Blue Phoenix

Chapter 536: A Plea for Help

Chapter 536: A Plea for Help

The group would fly for two days straight before resting for a night in a random place. During the first month, after dealing with the pursuing expert, nothing else exciting had happened. Hui Yue and the beast Gods would fly close to the Fu brothers to hear about the world of the Gods, the vast galaxy, and the many worlds located within it.

They learned about the different major powers and which worlds were the strongest.

"It is your turn to catch dinner tonight," Lu Jing, the three-headed dog, said to Huli who looked at him with complete and utter disregard. Although Lu Jing felt that he was in the right, he said nothing. He could only just shake his head before leaving the campsite and entering the forest behind them. He figured since Huli wasn’t in the mood to hunt, he could find a couple of beasts which everyone could enjoy.

As he left, Hui Yue could not help but laugh lightly at the way everyone was treating Huli. Even Cai Jie and the Fu brothers treated her like a queen whom they had to obey all orders from. She had still not displayed her strength, but from just hearing about her control over the dao of wind, all of them were filled with reverence. The only person who still treated her like before was Hui Yue.

"While he catches our dinner I’ll go take a bath," Hui Yue informed them all and quickly made his way towards a small stream which was located not too far away from them.

Moving there, Hui Yue frowned. He could feel that someone was running their way, but although this person’s speed could be considered fast for a human, it was simply too slow for a God like him.

Somewhere along the way the person stumbled and was stuck at the same place for some time. However, the person struggled to get back on his feet and continued running.

What shocked Hui Yue was not the fact that someone was running towards him, what shocked him was the feelings that could be felt from this person.

Despair. Agony. Pain. Suffering. It was clear that whomever it was that was running his way was filled with a fear so unimaginable that Hui Yue didn’t feel like dwelling on it.

It did not take long before this stumbling figure made it to the stream where Hui Yue intended to bathe, but the young man's frown turned to anger when he saw that this person was nothing more than an eight-year-old child.

To make such a small child feel like this, just what kind of horror must he have gone through?

The moment the child saw Hui Yue, his face first turned ecstatic, but then it changed to despair.

"Help... me..." The child said with a very weak voice before he collapsed on the ground.

Seeing the kid collapsing, Hui Yue was uncertain of what to do. He was on his way to Diyu, and he did not have too much time to spare, but he couldn’t just walk away from this child.

Sighing, Hui Yue decided not to bathe, instead, he went to the kid and lifted him up. Carrying the young boy back, he returned to his campsite.

Reaching the campsite with a kid in his arms, everyone looked at Hui Yue with a confused expression. They could understand if he had brought back a deer or some sort of beast to eat, but a child? Did he want them to eat this child?

Following this thought, the Fu brother's felt nausea, and even the beasts were slightly uncomfortable. Not that they were against eating humans but to think that a human offered up a small child. This was something they really could not accept.

Noticing the strange glances he was getting from everyone, Hui Yue sighed. "I ran into this child at the stream," he explained with a growing headache. "The child asked me to help him, and he seemed filled with despair and agony. I want to talk with him to hear what is going on; if it is nothing too troublesome then we will help him, but if that isn’t the case then we will take him to a city, give him some gold, and let him live a decent life."

Hui Yue already decided that it would be one of these two things he would do. Since the child had asked for his help, he had to help in one way or another.

The companions felt much better when they heard this, and their facial expressions also improved greatly. Seeing the changes in their behavior Hui Yue was unsure whether he should laugh or cry.

Hui Yue gently laid the child on the ground. On his arm was a storage treasure bracelet which he used to mask his usage of the Universe Box, and from it, he withdrew a set of blankets and pillows. He then wrapped them around the small child before examining him.

He had no wounds on his body, but his clothes were torn to shreds. His hair was disheveled but looking at him now, when he was asleep, he did not seem even half as fearful as he had been before. All the terrible emotions that were erupting earlier in this kid’s mind were all subdued while he was sleeping.

Lu Jing soon returned from the forest with a wild boar and a deer. One hanging on each of his shoulders, and his eyes widened in shock when he saw the child lying in the middle of their campsite. Although he was curious, he managed to keep back his words and did not ask what was going on.

Instead, he set up a large bonfire together with some of the other beasts and made a makeshift skewer where he placed the boar and the deer.

These two beasts quickly started roasting, and a delicious scent of roast meat wafted out from the fireplace. The scent enveloped the entire group of Gods, and soon it was so strong that even the young boy woke because of it.

At first, he was fearful. His eyes were filled with shock and disbelief, but when his eyes landed on Hui Yue, he crawled towards him and bowed so deeply that his entire body was sprawled on the ground.

"Please help me save my sister! She might still be alive!" He begged with tears streaming down his cheeks and a stomach grumbling so loud that everyone could hear it.

"Tell me what happened," Hui Yue said with a sigh as he cut off a leg of the boar and sliced the meat. After which he handed it over to the small boy who instantly wolfed it down.

"It started two months ago," the small boy said while trying to control his tears. "We heard rumors about villages being destroyed. Suddenly from one day to the next, the people within the villages would vanish completely."

"We never thought too much about it because our city was larger than those small villages, and we have a decent defense system alongside very strong guards patrolling the city."

"But as time went on, once a week, a village would go missing. All the people who live there would just be gone. We sent information to our lords, but they did not have enough time to conduct a full investigation before one night the alarm bells rang, and the city woke up on high alert."

"We did not know what we were up against, but everyone could not help but think about how the cities had lost their inhabitants one after another, and it seemed that we were next."

"All of a sudden it was like a black cloak had been laid over the city and we all lost all our energy. We could experience everything, but we could do nothing as tens of experts came flying from the sky and started storing us all in storage treasures."

"While we were inside the storage treasure, I don’t know how much time passed. Big sister stayed by my side the whole time and told me that everything would be fine, but it wasn't!"

"We were all dumped in a very small room with no space, and there were countless corpses piled up that reached to the ceiling. I don't know how long we were there, but every day a person would be picked up by one of the kidnappers and then another corpse would be thrown into the chamber."

Hearing this, Hui Yue started wondering about the real age of this child. He spoke as if he were fifteen years old, and although he had experienced all these things, he did not bat his eyelids even once when talking about them. His voice did not falter. It seemed his mental strength was simply outstanding.

"More and more living beings would be found and poured into the chamber, and for some reason, they always took the oldest people first."

"One day when they were throwing in a corpse, I ran. I don't know why I started running away, but when I had escaped, I just kept running. Strangely enough, the men did not come after me, they just laughed and watched me run."

"I kept running and running until I found you. I don't know where my home is... I don't know where I am either; all I know is that my sister might still be alive, and I have to save her!"

Hearing the small child’s story, everyone was touched but also alarmed and angered.

Gods were supposed to fight Gods. If you were to fight people below your strength, you were seen as someone bullying the weak, and it was very much frowned upon. But even worse, to massacre mortals was simply not acceptable.

"How strong do you think this man can be?" Hui Yue mused for some time, and the others were quiet for a long time before Fu Ziyu finally opened his mouth, "although he might be strong, he should not be stronger than our group of experts. If he really were that strong, then the world would know about him, and he would be unable to massacre mortals as he pleased."

"I suggest that we pay him a visit. If we are not strong enough then we will just escape, but if we can, we will kill him," Fu Jinyan said, and everyone else nodded their heads in agreement. Fu Jinyan only spoke when necessary and hearing him speak was enough for everyone to understand just how terrible an action these cultivators took was.

"Then so be it," Hui Yue agreed and took the hand of the small child before he flew into the sky followed by all his friends and the Fu brothers.

What Hui Yue did not know was that although the Fu brothers were disgusted by this man, and his actions of massacring mortals, they were not participating in this battle because of that. They wished to see Hui Yue and his friends fight, and if possible record it for the elders of the Celestial Sword Sect.

Gaining information about Hui Yue was important, Hui Yue was a new genius from the Celestial Sword Sect, and they wished to understand him better. Knowing that he had the support of five Immortals of Creation alongside control of soulforce and the dao of space, it was basically impossible for a single expert to defeat Hui Yue easily. Therefore, they did not mind suggesting that he deal with this rogue cultivator.

Flying into the distance, Hui Yue spread his soulforce as far as he could observing the entire area to know what was going on. He found that all the villages in the distance were all occupied by humans, and thus he concluded that the expert had his hunting grounds rather far away from the place he was presently at. This was most likely a safety measure to protect himself against the retaliating forces of the Netherworld.

"Let us see how long you can hide," Hui Yue said to himself as he stretched his soulforce to the limits before a sinister smile appeared on his lips. "Found you!" He said while his killing intent surged outwards.

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