Their meeting was about how they would develop future equipment and what the next direction of research would be. The main point was to discuss the needs of the three armies before they decided on the specific equipment.

"Chief, this meeting might decide the future!"

The old chief nodded.

"You're still the heart of this meeting, Wu Mo.

"So, let's cut the chit-chat. The meeting has begun. Let's go!"

With that, the old chief stood up, and Wu Mo followed closely behind.

The two of them arrived at the new meeting room, and many high-ranking officers entered the conference room one after another.

After the old chief's brief opening speech, they discussed the first topic on their agenda—Wu Mo's commendation.

Wu Mo did not directly participate in the discussion when it came to his commendation. Following the principle of exclusion and avoidance, he acted as a bystander and observed everyone instead.

Naturally, no one would award themselves.

Therefore, the principle of exclusion and avoidance had to be followed here.

In the meeting, many strong-level officers spoke in succession.

"I believe that Comrade Wu Mo has made a huge contribution. He should be given huge material reward, and we should extend his parents' retirement period. This is in line with the relevant regulations."

The old chief nodded in agreement. Then, another Pillar-rank senior stood up and said, "He has already been awarded a medal before. I suggest that he be awarded a Pillar-rank medal.

"On top of that, we should make sure he gets the necessary material rewards."

Everyone present understood the importance of Life First to China.

However, the significance of the Pillar medal was extraordinary.

Every person who received this medal was a pillar of the country.

Without a doubt, Wu Mo's breakthrough in his research had made him famous.

His status in the field of equipment development and manufacturing had improved by an unprecedented measure.

Everyone looked forward to such a rise in status.

Even though Wu Mo's previous achievements had also attracted the attention of the leaders, he had always felt limited.

If he continued the previous pattern, it would probably seriously slow down his growth.

The success of this research gave him hope.

Only by becoming an authority figure could one obtain a higher status and control.

At the same time, they would receive even greater support.

Wu Mo felt an inexplicable sense of frustration in his heart as if something important was about to happen in the future.

With such motivation, he had no choice but to become more decisive.

The old chief frowned and contemplated for a moment. Then he stood up and said, "According to our comrade's suggestion earlier, Wu Mo will be heralded as the Father of Human Life Medicine, but this will only be limited to internal announcements. The specifics are top secret.

"In addition, the reward will be one billion yuan in cash. This is a summary of the previous rewards. A first-class merit medal will be awarded and recommended to the selection of major medals.

"Lastly, Wu Mo will be awarded a Pillar-rank medal and enjoy the treatment of a general."

This was the highest material reward they had given out since the establishment of China.

Wu Mo was a little surprised. He did not even know how to spend one billion yuan.

However, since the leaders wanted give him a reward, there was no need for him to refuse.

As for the first-class merit, only one was awarded because the reward was for the individual's deeds, not the individual.

The core manufacturing technology of Life First was the longevity factor.

Anyway, to Wu Mo, the medal was no longer necessary. He already had the Medal of the Century.

After he announced the award ceremony, the old chief's gaze landed on Wu Mo.

"Comrade Wu, what do you think of these arrangements?"

"I have no issues with them. Whatever you say, Chief."

Wu Mo expressed his complete acceptance.

The old chief heaved a sigh of relief and returned to his seat.

The most difficult issue had been solved. The next thing was to discuss the development direction of biological applications for the military.

"The discussion regarding Comrade Wu Mo has ended.

"We will now discuss the future development of military biology."

Everyone present was eager to participate. They had prepared themselves for this for a long time.

Nearly 10 officers took turns to express their opinions before the old chief invited the first Pillar-rank officer to speak.

"Chief, Comrades, I believe that the application of military biology should focus on the following aspects.

"First of all, like the exoskeleton armor, we should research a physique strengthening drug similar to the lifespan extension drug. Such a drug would resemble the strengthening serum in science fiction movies. I think this technology shouldn't be difficult for Chief Engineer Wu, right?"

After he said this, the Pillar-rank officer looked at Wu Mo.

"No problem," Wu Mo answered without hesitation. "I can develop the relevant strengthening serum. It's not difficult for me."

Once he received Wu Mo's assurance, the burly officer continued to elaborate on his ideas and theories.

"The strengthening serum may not be able to greatly increase the combat effectiveness of soldiers like in science fiction, but even a small increase will be a qualitative leap on the battlefield.

"Therefore, I believe that this will be one of the key development directions in the future.

"My speech is over."

The Pillar-rank officer then sat back down, and there was a symbolic round of applause.

"May the next comrade speak." The old chief began to control the pace of the entire meeting.

Another officer raised his hand. After the old chief nodded, he immediately stood up and shared his opinion.

"Comrades, from a biological point of view, I think we should focus our development on the genetic level.

"Genes are the source code of living things. As long as we modify them, we can improve the physical fitness and combat effectiveness of soldiers at will.

"Even if genetic modification cannot be achieved directly, there will be a qualitative leap on the battlefield if the relevant drugs can be produced.

"I believe that Wu Mo can achieve this, right?"

There were many aspects that could be achieved through genetic modification, such as eliminating shortsightedness, preventing obesity, as well as improving physical fitness, the five senses, the digestive ability, and so on.

Wu Mo's face twitched a few times.

Although he did have the ability to achieve this, it always made people feel like he was ordering the soldiers around like livestock.

Facing this question, Wu Mo gave an affirmative response.

Then, another burly officer stood up and expressed his opinion.

"My opinion is as follows: Whether it's the strengthening serum or the genetic modification drug, there will inevitably be limitations. I think we should just develop equipment and devices that can carry out group genetic modification.

"Although such group strengthening might not be as obvious as individual strengthening, it is definitely more cost-effective.

"I believe that Comrade Wu Mo has the ability to create such equipment and devices. After all, he once developed the Dragon Control Device."

Wu Mo was speechless.

However, he could not show any dissatisfaction in front of so many big shots.

After all, what they said was true.

Moreover, what they were talking about was also part of his plan.

After the last officer sat down, thunderous applause immediately erupted from the venue.

Obviously, their applause was for Wu Mo.

The scene gradually quieted down.

Only then did the old chief stand up to conclude the meeting.

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