"Oh, my God, the monster's shot rays out of its eyes, and they penetrated the nuclear power plant?"

This made them realize that they did not know enough.

They were all professional reporters from the military. They understood the importance of nuclear power plants and the sturdiness of their defenses.

Just imagine how powerful a ray would be needed to penetrate a nuclear power plant?

Wu Mo smiled faintly and continued, "If you understand the terrifying power of those monsters, you won't doubt that our existing conventional weapons, including compound missiles, are useless against them!"

Many reporters were moved by Wu Mo's words, and they began to take notes.

Everyone knew that these terrifying sea monsters could not be fought with conventional weapons.

Seeing that the reporters were humbly asking him for advice, he began to explain more to them.

"When compound weapons are ineffective, the only option left is a small nuclear bomb. However, these sea monsters are close to the coast as soon as they appear. If we use small nuclear bombs, we won't be able to avoid causing damage to the coast!"

Wu Mo's words opened the eyes of everyone present, and they understood the sea monsters' tactics even more.

Those sea monsters were lurking at the bottom of the sea. Once they surfaced, they would immediately appear near the port and attack.

All the officers present, including the old chief, listened attentively to Wu Mo's explanation.

There was no doubt that Wu Mo's professional knowledge in this area was unparalleled.

Reporters from all over the world targeted Wu Mo. They found that the deeper they dug, the more crucial information they could get from Wu Mo about the sea monsters.

"Chief Engineer Wu, you know so much about sea monsters. How did you get this information?" asked a reporter. "You're only an engineer, not a frontline commander. How did you manage to understand all this?"

"The threat of sea monsters involves all of humanity," Wu Mo replied with a smile. "In the face of this urgency, each of us has the responsibility to understand everything about the sea monsters. I'm just fulfilling my duty as an ordinary person."

His response caused thunderous applause in the entire venue.

The senior reporters from other nations were moved by Wu Mo's words, and they could not help but applaud.

The officers around him also cheered for Wu Mo, and their faces brimmed with smiles of praise.

Most of the questions in the interview were directed at Wu Mo.

Everyone was taken aback by his erudition. It was as if their past impressions had been reconstructed, and it took them a long time to calm down.

After the interview, many people wanted to exchange contact information with Wu Mo. That way, they could get updates on the latest situation involving the sea monsters.

However, Wu Mo decided to reject their requests.

If he made his contact information public, he would suffer plenty of harassment in the future.

Wu Mo had to devote himself to his research of combating sea monsters. The most important thing was to develop more high-density ray weapons as soon as possible.

The southeastern coast, other coastal regions, and important coastal cities were in danger of being destroyed at any time.

At this critical moment, the development of high-density ray weapons was particularly important!

It was worth mentioning that he had made great progress in his research.

Ten high-density ray weapons had been successfully installed on the small cruisers. These ships were small, flexible, and easy to control.

They could even lurk in the blind spots of skyscrapers and ports as they launch fatal raids on sea monsters!

In just a few days, Wu Mo had already manufactured fifty high-density ray weapons that could be deployed on frigates.

This major breakthrough greatly boosted the morale on China's base!

Each of the fifty weapon frigates could fire twenty rays, which brought it to a total of one thousand rays.

With a precise automatic locking system, almost every ray could hit the sea monsters.

This meant that China now had the ability to destroy at least one thousand sea monsters!

"Wu Mo, after this crisis is over, I'll award you the highest-ranking medal," the old chief promised Wu Mo solemnly.

Wu Mo's groundbreaking invention had allowed China's high-density ray weapons to reach an impressive level.

A thousand rays were enough to kill a thousand sea monsters. They were invincible!

"We're no longer afraid, truly no longer afraid. Even if the sea monsters come like a tide, we still have the power to destroy them. The high-density ray weapons can conveniently charge each other too. What else do we have to fear?"

An officer stuck his chest out and raised his head confidently.

However, just as everyone was immersed in the joy of defeating the sea monsters, an officer who usually did not want to speak in public suddenly said, "Isn't it too early to celebrate?"

Everyone turned to the officer as they were curious about his opinion.

The officer in charge of the Maritime Department slowly presented some information and told them about several recent discoveries.

Although the Omni-dwelling Demon Spider army had been destroyed, everyone thought that the Sea Monster King was superior to the Omni-dwelling Demon Spider when it came to individual combat strength.

There was no doubt about it. Everyone nodded silently and agreed that the Sea Monster King was stronger.

Its defensive ability was even stronger, and it could withstand the attacks of various human weapons.

They could only deal damage if they stood firm!

There was another obvious difference between the Sea Monster King and Omni-dwelling Demon Spider: Although the Omni-dwelling Demon Spider had many complex attacks, its destructive power was far inferior to that of the Sea Monster King.

The Sea Monster King could easily destroy the port's construction facilities with its humanoid hands. This was beyond the Omni-dwelling Demon Spider's reach.

In the officer's opinion, when the Sea Monster King army arrived, it might be difficult for humans to deal with it.

Even if there were many high-density ray weapons, how could they effectively and accurately attack the combined forces of the Sea Monster Kings and other sea monster armies?

However, the other officers had a different opinion.

They believed that fifty high-density ray weapons were sufficient to destroy these so-called sea monster armies.

The old chief then announced that in order to deal with a surprise attack from the sea monster army, the officers present and the areas under their jurisdiction would be divided into five battalions. This would correspond to each of the sea monster armies.

Wu Mo understood the purpose of doing this to target them from one point.

All the officers and their subordinates were then divided into five battalions.

As a researcher, Wu Mo would not join any battalion. Instead, he would remain in the base's command center to coordinate and command all army operations with the old chief. He would be responsible for coordinating the soldiers' deployment and other matters.

Just as the army versus army structure was formed, the southeastern coastal city of Shen Gang faced the threat of the sea monster army again!

Shen Gang was slightly smaller than Dongzhou, but its strategic position was extremely important.

In recent years, the speed of its development had far exceeded that of Dongzhou, and it had been showing a trend of replacing the former.

Today, the evil sea monster army had finally extended its tentacles to the city.


There was a loud bang, but the people of Shen Gang were not surprised by the sea monsters' arrival.

After all, Dongzhou had already experienced harassment from the sea monsters, and these occurrences had left a deep impression on the people.

Now, the sea monsters had attacked again, and the people of Shen Gang started to evacuate in an orderly manner.

An intense battle was about to begin between humans and sea monsters!

The second battalion had predicted the sea monster army's surprise attack in advance and had already set up artillery fire there.

To inspire confidence in the people of the world, reporters came to the scene for a live broadcast to let the world witness how humans would defeat the monsters!

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