Chapter 85

After the battle was over, Lim Gyeong-seok and his men prepared to move to the rear with the few surviving villagers, livestock, and the corpses and spoils of the Jurchens tribe loaded onto wagons. One of his subordinates, with a pitiful expression, spoke to Lim Gyeong-seok as he watched the survivors board the wagons.

“All of them are just children.”

“That’s because the only things worth money are the children.”

The faces of Lim Gyeong-seok and the cavalrymen were somber as they exchanged words.

The Jurchens tribe’s raiding strategy was essentially hit-and-run.

In order to quickly escape after attacking and plundering frontier settlements and small villages near the border, adults were cumbersome.

Moreover, the Ming merchants who bought the captured Joseon people also preferred children.

Children were less likely to resist, easier to handle, and some Ming people preferred young girls or boys over adult women.

“The burial work is all done.”

“Is it?”

Lim Gyeong-seok looked at the two mounds that had risen prominently between the burnt-down houses. The mounds were where the Joseon people killed by the Jurchens tribe were buried, separated by gender.

Bowing his head briefly in silent prayer toward the mounds, Lim Gyeong-seok mounted his horse.

“Let’s return!”

“Let’s return!”

Including the horses taken from the Jurchens, the expanded troop of Lim Gyeong-seok began to move slowly toward their garrison.

* * *

“Your Majesty, a report has arrived from Pyeongan-do1.”

“A report?”

“It says there has been a raid by the Jurchens tribe.”

Hastily, Sejong reached out for the report and untied the knot.

“Oh my… this.”

With trembling hands, Sejong read the contents of the report and handed it to the Chief State Councilor.

“Read it.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

After the Chief State Councilor, the other officials took turns reading the report.

Once all the officials had read the report, Sejong opened his mouth.

“The victims of this calamity were settlers who opened firefields without permission, but it is certain that they are our people of Joseon. The General deployed in the area requested a punitive expedition, and the Pyeongan-do Military Commander also requests permission. How do you all feel about this?”

In response to Sejong’s question, Hwang Hui asked Kim Ye-ji, the Minister of Military Affairs,

“Which tribe of Jurchens did this to the village?”

“Based on the decorations on the saddles of the dead and the way they tied their hair, it seems to be the Dong tribe2.”

“The Dong tribe is quite large, isn’t it? Is it possible with the currently deployed troops?”

In response to Hwang Hui’s question, Kim Ye-ji briefly answered.

“It’s not about facing the entire Dong tribe, and considering the power difference shown in this battle, it is sufficient.”


“If we delay further, the rainy season will begin, making suppression difficult.”

The Minister of Military Affairs advocated immediate suppression. However, Sejong was hesitant to make a quick decision.

“People have said that when you get a good sword, you want to swing it. Isn’t it foolish to move hastily and alert the snake in the grass?”

At Sejong’s point, Kim Ye-ji immediately answered.

“The Jurchens are like old foxes, taking us lightly if we don’t respond properly and continually attacking, but bowing their heads and asking for trade if we go strong. Showing them their place is a good strategy for the future.”

After hearing the Minister of Military Affairs, Sejong, who had been stroking his chin beard in thought, made a decision.

“Very well. Tell the Pyeongan-do Military Commander he has permission. However, the current troop strength seems weak, so command the General Staff Headquarters to select appropriate forces that have received new guns and cannons from the training centers and various camps in Pyeongan-do to join them. Also, tell them they are not allowed to stay across the Amnok River for more than a month.”

At Sejong’s command, the Minister of Military Affairs bowed deeply and answered.

“I accept the order!”

After ordering the military, Sejong turned his gaze to the civil officials.

“Civil officials, listen.”

“We shall listen to Your Majesty’s words!”

“The act of crossing the border to hold the Jurchens accountable is true. Since the Ming may make a fuss about this, prepare an appropriate response and send an envoy to Ming.”

“I accept the order!”

So, Operation ‘Retribution’ was activated.

Many military officers at the training center volunteered and stepped forward when it was mentioned that troops would be organized to subjugate the Jurchens.

“Send me, sir!”

“No, send me, sir! I will risk my life to make the operation a success!”

Confidence filled the expressions of the officers who were requesting to be assigned.

They were confident for a reason; they trusted the performance of the new weapons they were familiar with.

And the report from the Amnok River only boosted their confidence further.

A mere single unit without artillery support and without even using the general gun had annihilated the Jurchens, twice their number, without any harm.

The young officer, Lim Gyeong-seok, who commanded the unit according to his major, was scheduled for promotion.

‘I cannot miss this opportunity!’

To seize this opportunity given by heaven, the officers of the training center clamored to be sent ahead.


“Curse this. We’ve been hit again.”


“On the side.”

“Damn it! How many times have we been hit now?”

“It’s the 12th time, Beiru (lord or prince).”

“Blast it!”


At his subordinate’s report, the leader of the Saruta tribe overturned the table in front of him.

For the tribes belonging to the Dong region, the Joseon’s punishment was like a ‘red band in the dark night’. Six groups of Joseon forces, each consisting of about 400 cavalry and 100 gunners, carried out sudden attacks on the Dong tribes and neighboring tribes’ residential areas.

Caught off guard by the unexpected attack from Joseon, the chiefs of the Dong tribes busily prepared their defenses while trying to find out the reason.

And the reason they found was incredibly simple.

“It’s because of Dong tribe’s Beiru, or rather, those bastards, who plundered over 10 houses in Joseon, and this is retaliation for that?”

“… Yes.”

The tribal leader of the Saruta wore a dejected expression.


With almost a month having passed since the start of Joseon’s punishment, over 12th time, almost all the other tribes’ troops had been wiped out. These were not even comparable to the original tribe that had caused a commotion, they were 12 groups of a much smaller scale.

Almost one tribe disappeared every two days.

The desperate ones were those attacked by the Dong region. For those who had lived a half-farming and half-pastoral life, this was the time to stake everything on farming. If they missed this opportunity, they would face a terrible situation in the upcoming winter.

To resolve the situation, the tribal leaders of the Dong region, including the leader of the Saruta tribe, requested mediation from Ming.

However, the response from Ming was “impossible.”

-Joseon has already sent a national letter. This is a legitimate act in response to the damage suffered by Joseon, and there is no reason for us to intervene.

The leaders of the Dong region were forced to accept Ming’s response.

“What about forming the niru (alliance) now?”

“If all the men are gone, farming will be ruined.”

“If we pick only some…”

“Have you not seen the power of Joseon’s army? If we don’t use all our power, we will surely fail!”

Gathered to find solutions, the tribal leaders threw out various opinions, but they were unable to find a good solution and continued to struggle.

They struggled mainly for three reasons.

First, as already mentioned, it was the farming season. Even if women and slaves were mobilized, without the men, they could not properly farm. They could not afford to take away warriors for the already doomed tribes.

Second was Joseon’s military power. Joseon conducted operations aimed at killing the Jurchens as much as possible. As a result, there were almost no survivors in the areas swept by Joseon. Most of the few survivors found were in a state of severe mental disorder or were seriously injured and unable to speak properly.

Nevertheless, based on the scant information they gathered, the Joseon forces were actively using firearms.

Facing the Joseon forces, who had become much stronger than before, there were hardly any leaders willing to put their precious warriors at risk.

The last reason was deeply related to the second. It was the Uriankhai(s)3, with whom they were in a standoff nearby. The Dong region and Uriankhai had been consistently clashing.

If they lost their strength against Joseon, Uriankhai would not simply let it go.


“Beiru, Tung-han has regained consciousness.”

Unable to contain his anger, the leader of the Saruta tribe, who was gritting his teeth, quickly stepped outside.

The place the Saruta’s leader headed to was the house of a Ming Chinese doctor in the village.

He was almost forcibly brought over, almost akin to kidnapping, but over time he became known as ‘Master Wang’ and was respected.

“Master Wang, how is he?”

At the leader’s question, Master Wang, who was wiping his blood-stained hands with a towel, shook his head.

“It’s difficult. I’ve eased the pain with medicine, but it won’t last long. If you have something to say, now would be the best time to say it.”

At Master Wang’s words, the leader hurriedly walked to the bedside. Taking Tung-han’s hand as he breathed heavily, the leader softly called him.

“Brother, are you conscious?”

“Oh, brother… I’m glad to see you before I die.”

“I will surely avenge you.”

At the leader’s words, Tung-han’s face struggled to shake its head.

“Don’t do it. The Joseon… people…”

Struggling to continue speaking, Tung-han’s voice trailed off, and he stopped breathing.

Putting down Tung-han’s hand that he had been holding, the leader looked back at Master Wang.

“What on earth…”

“I heard that the Joseon army used cannons.”

“Is that so?”

“Not just cannons, it seems they even used guns.”

At Master Wang’s words, the leader examined Tung-han’s bloody body. Shaking his head at the bullet-riddled body, he said,

“Guns? I’ve seen them. They can’t even hit properly… Bad luck, I suppose.”

“Guns aren’t common, so it could have been unexpected, couldn’t it?”


At Master Wang’s response, the leader sighed.


Master Wang, who had stopped the leader from leaving, warned him in a quiet voice.

“I heard that the Joseon army is retreating. Do not act rashly. I don’t want to live as a slave to another tribe at this age.”

“…I understand.”

Exiting Master Wang’s house, the leader kicked a stone on the ground with all his might.

“Damn it! Such a dog-like situation!”

Meanwhile, after sending the leader away, Master Wang picked up a bowl and examined its contents.

Inside the bowl were small blood-soaked steel balls and fragments of iron.

“These bullets are too small for guns… And these iron fragments, what on earth…”

What puzzled Master Wang were fragments of a bomb.

Facing an inscrutable dilemma, Master Wang furrowed his brow. He was haunted by the words of Tung-han, who had died in confusion.

“What does it mean that Joseon has obtained the power of the dragon……”

* * *

After completing the operation and crossing the Amnok River, the Joseon army immediately sent a report to Hanyang.

Reading the report, King Sejong rejoiced.

“Ha ha ha! Our Joseon soldiers have achieved a great victory! A great victory! Has there ever been such a joyous occasion?”

As Sejong rejoiced, his officials bowed their heads and shouted in unison,


“Thank you, thank you very much!”

Raising his hand in acknowledgment, Sejong summarized the situation.

“With this expedition, we have punished 12 tribes, including the insolent ones who crossed our borders and plundered. This should keep the area around the Amnok River quiet for a while, right?”

At Sejong’s question, the Minister of Military Affairs replied with a bow,

“They won’t even dare to cross the Amnok River for a while.”

“That’s right. However, if we let our guard down, we could be hurt at any time, so give orders to strengthen surveillance at the border.”

“As you command.”

“And have preparations been made for rewards for those who distinguished themselves in this operation and compensation for those who were killed or injured?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. Those who distinguished themselves will be promoted in rank considering their merits, and those who were killed or injured will receive monthly grain and wealth according to the newly established law. In addition, support is planned for those among the bereaved families who wish to take the literary or military examinations.”

Nodding at the reply of the Minister of Military Affairs, Sejong added, “Care for the casualties is a given, but also pay attention to their livelihoods. They have met such a fate fighting to protect this Joseon, so they must be treated adequately. That way, others will also be willing to risk their lives, won’t they?”

“I will keep it firmly in mind.”

Sejong, who never forgot to admonish until the end, moved on to the next subject.

“The Jurchen tribes around the Amnok River will be quiet for a while, but what about the eastern or western Jurchens?”

Hwang Hui stepped forward at Sejong’s question.

“As time passes, word will spread to them, so they will not act rashly.”

“I would like them to be frightened if possible… then they will listen well when called in the fall, won’t they?”

“That’s true, Your Majesty.”

Sejong firmly admonished his ministers.

“The matter with the Jurchen tribes is just the beginning. Proceed step by step with certainty so that our Joseon’s ‘eastward expansion’ is carried out without hindrance. Do not forget that this is a grand plan that our Joseon must accomplish.”

“I will keep it firmly in mind!”

Pyeongan Province, was one of the eight provinces during Joseon. Situated in the northwest of Korea before the split of the Korean peninsula[↵]Also known as Yejeok people of Mohe or Malgal tribes (ancestors of the Jurchens). Originated from northeastern China.[↵]Mongols of the north[↵]

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