally of very high quality.”

“The most astonishing things which have been found in the Archaic World are sentient treasures. They have a soul and can think for themselves. They decide their own masters, and if they refuse to work together with someone, then you cannot force them.”

“The cultivators who enter the Archaic World are mainly looking for these sentient treasures or fierce magical beasts as these two things sell for the most.”

“Fierce beasts that you encounter within the Archaic World all have an ancient bloodline. Bloodlines are amazing, you as a member of the Celestial Sword Sect is also a descendant of an ancient bloodline, but the majority of these bloodlines have long since gone extinct.”

“To have a slave with an ancient bloodline will boost one’s strength immensely. However, it is not so easy to get your hands on these beasts. They are cunning and have an intelligence that does not lose out to humans. They are stronger than humans due to their beast bodies, and that is not even taking their ancient bloodline into account.”

“Although some people hunt ancient beasts, I would suggest you stay away from them. Every group loses around half their members when they hunt them, and if your aim is not riches, then the risk is simply not worth it.”

Hui Yue listened to every single word that the information dealer told him. Most he had already heard from King Chujiang, but hearing it again did no harm.

He also got some new information, and soon they had been there for an hour as the information dealer talked about the Archaic World.

He had been hired to talk about everything he knew, and he did not skip any information. Unfortunately, the majority of it was about the worlds which were almost fully explored already.

Although Hui Yue was not looking for riches and treasures, he still listened to what he had to say about these three worlds. He was listening for news of a medicinal garden located within one of these worlds; however, after a short while. he quickly deduced that it was definitely not within any of these worlds.

The medicinal garden was massive. It was known to be a garden where every single herb existed and even a place where a sentient pill lived. Such a place would have been discovered by now, and as such, all he could do was smile and shake his head. It was clear that his destination would be much further into the Archaic World, however, as for how far he would have to go, no one knew.

“Thank you for your hard work,” Hui Yue said with a smile as he got ready to leave and both Deng Wu and Wei stood up, following behind him.

“My lord,” the information dealer suddenly spoke up. “The trip to the Archaic World is likely to be very dangerous,” he said hesitantly. He was an information dealer, so all he should do was give out information, but he could not help but feel that he ought to talk this young man out of going to such a dangerous place as he knew how many young cultivators never returned from the Archaic World.

By now he knew that Hui Yue was a genius, and geniuses, unfortunately, fell quickly. The information dealer did not want to see this person fall.

Hui Yue understood the thoughts of the dealer, and he could not help but feel gratified. Even someone he had never really met before was worried for his sake; this alone proved just how dangerous the trip he was going on was.

Having gotten all the information they needed, Hui Yue and his two friends did not instantly leave the underground market place, instead, Hui Yue went to do some shopping.

He bought plenty of materials for inscriptions and pills. He also bought protective charms and other items. He spent an outstanding one million Worldpower Stones just on items which were for their trip. He also bought a whole lot of high-grade storage treasures. These were not for the trip, but to coerce the Universe Box into speaking.

After buying all these things and storing them in the Universe Box, Hui Yue, Deng Wu, and Wei finally went towards the Yanluo Mansion.

As they arrived at Hui Yue’s room, he found that all his friends were still there. They had been waiting the whole time. However, they had not wasted their time, all of them were seated in meditation, and he could sense the fluctuation of different daos.

The moment Hui Yue opened the door everyone slowly awoke from their meditation and looked at him with curiosity.

“I have lots of news,” he said with laughter as he noticed their curious gazes. He was not stingy with his friends, and he instantly sat down and told them all he had heard earlier.

“I also bought a few things,” he said and waved his hand. Two protective charms appeared in front of each person. “These charms can protect you for ten breath’s time. Keep them with you at all times, and be ready to use them!” Hui Yue had focused on protecting his friends. The pills he was going to make were also pills which had healing effects, and pills which increased fighting capabilities.

Some of them were able to increase one’s Ancestral Worldpower pool for a short amount of time while others were capable of allowing one to sense an extra dao for a short amount of time.

The pills he made were no longer for the sake of cultivating but for the sake of improving fighting abilities and their possibility of survival.

“I will need at least a week to create all these pills,” Hui Yue said honestly. “In this time, Deng Wu will be making inscriptions. He will inscribe all your protective charms with a few offensive spells, and if you have any weapons, then he will also inscribe those.”

Deng Wu was a great inscriber. He had spent all his spare time in the last fifty years on inscribing things and had slowly gotten very proficient in it. Wei went as far as to call him a natural talent.

Little Dragon had often been a great help to Deng Wu when inscribing, and together, the two had managed to become masters.

Everyone knew this, and no one hesitated to hand over their protective charms to Deng Wu, who felt nauseous just thinking about all the inscribing he had to do.

Inscribing and concocting pills was rather similar. Both required the expert to create something that needed the full focus of the creator.

It was exhausting to inscribe, but even so, Deng Wu did not complain. He understood that this was something he could do for Hui Yue, so he gladly accepted it.

Slowly seven days went by. Hui Yue did not leave his room at all and spent all the time to create pills. The friends all went to do their own preparations. Some went to buy food, others to buy drinks. Some went to buy clothes; others went to buy tents so that they could camp, should the need arise.

Although they were Gods and did not need to sleep, they still knew that if they were wounded, then sleeping would be the best treatment for the wounds.

The Yanluo mansion was bustling with energy. The beast gods and his friends were busy preparing, while the others were busy celebrating the fact that King Chujiang had returned.

While Hui Yue and friends were getting ready to leave more and more of the other Judges of Hell appeared in the mansion to express their thanks to him, and at the same time visit King Chujiang, but Yanluo did not let anyone disturb Hui Yue.

“He is busy getting ready for an important trip, we can’t interfere for now,” he told them all over and over again, and although they were unaware of what kind of trip he was going on, they all respected Yanluo’s words.

Finally, the seven days were up, and Hui Yue exited his room with a slightly tired expression on his face. Although he was exhausted, he was also satisfied with what he had done. He had managed to create a great amount of pills, and he knew that he could relax on the shuttle on their way to the Archaic World. It would not be a short trip after all.

Although they might meet dangers Hui Yue was not too worried. He was going on a secret trip, and only Yanluo, the information dealer, King Chujiang and his friends knew about their destination and not only this, he still had Pei Ziqi, Huli and Cai Jie on his side. Not to mention all the beast Gods. Although they had still not comprehended a major dao, they were nevertheless Immortals of Creation.

As the seventh day had come to a close, Hui Yue gathered all the friends together and got ready to leave Youdu and Diyu.

“Here,” Yanluo tossed a storage stone towards Hui Yue. “In this storage stone is three shuttles, all of which are protected by three Divine Halo Formations and inscriptions similar to the ones you were traveling on on the way here.”

“It is my gift to you, so please do not be shy.”

Hui Yue was stunned. He understood the value of such shuttles, and although he had purchased a few shuttles himself, they were inferior to the ones that Yanluo had offered.

“Thank you!” Hui Yue said from his heart as he bowed to Yanluo before a great smile appeared on his face.

“We will meet again,” Hui Yue said firmly. His eyes shone with determination, and together they all vanished out of the gates. They were currently under ground and could not fly, but their speed was in no way slow as they rushed out of Youdu.

Yanluo was left behind in the mansion, and a sigh escaped his lips. “I really hope we will meet again,” he said with a complicated expression on his face. “Good luck!”

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