At Hyang’s command, Jang Yeong-sil opened the bag he had brought and took out two fist-sized objects.

“What are these?”

Seeing the objects Jang Yeong-sil had produced, Hyang inwardly exclaimed.

‘Archimedes’ screw?’

Meanwhile, Jang Yeong-sil began to explain.

“As you can see, this is a modified version of the drill used for digging wells. Since the way the windmill-type propeller pushes water is similar to how a drill bores into the ground, I thought it might work with a few adjustments, so I made this.”

“That’s true, but…”

‘Is this really something that can be done with just a few adjustments?’

Hiding the doubt creeping into his mind, Hyang nodded.

Seeing that Hyang seemed to understand properly, Jang Yeong-sil waved his outstretched hand and continued his explanation.

“As you can see, waving your hand in the air meets little resistance, but it takes much more force to move like this in water. Therefore, I thought that the problems with the windmill-type propellers we’ve been making were due to water offering more resistance than air. So I modified the drill. Since it digs into ground, which is even harder than water, I expected that using its shape and material would not cause the same problems as the propellers.”

As Jang Yeong-sil explained, Hyang kept nodding, but inwardly he was repeatedly exclaiming in admiration.

‘Even though starting from zero base allows for maximum imagination, does it really work out like this? Is such an idea even possible?’

While inwardly he was astounded by this situation that surpassed imagination, outwardly Hyang maintained a calm expression.

Hyang asked Jang Yeong-sil in a composed voice.

“Based on the explanation I’ve just heard, it seems very useful. However, considering our past experiences, no device has only advantages. What do you think are the disadvantages of this device?”

‘If this had only advantages, wouldn’t screw propellers have become the mainstream?’

Hyang’s thoughts contained a small error.

Even in the 21st century, research on ship propulsion devices similar to what Jang Yeong-sil had conceived was steadily being conducted by a minority of inventors.

To Hyang’s question, Jang Yeong-sil immediately affirmed.

“Your Highness is correct. This spiral propeller, ah, that’s the name I’ve arbitrarily given it. If we compare this spiral propeller with the windmill propeller, the windmill propeller takes up less space.”

“In other words, you’re saying that installing the spiral propeller would require more space, right?”

“That’s correct. I’ve tried to reduce the spacing between the spirals and deepened the grooves, but it still takes up more space front to back than the windmill. Additionally, there will be changes in the center of gravity due to the propeller’s weight, and design modifications will be necessary. So, I’ve pondered a bit more…”

Pausing briefly, Jang Yeong-sil rummaged through his bag and pulled out a paper, spreading it on Hyang’s desk.

“As you can see, the idea is to connect a long pipe from the bow to the stern of the ship and install the spiral propeller inside. This way, we won’t need to greatly alter the design. Also, by positioning the propeller to match the center of gravity, we can actually improve the ship’s stability.”

As Hyang examined the concept drawing while listening to Jang Yeong-sil’s explanation, he could only open and close his mouth.

‘I, I know this! I’ve seen something similar! This is a water jet!’

Once again confronted with something unexpected, Hyang was unable to recover from the shock for a while.

“Your Highness? What do you think?”

Recovering from the shock at Jang Yeong-sil’s question, Hyang once again seriously examined the concept drawing.

“How did you come up with this idea?”

“I started thinking about it while working on improving the bellows used in ironworks and workshops.”


‘How does one’s train of thought have to flow for these things to connect and produce something like this?’

Shaking his head slightly, Hyang examined the concept drawing again.

After scrutinizing the drawing so intently it might have burned a hole in the paper, Hyang shook his head.

“There’s a big problem. Right here.”

Hyang pointed to the bow and continued.

“Sucking in water from the bow is a good idea in some ways. However, if the waves become even slightly rough, the ship will shake severely. When that happens, this bow won’t be able to suck in water properly, and then…”

“Ah! The propeller won’t function properly. Hmm…”

Immediately recognizing the problem Hyang pointed out, Jang Yeong-sil glared at the blueprint and then took out his golden brush to modify the design on the spot.

“If we suck in water from the bottom at the center of the hull like this, wouldn’t that solve the problem?”

“There’s another issue. Current warships are made of wood. Installing mechanisms of this scale would require a complete structural redesign. It’s not simple.”


Realizing the problem with Hyang’s explanation, Jang Yeong-sil’s face fell. Glaring at his creation in search of an answer, Jang Yeong-sil looked at Hyang.

“It seems that iron ships are indeed the only answer.”

“Iron ships would be the best solution to properly install and operate the mechanism you’ve conceived.”


At Hyang’s response, Jang Yeong-sil muttered with a dejected face.

“Iron ships are still far off… Should I just put these away then?”

At Jang Yeong-sil’s muttering, Hyang suddenly shouted.

“Whatever it is, bring it out right now!”

“Pardon? These are just conceptual ideas, and they’re impossible before the ones we’ve just submitted are completed…”

“Bring them out!”

At Hyang’s firm response, Jang Yeong-sil rummaged through his bag and pulled out other papers. Spreading the first paper, Jang Yeong-sil began to explain, pointing at the drawing with his finger.

“I learned this while actually making and experimenting with the designs sent from the Development Department, but the more blades we attached, the better performance we got even with a smaller size. So…”

Jang Yeong-sil spread out the second paper and continued his explanation.

“I combined this multi-blade windmill with the tubular propulsion from earlier.”

“Oh my~”

Seeing the second paper, Hyang let out a long breath.

‘It really is a water jet…’

“Phew~ What’s on the other paper?”

At Hyang’s question, Jang Yeong-sil brought up the paper that had been at the bottom.

“When I experimented by combining the tube and multi-blade windmill, I found that overlapping the multi-blade windmills produced even better performance.”

“If that’s the case, wouldn’t increasing the size of the windmill be good too?”

“Of course, that could be one answer, but when there are space constraints, I think overlapping like this is better. Of course, when there’s ample space, increasing the diameter and overlapping would be even better, but…”


At Jang Yeong-sil’s explanation, Hyang let out a long sigh that could have been either admiration or lamentation.

‘After all this, now even a turbine pops up? Well, it’s not strange to go from a water jet to a turbine… What era is this anyway? Why are there so many extraordinary people, starting with Father?’

Shaking his head at the situation where monsters like Sejong, Yi Soonji, Kim Dam, Jang Yeong-sil, and others were popping up from all directions, Hyang soon positively summarized the situation.

‘Well, isn’t this good for me? Isn’t this the best possible situation? I have strong backing pushing me. If I’m reasonably careful, I don’t have to worry about the budget. And I have someone who will make whatever I think of. Isn’t this the best?’

With his face brightening, Hyang looked at Jang Yeong-sil.

“I’ll add everything to the Challenge Record except for the spiral propeller. You know the reason, right?”

At Hyang’s words, Jang Yeong-sil immediately nodded.

“It’s because of the material issue, isn’t it? The same problem as with the windmill-type propeller.”

“That’s right. So, I’ll add the screw-type propeller to the Response Record, and the rest to the Challenge Record.”

“Yes. I understand. I’m truly moved to tears that you value so highly the thoughts of this humble person who has no talent other than working with metal.”

Jang Yeong-sil was sincere as he expressed his gratitude with a voice full of emotion.

Before being selected by Taejong and entering the palace, he had been nothing more than a government slave. After that, his life, which would have ended with just being grateful for being freed from slavery, blossomed after meeting Sejong and Hyang.

“I look forward to Director Jang’s abilities in the future as well.”

“Yes! I will do my best!”

After sending Jang Yeong-sil out, Hyang looked at the papers and let out a long sigh.

“Phew~ This isn’t development, it’s almost at the level of warping…”

Suddenly stopping, Hyang muttered, looking in the direction Jang Yeong-sil had left.

“That man, could he be an alien?”


In the 21st century, when a romance drama about an alien crash-landing in Joseon became a hit, some people had strange imaginings.

‘If there really was an alien who crash-landed on the Korean peninsula like that, who would be the most likely candidate?’

Various figures were considered, but one of those who received the most votes was Jang Yeong-sil.

The reasons were that his birth and death dates were unclear in the records, he had no children, and his whereabouts after being dismissed from office were unknown.

It was just a silly waste of time, but Hyang suddenly became suspicious.

“If he’s not an alien, this is too much even for him, right? Even for someone extraordinary.”

Hyang didn’t know what kind of evaluation he would receive in the future.


The screw-type propeller and various other proposals submitted by Jang Yeong-sil were immediately organized into documents and posted on the bulletin board.

“Huh? A Response Record entry has come out?”

“Response Record? In which field?”

As new notices were posted on the bulletin board, researchers and craftsmen gathered again.

Especially upon hearing rumors of an entry in the Response Record, the researchers and craftsmen read the contents carefully with intense curiosity.

“An initial solution for propellers?”

The researchers and craftsmen who had been pondering over the windmill-type propeller were excited to hear that a first answer had come out and clung to the bulletin board.


“This method!”

The Development Department researchers who saw the screw-type propeller proposed by Jang Yeong-sil let out a long sigh.

“What’s this now? Both a response and a challenge?”


“Is this also Director Jang?”

Reading the posts about ‘tubular propellers, multi-blade propellers, multi-layer multi-blade propellers, and tubular multi-layer multi-blade propellers’, the researchers and craftsmen were busy nodding and expressing admiration.

“Ah! This method…”

“If we continue our current research a bit more, it seems like we might see the answer.”

“By the way, how can Director Jang come up with ideas like this?”

Amidst the mixture of admiration and envy for Jang Yeong-sil, one person cried out mournfully.

“Ah! Why did heaven create me and Director Jang!”

“What are you saying?”

Faced with the incredulous reactions of those around him, the person who had spoken put on an embarrassed face and raised his voice.

“It’s a joke, a joke! Can’t I make a joke?”

After such commotion passed, the executives of the Development Department said to their subordinates.

“Come on! Let’s go back and get to work quickly. How long are we going to chase Director Jang’s shadow! Shouldn’t we try to get our names in the Challenge Record and Response Record too?”

“Yes! That’s right!”


Thus, the tradition of the Challenge Record and Response Record created by Hyang continued.

Even after hundreds of years, self-maintained Challenge Records existed in mathematics and engineering schools and graduate schools – universities and graduate schools – across the country. The faculty and research staff of these schools were required to submit research or development projects worthy of being registered in the Challenge Record at least once every two years.

And among these emerging challenge projects, those judged to be of high value were registered in the National Challenge Record directly managed by the government and received intensive support.

As this tradition continued, Korea was always able to stay at least half a step ahead in global technology and science competitions.

Because of this, the governments of other countries always growled at the Korean government.

“Korea must disclose the Challenge Record!”

“We’re not hiding anything, what are you talking about? We broadcast without fail whenever new things are registered in the National Challenge Record, don’t we?”

At the Korean government’s response, other countries snorted.

“Hmph! We’re not talking about that, show us the original Challenge Record! The Challenge Record created during the Great Leap Era!”

“Why do you want to see something from hundreds of years ago? Don’t you know how much science and technology have advanced since then?”

“Hmph! Who do you think you’re fooling? We have ears too! We’ve heard that the original Challenge Record is full of things that still haven’t been solved! Release it now!”

“Go ahead. If you’re confident you’ll be fine after ripping open your stomach, go ahead and try. How many countries have bled trying to do that?”


Every time the Korean government responded, the governments of other countries had to grind their teeth. And the Korean government launched a large-scale internal investigation.

“Which loose-lipped idiot blabbed about this?”

The ‘original Challenge Record’ created during the Great Leap Era was treated on the same level as the ‘Holy Grail’ or the ‘Ark of the Covenant’.

The early members who worked at the research institute and Area 51 created by Hyang used their imagination to the fullest to solve situations equivalent to starting from scratch. When Hyang’s MSG was added to these people’s imagination, the original Challenge Record contained tremendous challenge projects – which even Hyang evaluated as SF, or even magic.

Eventually, it was natural that intense espionage and criminal attempts occurred over this original Challenge Record.

Amidst this invisible bloody struggle, the original Challenge Record was accompanied by the following saying:

‘The original Challenge Record is stained with the blood of researchers and craftsmen who vomited blood, and the blood of secret agents who died protecting the Challenge Record.’

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