Chapter 206: Exiled? Part4

“Awww, my dear. Did you miss me too much?” Tang Yue revealed a kind loving smile that made her look a hundred times more beautiful than her usual self, almost ethereal.

The pup having understood her, nudged its head on her neck and was licking her and rubbing against her vigorously.

“Ha Ha Ha.” Tang Yue giggled as the small thing’s movements were tickling her.

Ah… Lotte watched these two play with each other speechlessly, his mouth wide page.

Why are you playing so innocently like this, Princess?!!! HAVEN’T YOU HEARD ANYTHING YET?? He screamed inside.

Lotte gulped and swallowed his saliva, and nervously mumbled. “Umm… Your highness. A new royal verdict has been issued in Eldoria.”

“Oh! What is it?” Tang Yue casually asked, still playing with Little Blue.

“This…” Lotte hesitated. “This verdict is actually directly issued from the Emperor’s high-council.” He explained.

This last part piqued Tang Yue’s interest as she turned towards him and asked again. “What is it?”

“That… Princess… You are exiled…” Lotte slowly replied. His head was bent down not knowing how to face the princess.

He was really pained and saddened to bring such sad news to her.

On the other end, Tang Yue seemed to be pretty relaxed even after hearing that. In fact, she looked happier?

“What? What? Are you serious?” 

Setting Little Blue on the ground, she held Lotte’s shoulders and shook the elf frantically.

Fuck Yassssss! She screamed inwardly. 

This must be her luckiest day. The good news just kept on coming!!!

Lotte was slightly frightened. Has the Princess become too upset and lost her mind? He wondered.

The elf hurried up and explained the whole thing in detail. “Your highness. Please don’t worry. All hope is not lost yet. Others might say hurtful things. Please don’t listen to them.” He tried to reassure her first.

Tang Yue chuckled. No. No. Please hurt me. Say that I am banished. She danced on her toes as if she had to pee urgently.

“I apologize your highness. I don’t know more details regarding this. No one does. Only the higher authorities are privy to this information.”

“I came here to inform you that her highness, the Empress wants to see you urgently and talk to you personally about this.” Lotte solemnly spoke and bowed.

He could only pray in his heart that this matter was not as serious as everyone is making it to be. 

All the other consorts were almost in a celebratory mood and it irritated him. Why was this princess being treated so unfairly? Lotte sighed.

“So it’s not a simple exile huh?” Tang Yue muttered pensively. She was very puzzled about this sudden development. 

Did Charlotte do something? She pondered as she walked towards Empress Freya’s private palace quarters, followed by Little Blue and Lotte.

When the trio reached there, both Little Blue and Lotte were stopped at the entrance itself, allowing only Tang Yue to proceed forward.

“Greetings, your highness.” Tang Yue humbly bowed after entering the huge royal chamber.

By now she was very anxious. Please exile me. Please exile me. She prayed inside her heart.

Tang Yue trembled slightly as she felt the elf’s intense gaze on her. It felt very familiar. Just like her tyrannical son, the Empress also had a very similar blood-curdling look.

“Mmmm.” Freya finally nodded in acknowledgment of Tang Yue’s greeting.

For some reason, she suddenly looked much angrier than she had at their earlier meeting a while ago.

“You sure took your sweet time to come see me.” Her cold and arrogant voice sounded.

Freya was not a bad person, but at the same time, when it came to her son, she wouldn’t allow anyone to bring him down, let alone a spirit beast such as Tang Yue.

She didn’t know what tricks this sly woman used to seduce her son, but this was her end.

“I apologize, your highness. I was unwell and unable to meet you prior to this morning.” Tang Yue bowed again and muttered.

Maybe it was because she already had a foot in the Demi-God realm, she didn’t feel as nervous as before.

She just calmly and patiently answered, with all the respect that an Empress deserved, but at the same time, she was not meek and subservient.

Though something did irk Tang Yue. The big chamber was unusually empty and only the Empress and herself were present.

Why was everyone being so secretive? She wondered.

“Hmph. Such a convenient time to fall sick!” Freya snorted angrily. “Come here and take this.” She added.

A small crystal floated on her hand, that had a slightly green hue to it.

Tang Yue slowly walked closer to her and bowed and accepted the crystal.

“This is a top-quality disguise rune. Crush it.” She said.

Tang Yue curiously crushed the small crystal gem, a gem that she didn’t recognize.

Suddenly, a loud whooshing sound echoed and she found herself enveloped by a bright light.

A warm fluffy feeling engulfed her body and the next instant everything went back to normal.

Huh? Tang Yue was confused. What just happened?

Her gaze then casually flickered down and saw something utterly ridiculous.

Her slender and alluring body that could topple nations was replaced by a short and stout dark brown-skinned figure.

“What?” Tang Yue gasped loudly.

She looked at Empress Freya’s face and saw that the woman was smiling in amusement.

Bitch! Tang Yue cursed inside. She lifted her arms as well and checked her body multiple times from top to bottom.

All of a sudden, she looked like a hideous dwarf; not that dwarves, in general, were bad-looking. 

They were slightly shorter in height but there were many lean and muscular dwarves who looked quite handsome and strong.

However, the one Tang Yue resembled was particularly nasty looking. 

She couldn’t see her full face yet, but she could clearly see the boundary of a big fat pimple on her nose.

To a woman this was blasphemy! Damn it!! The snake cursed her bad luck.

“Heh. You can examine yourself later. Don’t waste my time.” Freya smugly chided the snake dwarf in front of her.

“There is a tattoo on your arm. If you drip blood on it. You can revert to your original self.”

“I will give you a few more crystals to change back and forth from this disguise if needed.”

“The details of your new identity are in this jade slip.” 

Freya handed Tang Yue a small silk pouch containing the things she needed.

“Your task is to enter the Dwarven empire with this disguise and learn their spirit weapon smithing technique.”

“You must not allow yourself to be exposed while you are there.”

“If you are by chance exposed, then you should immediately end your life.”

“You only have until the end of next lunar cycle to finish this task and you must accomplish this task at all costs. 

“If you fail to accomplish this task, then you will be exiled from Eldoria and stripped off all your titles.”

Freya explained all the details one by one and Tang Yue silently bowed and nodded in response.

However, there was a subtle glint in her emerald eyes.

“Am I making myself clear?”

“And you cannot tell anyone about this. This is a royal secret. Do you understand?”

“If I or anyone else senses any disobedience in this, you will be immediately executed,” Freya exclaimed. 

She then stood and left the chamber, indirectly indicating that the conversation was over and there was nothing else to discuss.

Tang Yue lifted her head and silently gazed at the disappearing figure of the Empress. 

There was neither shock nor fear on her face, she only had a look of cold indifference.

“Heh.” She chuckled lightly. 

Lotte was wrong… This was not an exile. This was a simple and clean execution order!

Tang Yue’s now chubby and hairy knuckles popped loudly as she clenched her fists tightly.

She didn’t exactly know the reason for this sudden development, but she could tell that this had something to do with the labyrinth.

Did they by chance think that she had obtained that weird inheritance for herself?

Hmmm… So what even if she did? So many people had participated in the labyrinth exploration. 

Anyone could have succeeded and obtained that inheritance. Did they not expect this outcome when they let so many people in?

Or was this because of the human being that she came in contact with?

Did Xander not believe her story? Was he behind this? If so why wasn’t he man enough to directly kill her?

He probably didn’t because he couldn’t justify executing a princess of the Serpentine Empire in public.

So they handed out an impossible task to her and used a very roundabout way to execute her.

Tang Yue did not know or understand why things had escalated suddenly to such an extreme state.

Her long-forked tongue hissed with amusement and anger.

She was already a foot into the Demi-God realm, but it didn’t matter. She was still just a plaything to these elves.

When will she finally be able to break out of this invisible prison? 

Tang Yue silently bit her lips as she felt a boundless rage surging within her. 

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