Park Sang-wook’s proposal was immediately brought to King Sejong. After hearing the story through Kim Jeom, Sejong first summarized the issue.

“Hmm… It’s true that a merchant ship, not a warship, can’t be arbitrarily armed. However, with pirates rampant on the seas now, we can’t let them move unarmed. So, this merchant Park Sang-wook said he would move along with our navy, correct?”

“That’s correct, Your Majesty.”


Stroking his beard and pondering Kim Jeom’s answer, Sejong turned to Jo Mal-saeng.

“Minister of Defense, what do you think of Park Sang-wook’s proposal?”

To Sejong’s question, Jo Mal-saeng immediately replied.

“It’s true that arbitrarily mounting cannons on a merchant ship is not appropriate. However, the trade that this Park Sang-wook wants to do requires going long distances, and in this case, the situation is different.”

“How is it different?”

“Yes. The current trade between Ming, Japan, and Ryukyu falls within the patrol range of our Haeung-class warships, so the bows, spears, and swords that the crew equips themselves with are sufficient. However, pirates operating in deep waters often swarm in multiple ships at once, inducing chaotic battles. In such situations, it becomes difficult for our naval warships to pay attention to each one individually, so armament with cannons is essential.”

Jo Mal-saeng’s answer was a polite refusal.


As Sejong’s deliberation deepened, Kim Jeom continued.

“Park Sang-wook had considered that point, as did I. Therefore, Park Sang-wook proposed to mount a minimum number of cannons, but leave their operation to the navy.”

“The reason he wants to trade so far away even with such conditions… Is it indeed because of competition?”

To Sejong’s question, Kim Jeom immediately nodded.

“That’s correct, Your Majesty.”


Once again considering the possibilities, Sejong turned to Hyang.

“I’ll ask the Crown Prince who designed the Challenger-class and Haeung-class warships. What do you think of this Park Sang-wook’s opinion?”

To Sejong’s question, Hyang answered without hesitation.

“It’s not a bad idea. Looking at the situation in Alexandria and India, they’re in a position where they can’t sell enough. However, simply increasing the number of Challenger-class warships is limited given our budget execution and manpower supply situation. Therefore, drawing in private funds and manpower to fill the gaps is a good method.”

“Then how should we handle the mounting of cannons?”

“As Park Sang-wook suggested, we should mount only the minimum level necessary for self-defense and have the navy operate them.”

At Hyang’s answer, Sejong looked at Jo Mal-saeng.

“Minister of Defense. The one in charge of design and production has answered thus. What do you think?”

“If the self-defense armament is sufficient, I think it’s fine.”

When even Jo Mal-saeng answered positively, Sejong turned to Kim Jeom.

“I like that this Park Sang-wook thinks broadly, but I want to add one condition.”

“What condition do you mean, Your Majesty?”

“If a crisis befalls the country and we need warships, he must agree to requisition. Of course, if he agrees to this, we’ll reduce the construction cost by 10%. Tell him we’ll build the ship if he accepts this condition.”

“I receive your command!”

“Also, order the Minister of Defense to dispatch a practical officer from the Defense Ministry to inform them of the appropriate number of cannons needed for self-defense.”

“I receive your command!”


Two days later, upon receiving word, Park Sang-wook visited Kim Jeom’s office with a face full of desperation.

“Please, sit down.”


After offering a seat to Park Sang-wook, Kim Jeom introduced the official sitting opposite Park Sang-wook.

“Let me introduce you. This is Im Hae-sul from the Defense Ministry.”

“Pleased to meet you.”

“Pleased to meet you too.”

After the two exchanged greetings, Kim Jeom, seated at the head, got to the point.

“I reported your request to His Majesty, and received a reply.”

“By reply, you mean…”

At Kim Jeom’s words, Park Sang-wook’s face brightened. If Sejong had refused, he wouldn’t have started like this.

“His Majesty said he would permit it if you accept the following conditions. First, mount the minimum number of cannons necessary for self-defense. The navy will be in charge of their operation. Second, agree to requisition when the country faces a crisis and needs warships.”

“By requisition, do you mean we just need to provide the ship?”

“The ship and the crew.”


At Kim Jeom’s words, Park Sang-wook trailed off.

Closing his mouth, Park Sang-wook weighed the possibilities.

‘If we get requisitioned, we’ll have to give up the ship we worked hard to build and the crew we carefully trained! But wars don’t happen easily… And from what I hear, no one can match our navy… It seems unlikely it would come to the point of requisition… But…’

Seeing Park Sang-wook’s indecision, Kim Jeom threw out a bait.

“His Majesty said that if you accept this condition, he will not only have the ship built for you but also reduce the construction cost by 10%.”

“Did you say 10%?”

“That’s right.”

At Kim Jeom’s confirmation, Park Sang-wook took the bait.

“I accept!”

‘10% of the construction cost is 6,800 nyang of gold! With that money, I can buy even more goods to depart with!’

As Park Sang-wook accepted the conditions, the conversation moved on.

“How many cannons should be mounted?”

To Park Sang-wook’s question, Im Hae-sul immediately replied.

“20 small cannons for close combat, and 40 large cannons for destroying pirate ships.”

“How many are loaded on the current warships?”

“The number of small cannons is the same, but there are 50 large cannons.”

“That’s too many! This ship is a merchant ship, not a warship. I think 10 small cannons and 10 large cannons should be enough!”

“Have you ever seen the pirates causing trouble out there in the deep sea? Do you know how vicious they are? With just 10 small cannons and 10 large cannons, half your crew will be gone by the time you return.”

“It’s still too many!”

After that, there was a long back-and-forth between Park Sang-wook and Im Hae-sul. After intense negotiation, they were able to agree on ’20 small cannons, 16 large cannons’.

“Hmm… Then… You there!”

Calling a waiting official, Kim Jeom handed over a note.

“Go calculate how much the construction cost would be with these conditions and bring it back.”

“Yes, sir.”

Half an hour later, the subordinate returned with an estimate.

“Let’s see…”

Kim Jeom took the estimate, checked its contents, and then handed it to Park Sang-wook.

“Construction cost of 68,000 nyang of gold, reduced by 10% to 61,200 nyang. Add 10,000 nyang of gold for the cost of armaments to be mounted. The total comes to 71,200 nyang.”


Taking the estimate, Park Sang-wook sighed and muttered without realizing it.

“I expected it, but it’s enormous.”

“It’s a ship worth that price. Didn’t you prepare for at least this much?”

“That’s true.”

“Then let’s draw up a contract when you’re ready.”

“If we contract, how long will I have to wait?”

At Park Sang-wook’s question, Kim Jeom turned to Im Hae-sul. At the silent question, Im Hae-sul stepped forward to answer Park Sang-wook.

“If we prioritize it from the ships currently under construction, you could receive the ship within two months.”

“Is that so? Then… let’s see…”

‘I can just barely catch up with this year’s departing merchant group.’

As Park Sang-wook unconsciously counted on his fingers and made a schedule, Im Hae-sul, who had been watching him silently, spoke up.

“This might be clumsy meddling… but if you want to do business far away, it would be better to go to Alexandria or India rather than Dai Viet or Siam.”

“Why is that?”

“Chinese merchants have already firmly established themselves in Dai Viet and Siam, so there’s not much profit to be made there. That’s why our government only goes to Alexandria or India. Do you understand what I mean?”

“Ah! Thank you!”

Understanding Im Hae-sul’s words, Park Sang-wook immediately stood up, bowed, and expressed his gratitude.

If he moved as Im Hae-sul said, he could receive strong escorts from the Joseon navy throughout the round trip, and make even more profit.

“Thank you so much for this advice, as valuable as gold and jade. Is there anything else you could tell me?”

At Park Sang-wook’s words, Im Hae-sul thought for a moment and then spoke.

“Hmm… If you make a profit from trading, definitely get another ship. No, it would be good to start with two ships from the beginning. Do your merchant group’s sailors know how to use tailwinds?”

“They’re very skilled at it.”

“Then you can make two trade voyages a year. If you have two ships, you can alternate them and consistently make profits. Not only that, but you can also more quickly notice how the tastes of those Westerners change, reducing your chances of loss. Also, ships need constant inspection, and with two ships, you won’t have to stop trading, right?”


At Im Hae-sul’s explanation, Park Sang-wook showed various expressions.


As Park Sang-wook left with a face full of contemplation, Kim Jeom turned to Im Hae-sul.

“You’ve worked hard.”

“Not at all. As one who receives the country’s salary, it’s only natural.”

“By the way, about those 40 large cannons you mentioned at first. Were that many really necessary?”

“Honestly, if we’re just limiting it to self-defense for a merchant ship, about 16 would be appropriate.”

“Then why did you call for so many?”

“Isn’t it a merchant’s specialty to haggle? It’s advantageous to haggle first.”


Making a face of disbelief at Im Hae-sul’s answer, which seemed more merchant-like than a merchant, Kim Jeom asked again.

“Then, what about the advice on the number of ships?”

“That was genuine advice. Of course, I did add a bit of seasoning.”


At Im Hae-sul’s answer, Kim Jeom continued to wear an expression of disbelief. There was nothing wrong with Im Hae-sul’s words. Therefore, Park Sang-wook would undoubtedly seriously consider it. And the conclusion he would reach was also visible.

If he had enough funds, he would immediately acquire two ships, and even if he didn’t have enough, he would do his best to get another ship as soon as possible. And the more profit he made, the more ships he would try to acquire.

If Park Sang-wook’s merchant group made big profits that way, other merchant groups would naturally follow suit.

If that happened, the navy would be able to secure spare warships and sailors that could be immediately mobilized in case of emergency without much effort.

‘They say the Crown Prince’s influence is most strongly felt among those in the military…’

Shaking his head lightly, Kim Jeom soon asked Im Hae-sul.

“Say, would you consider working at the Ministry of Finance?”

To Kim Jeom’s words, Im Hae-sul answered firmly.

“As a military examination passer, my resolve to root myself in the military remains unchanged!”

“That’s a shame. You’ve worked hard. You may go now.”

“Yes, sir.”

After paying respects to Kim Jeom and coming out, Im Hae-sul muttered while looking at the Ministry of Finance building.

“Am I crazy? Why would I enter that overtime hell?”

Along with the Seungjeongwon, which had to assist with all duties right next to Sejong, and the Research Institute and Area 51, which had to solve all sorts of outlandish artifacts and problems presented by the Crown Prince, the Ministry of Finance was a department avoided by all officials, boasting the worst work intensity. And the General Affairs Department was right behind it.

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