Blue Phoenix

Chapter 623: Sworn Brother

Chapter 623: Sworn Brother

Having paid no attention to Pei Yan, Hui Yue walked straight past him. Huli followed him, and after a few seconds, the utterly horrified waitress ran after them to lead them to their room.

The waitress was petrified by the way Hui Yue had completely disregarded Pei Yan as even she knew who he was; however, when she glanced behind her she saw that although his face was dark and filled with anger and hostility, he did not lose his temper and attacked Hui Yue like she assumed he would.

From this, the waitress understood that Hui Yue was special. Everyone knew that Pei Yan had a terrible temper, he was an incredibly proud genius yet she was surprised that when he was treated like this, he still managed to hold back.

As they went up the stairs, Hui Yue suddenly paused, surprising the waitress. Though Huli just stood by his side showing no surprise. The waitress, however, glanced at Hui Yue with a quizzical expression, and after a bit of time, Hui Yue looked at her.

"Can you lead us to the room?" He asked gently, and the waitress' face turned beet red in embarrassment. It was clear that she had forgotten that Hui Yue actually did not know what room they were headed to and that he had to depend on her guidance.

"This way my lord," she mumbled while squeezing past Huli and moved down the hall towards the room where Wei, Cai Jie, and Deng Wu were waiting.

Knocking on the door, the young waitress cleared her throat, "Young master Pei Yue and Miss Huli have arrived." She announced before opening the door and allowing for the two to enter.

"Do your lordships need anything?" she asked gently, but Wei dismissed her with a smile. "We already have what we want, thank you," he said kindly, and the woman nodded her head closing the door behind her.

The room was the same size as the last room they had used, and it was decorated the same way. The walls had various inscriptions carved into them to ensure that no one would be able to eavesdrop on the conversations in the room or observe what was happening. These rooms were completely private.

On the walls hung various paintings and in the middle of the room were tables with cushions to sit on.

The table was overflowing with food and drinks, and Wei instantly waved Hui Yue and Huli over. "Come eat!" he exclaimed excitedly as he grabbed his cup and emptied it in one gulp.

"The food is good, the wine is great, come eat and drink and let us discuss whatever we need to!"

Wei was cheerful, but he knew that there was something on Cai Jie’s mind. There had to be a reason for him to have come all this way to speak with Hui Yue about something special.

Hui Yue was also aware that Cai Jie wanted to speak about something special, and knew that this was an important day. The way Cai Jie looked at him was clearly different than normal; it was as if there was slight hope in his eyes about something.

But Cai Jie had not spoken about the matter yet, even after Hui Yue had been seated for some time and had eaten some of the food and drank some wine.

He glanced at Wei, clearly contemplating whether or not this young man was trustworthy and sighed deeply. Understanding his conflict, Hui Yue thought for a moment before he smiled, "Don't worry about Wei," he said finally. "Although Wei is different from you and our other brothers since he has not sworn an oath to follow me, I know he is loyal and trustworthy. He would never mention what happens here to anyone other than Yanluo, and Yanluo already knows everything. He has seen through me long ago."

Hearing this Cai Jie was shocked. Cai Jie had been a God for a long time and knew about Yanluo being the strongest expert in the galaxy, but even so, he was still shocked to know that Yanluo had been able to guess Hui Yue's secrets.

With a final glance at Wei and a sigh, Cai Jie placed his chopsticks on the table and cleared his throat.

"I need to speak with you about your previous lives," he said seriously. "I know you have nine caves in your core, and of these caves, you have fully unlocked the red mist, the blue cloud, the green pearl and the celestial wings. You have opened the red gem, the black figure, and the star. That means that you still have two caves that have not opened, and I think I knew one of these lives."

"I was born in an immortal city to two Gods and was born as an immortal. My parents were cultivators who earned their living as mercenaries. They would guard caravans, hunt magical beasts, and explore danger zones."

"One day when I was merely twenty years of age, my parents took a mission and never returned."

"Although twenty years is a lot for you, for someone who grew up in the immortal cities, I was merely a child. I was still trying to fully stabilize my Ancestral Worldpower, and because of this, I was incapable of becoming a mercenary to earn a living.

"At that time I ran into a group of youngsters in the same situation as me. The leader of this group became my sworn brother, and while we would beg and steal to get through the day, we would spend the nights cultivating and dreaming. Our dreams were to have our names resound throughout the galaxy, that we would join a major sect, and that we would never again live such a miserable life."

"Years went by, and our cultivation rose. We comprehended dao after dao and had many enlightenments and breakthroughs."

"We would spend day after day cultivating in the slums until finally one day we became Immortals of Creations. By then we had lived nearly a thousand years side by side! We were maybe not brothers by blood, but to each other, we were much closer than even many blood-related brothers. We were willing to give our lives for the other without a second thought."

"As we became Immortals of Creation we finally managed to step out of poverty. We joined a mercenary company and fought time and time again side by side."

"Our path was one of carnage. We would kill anyone who threatened us, and we would kill whatever beast came our way. It was a magnificent time."

Looking at Cai Jie, one could see that he was fully immersed in his thoughts of the past, his eyes were glazed over and his mouth curved into a slight smile. It was clear that these memories were of great value to Cai Jie.

"At some point, we found the ruins of an old realm. It was clear that this had been an important world once upon a time, but it had disintegrated into a realm and was slowly dying."

"Both me and my sworn brother were eager to see what was within and we could not help but enter. We knew it was dangerous to do so but with real threats come opportunities."

"We entered and found hordes of treasures. They were all amazing and outstanding items; however, the realm was too much for us to handle and both my brother and I were severely injured as we were forced to flee the realm."

"We figured it was not a problem as they were mere physical injuries and as long as we absorbed enough Ancestral Worldpower our bodies would be restored."

"Unfortunately we came across a group of five cultivators when we exited. These five saw that we were injured and that we came from a small, old world, and so they only saw us as a way to earn easy treasures and money."

"They started hunting us, and although we were injured, we fled for as long as we could. We fled all the way until we reached the Divine Beast World."

"Unfortunately we were wounded and as we fled it made our wounds all the worse. As we reached the Divine Beast World, we could no longer flee. The opponents were all Primordial Immortals, but our strength was greatly diminished because of our injuries."

"We stopped to fight, side by side, knowing that we were likely not going to survive, but we still decided to fight together. When we saw the five experts approaching us, their face were filled with greed and smiles. They were joking with one another, talking about how they were going to kill us and steal our things."

"My brother became furious, but he sent me a message. He told me that if I had a chance to flee, then I should do so. He told me that spending his life to save mine was worth it, but dying side by side was a waste. That it would sully his heroic death."

"I am a man of no tears, yet that day I shed the first and the last tears of my life. My brother whom I had lived with for thousands of years gave his life so that my soul could flee. I wished to stay, but his dying eyes showed me that he would never accept it."

"When I finally fled a happy smile appeared on his dying face. I gave up my Immortal Body and had my soul flee on its own to the Divine Beast World."

"As I fled I found a safe haven where I could create a new body for myself, but I knew I had to hurry."

"My power was rapidly depleting because of the severe injuries that my soul suffered. As my body was created, I finally had the chance to relax, but my strength dropped to that of a mortal."

"The man who had hunted me was An He! Because of him, I swore to never relax! I would never give in! I would fight until the end and get vengeance for my sworn brother!"

Cai Jie took a deep sigh and looked at Hui Yue. "I am telling you all this because of something I have been thinking about for a long time, yet I dare not hope for it. I fear my heart is not ready."

"When I met you the first time, I felt a familiarity with you. I felt that I knew you and that I was already very good friends with you, yet I could not explain the feeling at all."

"When I heard your name, I decided to follow you. We had the same goal in life, to kill An He, and your name was one which I could never forget."

"You see, the name of my sworn brother was also Hui Yue!"

As Cai Jie said these word, he became completely silent. And looked at Hui Yue with eyes that were filled with hope.

"I dare not believe that my brother is alive again, that his reincarnation has come back to me, yet somehow I desperately wish it were true."

"I know it is impossible for you to know whether or not the caves that are not open have anything to do with me, but I could no longer stay quiet. I hope that you are my long lost brother. I hope that he has truly returned to me. If you are, I will finally be able to forgive myself for fleeing while my brother stayed behind to die!"

Hui Yue understood just how important this was to Cai Jie and he nodded his head, "When I met you, I too felt a certain familiarity," he admitted. "It was long ago, but I felt instantly that you were my brother. I don't know if this is because your real brother is my previous life or not, but as soon as I know, you will be the first to know!"

Cai Jie nodded his head in gratitude. He said no more but his face relaxed, and his entire body slumped down. It was clear all the tension had left him.

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