Chapter 80

“Hmm… The recovery process is well underway, so let’s think about ways to prevent experiencing such a tragic event like this again.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Even as they replied, the officials’ heads automatically turned. Their expressions were uniformly uneasy, and at the end of their gaze, Hyang sat.

As expected, whenever Hyang’s mouth opened first, the officials could not help but let out a small sigh.

“We need to create an organization that can respond primarily to not only fires but also floods and other disasters.”

“Create an organization?”

Upon King Sejong’s interest, Hyang elaborated more.

“When I manage Area 51, I also operate a disaster prevention team. As you may know, Area 51 uses a lot of fire, but it also contains many dangerous substances like gunpowder.”

“I see.”

“This time, the disaster prevention team of Area 51 played a significant role in controlling the fire that spread to the southern area of the capital. Considering this, I think we should create an organization that can protect the entire capital.”

“Bring the fire report.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

After reviewing the report on the fire damage, Sejong nodded.

“Indeed, it’s the result of training?”

“It is the result of training, but also the specialized equipment.”

“Specialized equipment? Let’s see it.”

The following officials murmured quietly.

“Beating the drum and playing the gong.”

“Sigh. What now…”

“Do they know and get along? Or do they get along without knowing?”

* * *

At Hyang’s request, carts carrying the disaster prevention team’s equipment from Area 51 headed to the palace.

“Hmm… The helmets are peculiar to begin with.”

The helmets worn by the disaster prevention team had a longer brim at the back rather than the front. They were made with thick leather on the outside, without metal plates, and thick padding inside to protect the head from shocks and heat.

The clothing was the same. Thick padding was used to protect the wearer from shock and heat.

However, what caught Sejong and the officials’ attention was the water-spouting vehicle.

“This cart puts out fires?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Sejong carefully examined the cart.

At the back of the cart was a large water tank, and in front of it was a round bronze mechanism that seemed like a cylinder laid on its side. A thick bronze tube connected the water tank and the bronze mechanism.

“How does it operate?”

“Let me show you.”

At Hyang’s command, the disaster prevention team members connected a hose made of cloth to the bronze mechanism on the cart. Two of them held the bronze handle firmly at the end of the hose, and two more started turning the handle on the bronze mechanism.


A thick jet of water burst out from the bronze spout at the end of the hose, and Sejong and the officials applauded.

“Oh, oh, oh!”

“It’s indeed perfect for extinguishing fires!”

“That’s correct!”

Hyang explained to Sejong and the officials.

“If we deploy a special force equipped with such equipment in certain areas, we can contain the fire early on, and even if it’s bigger than expected, we can prevent it from spreading widely.”

“That makes sense.”

Sejong and the other officials nodded, while some officials sighed in relief and glanced away, as if saying ‘not us!’.

There was someone there whose face was growing paler.

He was Kim Jeom, the Minister of Taxation.

“Your, Your Highness… How much are we designating for a specific area?”

Seeing the pale face of the Minister of Taxation, Hyang briefly calculated and answered.

“The fewer households in a district, the safer, but considering the budget, at least 2 places in 1 block. And there must be at least 3 water-spouting vehicles in the designated places.”

Upon hearing Hyang’s explanation, the Minister of Taxation quickly calculated.

‘52 blocks in 5 parts of Hanyang, so at least 104 places, each with at least 3… 312… the budget… but if something like this happens again…’

As the calculation got complicated with various variables, the Minister of Taxation’s expression became complex, so Hyang added.

“It will take a lot of money to create and equip them, and maintaining them will cost a considerable amount. But having these prepared people means quick responses when something happens, right? Then we can reduce the damage, and the cost of reconstruction can be reduced as well.”

At Hyang’s words, the Minister of Taxation sighed deeply.

“Huu~. I understand that well. But the budget is the problem. The budget…”

At the Minister of Taxation’s grumbling, Hwang Hui stepped forward.

“Your Majesty, I think we should release some of the silver from selling Buddhist scriptures and the silver stored from mining.”

At Hwang Hui’s sincere advice, Sejong nodded.

“That seems necessary.”

Upon Sejong’s decision, the Minister of Taxation deeply bowed in that spot.

“Your grace is boundless!”

It was indeed a voice filled with emotion.

* * *

The responsibility for rebuilding the area that was destroyed by fire was entrusted to Hyang, but the royal court wasn’t just idling.

First, they announced the names of those who passed the regular civil service examination.

“…According to tradition, we would have hosted a celebration to congratulate those who passed, but given the current unfortunate situation, it is hence canceled, and I apologize. Continuing from last year…”

The Minister of Personnel, who recited Sejong’s words of apology and encouragement to the successful candidates, looked at them and smiled brightly.

“Now, the situation is urgent, so practical training will follow quickly! So, follow me! Anyone who falls behind from here will have their acceptance revoked and sent home at once!”

The shouts of joy for passing the exam had barely subsided for half a moment when the successful candidates began to scream in terror.

What followed next concerned the soldiers:

– If there are families that have committed crimes and been forced into military service after losing their homes in a fire, they will be investigated and reported.

– Among those residing in the affected areas, those wishing to quit their jobs will be immediately permitted, and those volunteering to continue working will be given a two-month leave to rebuild their homes.

A significant number of people chose to stay instead of retiring.

– Give those who work in departments that support the palace and various government offices, such as the Royal Attire Office, seven months of leave.

– Among those who have come up from the provinces to Hanyang for their duties this month, those who used to live in rented houses should be immediately sent back home.

– Even if someone has a house in the affected area but must come out to work in the palace or government offices as a craftsman, count his wife’s labor as well and pay the salary.

At the last command, Hyang whistled.

“This guy, he’s really spending when he opens his purse, huh?”

This was the same measure as in the original history, but thanks to funds that had been diligently saved and set aside over time, there were no objections.

The following reconstruction efforts led to the decision to change the landscape of Hanyang.

Hyang submitted the approval documents to Sejong.

“There were various reasons why the fire spread so severely this time, but one of the biggest reasons among them is that the houses are too close together. We’ve solved this to some extent through rezoning during reconstruction, but I need your royal approval to solve other problems.”

“What is it?”

“Except for the nobles’ houses, government buildings, and a few other structures, most have thatched roofs. We need to replace them with tiles.”

At the Hyang’s request, Sejong nodded his head.

“I see. Minister of Taxation, Minister of Public Works.”

“Yes! We await your command. Sire! Let’s discuss our thoughts.”

Thus, the three officials in charge of practical matters completed the plan within a day and submitted it to Sejong.

Upon reading the plan, Sejong immediately stamped his approval.

“Let it be done.”

“Your grace is immeasurable!”

Sejong’s decision was gratefully acknowledged by Hyang, Minister of Taxation, and Minister of Public Works, who bowed their heads.

Hyang himself was also surprised.

‘What’s this! They’re moving even faster than 21st-century bureaucrats!’

In the original history, Sejong had made the same decision. However, what had changed since the Minister’s intervention was that while the original history used traditional tiles, now they were using tiles made from hydraulic lime created by the Hyang.

“Gather the kiln masters, clay, new labor, and make kilns for the tiles. It will take a lot of time. Let’s use hydraulic lime.”

“But don’t you have to bake the hydraulic lime in the kiln too?”

“We have kilns and manpower in Area 51. All we need is limestone and coal for the kiln. You can use the sand that we’ve dredged and piled up on the banks of the Han River over the last two years.”

“A good idea!”

At Hyang’s exclamation, the Minister of Taxation was pleased.

‘I can reduce the budget! The budget!’

However, the Minister of Taxation’s joy did not last even a day.

It was because Hyang had submitted a housing fund support plan for the commoners to Sejong.

“The state should support the construction fund?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. Where would those who have lost both houses and property in this fire find the money to rebuild their homes? Even if they gather mud and straw from nearby to build the walls, where would they find the materials for the rafters, crossbeams, and columns? And where will they find the money to buy the tiles for the roof? They will have to use high-interest loans. But if the government lends them the money at a low rate, they can avoid harsh actions like selling their children or siblings.”


Sejong stroked his beard, lost in thought.

The suffering of the people from usury was not something that had just started yesterday.

“What interest rate would you suggest then?”

“2% per year.”

“2% per year… Building a house is no trivial expense, so that’s not a low figure.”

“That’s true. That’s why I’ve thought about a ‘installments’.'”


At Hyang’s words, King Sejong and the ministers were all ears.

After listening to Hyang’s explanation for a while, Sejong slapped his knee.

“A brilliant idea! Let’s proceed with it! Call the Minister of Taxation!”

The Minister of Taxation responded immediately to Sejong’s summons.

“I, I will prepare and submit the proposal immediately…”

“Truly great, Minister of Taxation! Your excellence reassures me!”

“Your praise is too generous!”

The Minister of Taxation bowed in humble response to Sejong’s praise, but inside, he was moved to tears.

‘I, Kim Jeom. I might be able to save my reputation at this rate!’

But Hyang’s remarks were not over yet.

“Your Majesty. While investigating property owners to rebuild the houses lost in the recent fire, I discovered something I never knew before.”

Simultaneously, Kim Jeom began to sweat cold beads down his spine.

Above his expression hung a cry, ‘Please stop!’

“What have you newly discovered?”

To Sejong’s inquiry, Hyang briefly replied, “There were many leaseholders in Hanyang.”

Hyang’s expression while answering was quite complex.

‘In the Joseon Dynasty, a landlord of a well? I could understand if you were a landowner, but a landlord of a well?’

Hanyang’s housing shortage was quite famous.

Officials and soldiers coming from the provinces to make a living, and those newly appointed to government positions, had no homes in Hanyang, and had to find rented houses or live in rented rooms.

Hence, reading Joseon history or the writings of famous people, there were more than a few stories about the sorrow of living in rented rooms.

So Hyang was astounded to learn the truth.

“Rented houses…”

As Sejong was mulling over the words, several officials nodded in agreement.

While many of those with a higher status had proper homes in Bukchon, there were many ministers still living in rented houses.

In particular, low-ranking officials were staring at Hyang’s mouth with shining eyes.

“Yes, living in someone else’s house brings much sorrow. I’ve heard the saying that a thatched roof of one’s own is far better than a tiled roof of a rented house.”

“That’s right, Your Majesty!”

Many officials responded loudly to Sejong’s words.

“Do any of you live in rented houses?”


“Oh my… So what should we do?”

“It is said that abolishing rented houses immediately is unreasonable, as renting them out is not a crime in itself.”

“That’s true.”

“So… How about building official residences after the reconstruction?”

“Official residences? Like those for provincial governors?”

“Similar, Your Majesty. We’ll submit a proposal later.”

“Understood. I look forward to it.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The scribe recording Sejong and Hyang’s conversation wrote as follows:

– Therefore, His Majesty ordered the Crown Prince to submit a proposal.

The scribe wrote:

The sorrow of living in rented rooms knows no bounds of rank or wealth; how can it not be lamented?

In this situation, where only the wisdom of the crown prince can be relied upon, the senior officials and ministers must surely be held accountable.

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