"Son, why are you calling so late at night? What's the matter?"

Wu Mo smiled on the other end of the line.

"I have good news for you and Mom today!"

Mr. Wu immediately became excited. Wu Mo had never taken the initiative to share good news. Something big must have happened this time.

"Tell me what the good news is," he asked eagerly.

"Here's the thing. You're about to retire, so I discussed it with the higher-ups and decided to postpone your retirement for 30 years. Of course, 25 years is fine too."

Mr. Wu was partially happy and partially worried when he heard this. Although he had always been proud of his hard work, he was worried that his body could no longer keep up.

He shook his head and sighed. "I want to continue working too, but I'm getting old. I'm afraid I no longer have the energy."

Wu Mo smiled on the screen. "Dad, have you noticed that I've become younger?"

Only then did Mr. Wu carefully observe his son. He quickly took out his presbyopic glasses from his briefcase.

Upon closer inspection, he was surprised to find that Wu Mo indeed looked much younger than he did the last time he returned home.

"How did you become so young?"

Mrs. Wu also walked over to take a look as well.

The two seniors were surprised.

Was their son not a middle-aged man?

Yet, at this moment, he looked like an 18-year-old youth.

The two seniors suspected that there was something wrong with their eyes.

Seeing his parents' surprise, Wu Mo revealed the truth.

"Dad, Mom, the army has developed an anti-aging drug. It has a certain effect of rejuvenation. I've made some contributions to the army over the years, so I have access to this drug. I plan to leave it to the both of you."

Hearing this, the two seniors were so shocked that they became speechless.

Mrs. Wu even wondered if she was dreaming.

The anti-aging drug actually had the effect of rejuvenation?

"Son, don't lie to us. We're old, and we can't take the shock!" Wu Mo's mother sincerely expressed her doubts.

However, his father did not suspect anything.

He understood Wu Mo's personality. His son might lie to others, but he would never lie to his parents. Even if he did on occasion, it would only be out of kindness.

"Let me talk to my son." Mr. Wu's expression was serious.

His blood was boiling.

He had finally climbed to his current position, but he was facing retirement.

Now that he knew that he could continue working for 30 years, he saw a bright future ahead.

"I trust you. When will the injection begin? Your mother and I will make preparations in advance!"

Wu Mo chuckled and revealed the exact time.

"We can start in four days. However, this matter had to be kept a secret. No matter if it was relatives, friends, or neighbors, they could not tell anyone. This scientific research result was still classified as top secret!"

The two seniors nodded solemnly.

In fact, the last sentence was not completely true.

The news of Life First would eventually be exposed. As more and more people received the injection, it would be harder and harder to keep it secret until it was finally made public.

For the personnel of the research institute, it might be possible to keep it a secret for the time being.

However, those frontline personnel who were active in the public eye.

Even if he hid it, he probably wouldn't be able to hide it for long.

Wu Mo said this to remind his talkative mother.

He knew that it was very difficult to hide any secrets from her.

However, as long as it concerned Wu Mo's future, she would rather die than reveal a single thing.

Mr. Wu also understood that he was reminding Mrs. Wu.

"When you go out to play mahjong or square dance, you must keep it a secret. This concerns our son's future. Don't bring him trouble because of your negligence."

Mrs. Wu nodded solemnly. "Don't worry. I won't harm our son. "Hurry up and finish the soup. After that, we can get ready to set off."

Four days later, Mr. Wu was awakened by Mrs. Wu at five in the morning. After washing up, he walked out of the house in a daze.

Just as they reached the entrance of the neighborhood, a green jeep came to pick them up.

After the two seniors got into the jeep, they drove straight to the airport.

Before 10.00 pm, Mr. and Mrs. Wu arrived at the Institute of Special Biology.

"This place is magnificent!" Mr. Wu sighed.

As soon as they got out of the car, 12 female warriors came to welcome them. They had received special permission from the chief to move in after the Institute of Special Biology was confirmed to be the manufacturing site of Life First.

"Welcome to the Institute of Special Biology!"

Mr. Wu nodded in satisfaction.

He was also a section chief now, and his temperament as a leader had long been nurtured.

"Hello, sorry to trouble you!"

The warrior leading the team immediately led Wu Mo's parents into the research institute.

"The chief is already waiting inside. Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu, please follow us."

The chief was personally receiving them?

Mr. Wu immediately became cautious, and Mrs. Wu also felt extremely nervous.

With the warrior's guidance, the two of them entered the Institute of Special Biology.

As soon as they entered the hall, Mr. Wu saw a high-ranking officer with his back to them discussing work with his assistant.

This person was Wu Mo, but his parents did not realize it.

Mr. Wu became even more cautious and thought this must be his son's superior. He could not be negligent in the slightest, lest it affected his son's future.

People said that parents were of one heart, and right then, Wu Mo was a perfect interpretation of this saying.

"Hello, Chief!"

Wu Mo heard the familiar voice and turned around.

At that moment, Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu were stunned.

Was the chief their son?

His son was already a high-ranking officer?

"Dad, what are you talking about?" Wu Mo shook his head helplessly. "I'm your son."

It was a small misunderstanding, and Mr. Wu was not embarrassed in the slightest. Instead, he was overjoyed.

After all, who would not be happy to have a Pillar-rank officer in the family?

"My wonderful son, you're still being mysterious with us! I didn't even know you were a high-ranking officer. This is a great honor to our ancestors!"

Mr. Wu sighed in his heart.

Mrs. Wu walked over impatiently and reached out to touch Wu Mo's face. "Wow, your skin's even smoother than a young lady's. I wonder what I'll look like if I use it?"

Although Mrs. Wu was already 60 years old, she still had a heart for beauty.

Wu Mo smiled. "If you use it, you'll definitely be prettier than an 18-year-old girl, Mom."

Mrs. Wu smiled happily and nodded repeatedly.

Wu Mo looked at the time. "The kitchen has prepared a sumptuous dinner especially for you. I've also invited a few friends to eat with us."

Wu Mo's parents naturally did not refuse.

Soon, everyone arrived at the cafeteria. Wu Mo's friends included Phantom Wolf and his girlfriend.

Just as they sat down, Phantom Wolf held his girlfriend's hand and walked over.

After several days of interaction, their relationship had become official.

Phantom Wolf was overjoyed, and he smiled at everyone. This was something that never happened in the past.

Once Wu Mo's mother understood their situation, she immediately turned her attention to Phantom Wolf and his girlfriend.

Like a loving mother, she asked about their lives with concern and taught them many ways to pursue the opposite sex.

Phantom Wolf's girlfriend was so shy that her face turned red.

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