Blue Phoenix

Chapter 591: The Body of a God

Chapter 591: The Body of a God

As for what was happening, not even Hui Yue knew. He could feel how the surrounding energy was rushing into his body.

It was as if his body was suddenly capable of holding even more Ancestral Worldpower than he had been able to before. All of a sudden his Ancestral Worldpower pool was rapidly expanding.

It was not only Hui Yue who benefited from this sudden influx in Ancestral Worldpower; he could feel that Lan Feng's soul was constantly evolving as well; the two, man and beast, were growing together at a rapid pace.

Suddenly the door opened, and Yanluo stepped inside. Hui Yue did not notice him as he was simply too busy absorbing all the energy that was flooding towards him, but Wei instantly noticed him. He bowed deeply and looked at him confused.

Was Hui Yue in trouble? Had he done something wrong, or was he doing something wrong right now? He was nervous, but Yanluo just waved his hand casually at Wei.

"Pei Yue is experiencing a side effect from having forced every single ounce of Ancestral Worldpower out of his soul," Yanluo explained.

"He did not use any of the Ancestral Worldpower that his body is built from, but he used every other drop of energy within his soul, and since every single drop was used up this has made his capacity to hold Ancestral Worldpower explode."

"And it was not only his own Ancestral Worldpower that was emptied but the phoenix's too. Now he is absorbing energy like a black hole... Truly a wondrous state to be in."

"While he is absorbing energy like this, he will probably not notice anything that happens around him, so I'll stay here together with you and protect our little King of Hell."

Wei just stared at Yanluo with confusion. He had not understood what the King of Hell said at all. Especially when he mentioned a phoenix. What phoenix? Was it because he had transformed into a phoenix that Yanluo was referring to a phoenix that had used all its energy? Wei was at a loss, but he asked no questions. He simply stood there guarding Hui Yue against whatever might threaten him.

The minutes turned to hours and the hours turned to a full day where Yanluo and Wei guarded Hui Yue. As the day came to a close, Hui Yue opened his eyes wide and gasped for air. He almost doubled over as he felt his body on the verge of exploding from the power he had absorbed.

It literally felt as if cracks were appearing all over his body. Small cracks but thousands of them, and even more energy entered his body through these cracks in return creating more and more of them.

It was clear that he was not able to contain all the energy that his body had absorbed, but it was also not possible for him to stop his body from absorbing more energy. He felt how the pain was even more intense than when he had experienced the combined punishments of the ten Courts of Hell in the first trial of the judge tests.

Although Hui Yue was gasping in pain, neither Wei nor Yanluo moved. Wei was looking on in shock and disbelief, unsure of what he was supposed to do while Yanluo just looked on casually. He did nothing but a small smile appeared on his lips.

"In this world, there are different kinds of bodies," Yanluo explained to both Wei and Hui Yue, yet Hui Yue was not able to hear what was being said. He was too busy trying to control the pain he was experiencing.

"Bodies of human cultivators are created by Ancestral Worldpower while the bodies of beasts are created from a mixture of their original bodies and Ancestral Worldpower. However even though the body is made from Ancestral Worldpower, there are differing degrees of how strong one's body is."

"Those who were born as mortals and became Gods through cultivation will not have as strong a body as those who are born Gods. The reason is simple as the moment they become Gods they do not have access to enough Ancestral Worldpower to create a strong enough body. For this reason, they are often the weakest among Immortals."

"However there are different ways to increase the strength of one's body, and that is by shattering the body one lives in and building a new one. It is impossible to do this before you are an Immortal of Creation, and the bodies made from average Immortals of Creation are often weaker than the one from a mortal turned God."

"The stronger the Immortal of Creation, the stronger the body." Yanluo continued to explain as the Ancestral Worldpower in all of Diyu started to twist and churn as it rushed towards Hui Yue's location. The more he absorbed, the more cracks appeared over his whole body. These cracks started to become visible to the naked eye, and Wei was becoming more and more alarmed.

"Your body is not bad for a mortal turned God, but it is far from strong enough to suit you," Yanluo continued as he lifted his hand. Most of the energy which was floating towards Hui Yue shifted its direction and turned towards Yanluo instead where he started collecting it between his hands.

Soon a massive ball of Ancestral Worldpower appeared between his hands. This was such a large amount of Ancestral Worldpower that Wei was breathless, yet even though most of it went to Yanluo, some still entered Hui Yue's body. This energy kept pressuring him more and more. His soul was greedily absorbing it, but his body could really not keep up. It was starting to disintegrate.

"I am known as the strongest God in the world," Yanluo said casually. His voice not containing even the slightest bit of arrogance, but he continued to gather so much Ancestral Worldpower that within his hands was now what seemed like a small sun shining brightly. After gathering energy for nearly three hours, he started molding this shining star into the figure of a body.

"Explode your body and come here. I will give you your first gift ever since you became a Judge," Yanluo said with a smile on his face. "I will give you a body which even those other experts within the Celestial Sword Sect who are born Immortals will envy."

"I will give you a body which is suitable for the legacy you will create."

"I will give you a body which will make you stand proudly as a true genius!"

The more Yanluo spoke, the more energy that rushed into Hui Yue's body, and soon a loud boom exploded as his body could no longer hold on. A huge wave of energy erupted through the entire palace sweeping through every single room and stunning everyone present.

Some understood what was going on, while others were completely clueless, but everyone was affected by it.

Hui Yue felt a lightness he had never felt before. His body no longer restrained him, and he was now just floating around. This was the feeling he had felt once before when he died in his previous life.

This was not a feeling he was willing to experience for long, and he looked at the body that Yanluo had refined for him before he willed his soul to enter it.

Yanluo did not try to stop him. A smile was on his face as he waved his hand and the body met him halfway.

As soon as Hui Yue came into contact with the body, he felt as if his soul was being sucked inside and he was soon engulfed by a feeling of being powerful.

Everything around him was shrouded in Ancestral Worldpower, and it was many times denser and stronger than it had been before.

Slowly, Hui Yue started to feel that he was in control of his body again and he stretched his hands outwards. He felt that he was at least four times as strong now physically, than he had been before. It also seemed like his capacity to hold Ancestral Worldpower had increased by at least four times.

"Like your new body?" Yanluo asked with a smile on his lips, and Hui Yue nodded his head. "Big brother, Yanluo, thank you!" He exclaimed excitedly, but Yanluo just chuckled.

"I should be the one thanking you, really," he said without hiding anything. "First you made us remember that it was possible to get Chujiang back, and now you are even willing to abdicate the throne for him when he is back. Not many would be willing to do so."

"Since you are going to be part of Diyu for some time, I wanted to show you my gratitude, and this is the first of three gifts."

"The second you will get at the coronation."

"The third you will get when we visit master."

Hui Yue could not help but feel excited. If the first gift was already so amazing, what could the second and third possibly be? The third was most likely information about how to resurrect Wang Ju Long, but what could this second gift be? Hui Yue had no idea, and he decided not to try and guess.

Instead, he bowed deeply to Yanluo. "Thank you," he said from his heart. "You have done me a great favor. Even if I am not the King of Hell for long, I will do my job properly. If you ever need anything from me, then I will come and help you at a moment's notice."

Although Hui Yue understood that there was not much he could do to help someone of Yanluo's status, he also understood that all of eternity was in front of him. Just because he could not help now, did not mean that he couldn’t be of use in the future.

Yanluo seemed to think the same because he gave a nod of his head and a smile played on his face.

"While you've been cultivating both the Celestial Sect kid and the Nightcrawler Sect's kid have come here quite a few times but been forced to leave every single time. You better go find them. I don't know if they have anything special to tell you, or if they just wanted to play around like kids do, but I'll let you decide on that."

Having finished speaking, Yanluo left the room as casually as he had arrived. Moments after he left, Pei Ze appeared in the doorway. His was smiling, and when he saw that Hui Yue was awake, he was even happier.

"I spoke with the elders, and they decided that when you return to the Celestial Sword Sect, they will have a massive party for you to celebrate your performance. Your father, especially, is eager to display that his son is a master!"

Soon the Nightcrawler Sect's youth appeared as well, but when he saw Hui Yue his face twisted. He came up closer to Hui Yue, so close in fact that his face was almost touching Hui Yue's. His eyes narrowed as he stared hard at the young man.

"You grew stronger once again!" he exclaimed shocked, and Hui Yue awkwardly scratched his head. It was not intended, but he could not deny it. He was indeed now much stronger than he had been before. He believed that he could defeat the Nightcrawler Sect's youth without depending on Lan Feng now.

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