In a special episode, Wu Mo also watched the analysis of the two experts.

Although he knew that their views were not nonsense, this did not mean that they were true authorities.

In fact, they might be talking nonsense themselves.

However, Wu Mo did believe that if there really was a space-time instability point in the mysterious nest, like a wormhole, then everything would make sense.

Those strange sea monsters were completely different from any creature on Earth. They were also astonishingly powerful. They kept emerging from the deep sea.

Isn't this an alien creature that came to our world through a wormhole?

Even so, Wu Mo would never publicly support this expert's point of view.

If he did so, the entire human society would fall into extreme chaos.

Even if this was the truth, it had to be hidden and not made public.

This point of view was too shocking, and Wu Mo was not willing to cause too much turmoil.

The appearance of sea monsters was already commonplace, and people were no longer surprised by this phenomenon.

In the era of giant sea monsters, Wu Mo could receive a call at any time, day or night, that was the news of sea monsters appearing and attacking human coastal cities.

But now, with the widespread use of high-density ray weapons, almost every coastal city's port was equipped with at least one such weapon.

One weapon was enough to deal with one sea monster, because these terrifying sea monsters with codenames rarely appeared in groups.

The advantage of a high-density ray weapon was that it could kill in one shot. It was different from conventional weapons. Its rays could spread out in all directions after piercing through a sea monster's body, killing it in one shot.

However, this time, the sea monster shocked everyone, and even alerted Wu Mo in the middle of the night.

A sturdy-level officer was in charge of this matter. He walked quickly to the command center.

When he arrived, Wu Mo and the others had already arrived.

"Everyone, there's something that might renew our previous understanding. That's the codenamed sea monster that we thought could not be replicated. They might not be an isolated existence!"

These words shocked Wu Mo and the officers present.

Their eyes were fixed on the screen. The live broadcast showed a ferocious sea monster waving its fangs and claws slowly moving toward the coast under the illumination of the searchlights.

The firepower of conventional weapons left deep holes on its body.

However, this sea monster's vitality was shockingly tenacious. Its thick muscles allowed it to continue advancing without fear even though it had wounds on its body!

When everyone saw the appearance of the sea monster, they were shocked.

Wasn't this sea monster destroyed by a nuclear bomb long ago?

At that time, eight heroic human heroes sacrificed themselves to lure it into the deep sea and kill it with a nuclear bomb.

But now, this fellow had actually appeared before their eyes again!

"Impossible! The nuclear bombs destroyed them. We had no doubt about it!"

Wu Mo spoke first because to doubt this was to doubt the loyalty and dedication of those eight human heroes to mankind!

At the center of the nuclear explosion, whether it was three sea monsters, thirty, or three hundred, they would all turn into nothingness.

"Yes." The officer nodded. "This is extremely suspicious. Logically speaking, it should have been killed by the explosion, but now that it has appeared again. Does it mean that these sea monsters with codenames aren't isolated but a group?"

This view was depressing, but everyone knew that it was the only reasonable explanation.

A young officer next to Wu Mo reluctantly said, "Then, doesn't that mean it was wrong of us to give them codenames? When these sea monsters appear, how do we deal with them with our current methods?"

This sharp question left everyone speechless.

They all realized that their previous understanding of sea monsters might have been limited to a certain extent.

Wu Mo also knew that if this view was true, then there might be something hidden under the sea that they did not know.

Just imagine, when sea monsters like the Sea Monster King, the Omni-dwelling Demon Spider, and the terrifying Slaughterer gathered in a group, what a terrifying scene it would be.

People would never forget the long legs of the Omni-dwelling Demon Spiders, which had long hairs like huge trees in the forest. Not only could they fly automatically like missiles to attack human cities, but they could also disintegrate and explode in the air.

There was also the Sea Monster King's terrifying defense and top-notch intelligence that was comparable to a human's!

Not to mention the Slaughterer that specifically chose places with dense human traffic to attack. It was cruel and murderous by nature...

When these sea monsters grouped up, the threat they posed would increase by dozens or even hundreds of times.

As this thought flashed through their minds, all the officers present felt an indescribable heaviness in their hearts.

It was too difficult.

"I didn't expect to receive such terrible news as soon as we develop the high-density ray cruiser!"

Wu Mo shook his head helplessly.

There was only one countermeasure in the current situation, and that was to mass produce cruisers at the same time, so that the number of high-density ray cruisers was enough to fight against these sea monsters.

However, this also meant that the level of confrontation would directly rise to a higher level. The scale would become larger and larger, and it might affect the entire coast of China.

"No, this is too risky. We have to figure out the situation ahead first. Sigh, it would be great if he could really build an undersea corridor and control the situation of the entire sea area!"

After the old chief received the news, his first consideration was the safety of the entire human society.

If the confrontation escalated to such a scale, it would be a full-scale war.

He had always been eager to build an undersea corridor, because that way, they could truly observe how many undiscovered special sea monsters were hidden in the sea.

Where did these sea monsters usually hide, so that they could escape the advanced monitoring methods of humans and come out from time to time to shock people?

Of course, Wu Mo was also present. The old general knew that it was unrealistic for him to study the undersea corridor.

Wu Mo did not need to worry about this because it was not a military design, but a grand infrastructure project.

In fact, any top engineer in China had the ability to design such a project.

However, the problem was, after the design was completed, how would the follow-up problems be solved?

Who could put it into practice, and who could guarantee this?

"Chief, although the plan for the undersea corridor isn't very realistic, we can use the space base station to carry out satellite positioning and accurately capture the situation at the bottom of the sea."

Wu Mo proposed a new plan.

Everyone nodded. This seemed to be the only feasible solution at the moment.

Therefore, the old chief approved the plan and instructed the space base station to aim at the accident area for satellite positioning capture.

Moreover, they had to send submarines thousands of meters deep to observe.

This would gradually become a routine mission because the number and species of sea monsters were constantly increasing. People's understanding of the sea had to be completely overturned.

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