At this moment, Wu Mo's thoughts seemed to be drifting. He sat there motionlessly, but his eyes flickered with a strange light.

In his mind, a mech model gradually appeared!

This mech had a powerful floating ability and various offensive methods in the deep sea.

Moreover, the height of the mech had to be at least 100 meters, and it had to adopt a human-like form to better adapt to the complex environment.

This mech was no longer just a product of science fiction movies or novels, but a weapon of war that was about to appear in front of people.

Once this vague concept entered Mo's mind, it could not be erased.

He was currently considering how to create such a mech.

In order to create such a mech, one must first have extremely tough and rigid materials.

Ordinary steel and alloy materials were obviously not suitable.

However, Wu Mo knew that this was not a problem.

In China, there were many large-scale metal smelting factories with great strength. As long as the corresponding requirements were given, they would definitely be able to produce the required materials.

After solving the material problem, the next step was to control the core chip.

The chip had to have an extremely high fault tolerance rate, and its stability was far beyond that of ordinary military equipment.

After all, if the war mech made a mistake in its commands during combat, it could cause irreparable and terrifying consequences.

After solving the problem of the chip and materials, the next step was the design strategy.

The mech must be developed in all aspects. There must not be any obvious flaws in defense, movement speed, and offense.

At the same time, it also needed to be able to provide real-time feedback of information from all sides, automatically filter information, and respond quickly to changes in the surrounding environment at any time.

"Once such a war mech is born, it will become a perfect killing machine, the ultimate nemesis of the sea monsters!" Wu Mo said to himself enthusiastically.

"Huh, Chief Engineer Wu, what are you talking about?"

When everyone heard Wu Mo's words, they were immediately puzzled.

"Mech? Chief Wu, why don't we understand what you're saying?"

Everyone was confused.

Wu Mo smiled and shook his head. "It's nothing, I just have an idea!"

"Oh, an idea?"

The officers looked at each other and smiled in understanding.

They all knew that Wu Mo was a genius in military design. Once he had an idea and was still immersed in it, it would definitely be something extraordinary.

Therefore, everyone was secretly looking forward to seeing what kind of shocking work Wu Mo would produce next.

At this moment, Wu Mo noticed that the beheaded giant sea serpent on the screen was still attacking the nuclear-powered submarine!

"What's happening? This sea serpent is ignoring its injury. Could it be that its nerve center isn't in the brain?"

Wu Mo was confused. He thought of the basic principle of biological evolution, the nerve control center should be in the brain.

The nuclear-powered submarine shot out another high-density ray, which pierced through the part of the sea serpent that was connected to its head.

However, the sea serpent grew a new brain at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Despite that, its body was slightly shorter, and it looked extremely strange and distorted.

"What?! Cell regeneration?" Wu Mo could not help but scream.

This was his next research direction in the field of biotechnology. It was completely different from Life First and Life Second. It was an independent research field.

After the sea serpent's brain suffered devastating damage, its remaining cells rapidly expanded and regenerated. It could even differentiate into brain cells to make up for minor injuries.

The birth of this kind of cross-attribute biological cells was originally a far-fetched imagination, but now that it was vividly displayed on this sea serpent, Wu Mo was instantly worked up!

"If biological technology can reach this level, Life First will be a near-perfect concept!" Wu Mo exclaimed excitedly.

The appearance of the sea serpent gave him great confidence and let him know that the regenerative technology of biological bodies was about to be available.

Unfortunately, the tragedy of the disabled still exists in human society today.

When they lost their limbs or vital organs, they could not rely on medicine to repair them. They could only live their lives with regret.

However, if there was such a medicine, it could regrow broken arms, repair broken legs, and return them to normal.

Then, these people would be able to live normally and be filled with hope and desire for life again!

The sea serpent's regrown brain shocked everyone, but Wu Mo saw another ray of hope.


On the screen, another high-density ray blew up the sea serpent's newly grown head.

However, this time, the sea serpent seemed to be using all its strength to grow another head, but it was already slowing down.

"Continue fighting! Hit its brain!"

The commander on the front line seemed to have gone crazy and only ordered to attack its head.

Rumble… Boom!

A few high-density rays flew past, blasting the serpent's head into pieces.

However, what happened next shocked everyone!

After the sea serpent's head was repeatedly shattered, it could not be repaired for a long time.

Then, a tender bud slowly grew out of the bloody stump. On the tender bud was a ball of new red meat. This "meatball" gradually grew bigger, and the serpent's facial features appeared.

This scene left everyone dumbstruck. It was as if they were watching a miracle. It was unbelievable!

Only a few brain cells had been left behind after the root of the brain was blown up. Yet, these cells could grow a brand new brain in just three minutes…

Such a thing was so absurd that it was hard to believe!

At this time, Wu Mo's eyes widened as he noticed that the frontline commander was still ordering the high-density ray weapons to fire at the sea serpent's head.

However, he suddenly had an idea and suggested, "Don't hit its head, aim at the lower part of its head. Its regenerative cells should be hidden in its neck."

Filled with enthusiasm, Wu Mo asked the frontline commander to act according to his suggestion.

As expected, a ray pierced through its neck and severed its head again.

The sea snake was finally unable to grow its head. It swayed and was about to fall into the sea.

"Haha! It's finally dead. This really was an immortal serpent!"

The old chief could not help but sigh.

If not for Wu Mo's suggestion, the front line would have to fight with this serpent for a while before the outcome could be decided.

"Collect the specimens and send them back to the laboratory for research!" Wu Mo ordered again.

After the sea serpent was killed, the elite team took a small frigate to the sea to collect a large number of biological cell samples for laboratory research.

In the end, the battle subsided.

ƥαṇdα- ηθνε|·ƈθm Although not all the sea monsters had been wiped out, most of them had died near the port.

The rest were gradually killed or injured in the pursuit of the nuclear-powered submarines.

Special sea monsters, such as the Undying Serpent and the Dual-blade Sea Monster, had also been successfully destroyed by humans!

This victory inspired people all over the world and made them realize that China had the ability to defend its territory and even represent the world in resisting the invasion of sea monsters!

However, Wu Mo had new things to do. He had two grand plans: Battle mechs and short-term biological regeneration technology.

For the first time, Wu Mo named this technology as biological regeneration technology.

Regeneration was to add the youthful factor in Life First and allowing the organism to grow rapidly after being injured. This would achieved the effect of regeneration.

Once it was released, it would bring good news to mankind and heal countless physical and mental wounds!

This technology would be presented in the form of an agent. It was the third breakthrough in biotechnology after Life First and Life Second.

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