Namchon, Hanseong.

Previously, this area was inhabited by ordinary citizens of Hanseong – mostly farmers – and poor noble. However, the composition of residents changed significantly due to the reconstruction process after the great fire in Hanseong and the creation of Area 51.

It transformed into a residential area connected to Jungchon – the area around Jongno and Cheonggyecheon – where large numbers of middle-class families, artisans, and researchers settled.


“Simply put, it’s become Joseon’s largest science and technology town.”

Hyang, standing atop Namsan, muttered softly while looking down at the ever-expanding Area 51.

“By the way…”

As he surveyed the scenery below, Hyang turned to look at the peak of Namsan behind him.

“To think Namsan was a tourist attraction even in this period…”

Before Area 51 was established, Namsan had a close relationship with the residents of Hanseong.

In the 4th year of King Taejo’s reign (1395), the mountain god of Namsan was enshrined as Mokmyeok Daewang to pray for the nation’s peace and prosperity. On Dano, young people from Hanseong gathered at the foot of the mountain for wrestling competitions, and on Jungyangjeol (the 9th day of the 9th lunar month), people of all ages climbed the mountain to enjoy the autumn foliage. (Note 1)

However, as Area 51 took its place, Namsan became a restricted area. At first, there were no particular complaints, but as the reforms progressed and more people gained leisure time, problems began to arise.

Those who couldn’t forget the nostalgia of the past began submitting petitions to lift the restrictions and allow access to Namsan.

“Compared to the 21st century, Area 51 is like a rolling stone, but…”

Hyang considered relocation, but considering the costs already invested in facility construction, the expenses that would be incurred in relocation, and the usefulness of maintaining secrecy, moving to another location was practically impossible.

“But we need to consider the people’s wishes too… How about this?”

In the end, Sejong found a middle ground.

-Every year, the southern part of Namsan will be opened on Dano and Jungyangjeol. The people of Hanseong are permitted to hike in the outer southern area of the wall that crosses Namsan. (Note 2)


In one of the residential areas of Namchon that had settled through this process, a commotion was taking place.

Crash! Clang!

“Oh my, honey! Please calm down, calm down!”

With the loud sound of dishes breaking and a woman’s scream, a man was thrown from the room into the courtyard.

Another man who came out of the room after him growled at the man thrown to the ground.

“You damn bastard! How dare you say such nonsense!”


The man thrown to the ground spat out blood-tinged saliva and raised his voice.

“Brother-in-law! What nonsense did I speak! It’s good for my sister and good for you! And good for me too!”

“You bastard!”

The man called brother-in-law shouted angrily and leaped down into the courtyard.

“You haven’t had enough beating, have you! Where’s the stick, where’s the stick!”

Looking around, the brother-in-law grabbed a laundry bat from a corner of the courtyard.

“Alright, you! Today I’m going to beat some sense into you, you crazy son of a bitch!”

“Oh no, honey!”

The wife, who had hurriedly followed, saw the situation where someone might end up dead and quickly blocked his husband’s path while shouting at his brother.

“Dae-su! Hurry up and apologize! Quickly!”

But Dae-su, the brother, shouted back vehemently.

“What did I do wrong! I’m not just saying this for my own good! We could have wealth and glory just by crossing the sea, but you’re being so narrow-minded here!”

At Dae-su’s words, the brother-in-law tried to push past his wife, but he desperately held him back.

“This bastard, really!”


In the end, Dae-su had to flee the house from his brother-in-law’s fury. But until the last moment, Dae-su didn’t give up.

“Think about it carefully! Don’t you have to think about the children too! It’s Beijing, Beijing!”

“This bastard, really! Let go of me!”

“Oh no, honey!”

As this commotion unfolded, neighbors also gathered to watch.

“Khaak! Ptui!”

Dae-su’s brother-in-law spat with all his might, threw the laundry bat, and went back into the room.

Following him, Dae-su’s wife entered the room, and a second round of fighting broke out.

“What! You believe that nonsense too?”

“No, I’m just saying we should think about Hansu and his wife. If we just had money…”

“Shut up!”


“This guy, really! We’ve just started to live a bit more comfortably these days! How dare you! You think you’re the only one who can turn the table upside down?”


The neighbors flinched at the shouts and sounds of breaking dishes coming from behind the door, but they continued to watch the marital dispute.

Behind the gathered crowd, three suspicious men stood watching the scene. They were dressed all in black from their bamboo hats down, carrying long bamboo staves.

“We came after hearing the story, but something smells fishy, doesn’t it?”

“Yes. Gwangseok has made a breakthrough.”

The one who seemed to be the leader gave orders to his subordinates.

“You, follow the guy who just ran away. You, take Gwangseok and the others and search the surroundings. I’ll report to the superiors.”

The subordinate who received the order to track Dae-su asked a question.

“Wouldn’t it be faster to catch and interrogate that guy right now?”

The leader shook his head at the subordinate’s question.

“That guy is just a minnow. The real mastermind wouldn’t move so openly. According to Gwangseok’s report, this artisan is Level 3. It could be a ploy to divert our attention.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Understanding the leader’s orders, the subordinates bowed slightly and immediately disappeared into the darkness.

The leader, having sent his subordinates away, muttered while looking at the house where the marital dispute was still in full swing.

“My, that woman. She fights well… Should we try to recruit her to our side?”

As he muttered, suddenly feeling the desire for talent, the leader’s eyes turned to the iris sword in his hand.

“To think I have to entrust my life to such a low-quality weapon when there are good swords out there…”


The sword organizations of Hanseong, unified by Sejong’s hand – or more accurately, initiated by Hyang and finalized by Sejong – were renamed as Milwi (Secret Guard).

After this reorganization, Secret Guard integrated forces not only in Hanseong but also in Jemulpo, and was in the process of expanding its organization nationwide.

And for those operating on the frontlines of this reorganized Secret Guard, modified rapiers personally inspected by Hyang – called Cheonsugeom (Heaven-bestowed Sword) by the Secret Guard agents – were issued.

The Heaven-bestowed Sword, with the characters “In Shadow, Protect the Nation” engraved on its blade, was truly worthy of being called a famous sword. It became the pride and honor of the agents.

However, they could never carry these swords near Area 51. This was because the artisans of Area 51 were the ones who had forged these swords.

Therefore, around Area 51, they had no choice but to carry the iris swords or bamboo swords they used to use before.


The incident that occurred in Area 51 was immediately reported upwards.

A detailed report on the incident was given in the presence of the captain of the Inner Palace Guard who had rushed over upon receiving the urgent report.

“The artisan in question is a man named craftsman Seong who works in Area 51. He is Level 3.”

“Level 3… That’s ambiguous.”

As Area 51 grew larger, Hyang systematized the organization. In this process, artisans were also classified into 5 levels. Level 1 was given to the master artisans who led workshops belonging to the former Military Weapons Office or royal workshops like the Office of Clothing. Level 5 was for those who had just reached the level of being treated as artisans.

That’s why the captain of the Inner Palace Guard said it was ambiguous. Level 3 was a position where one would be in charge of core practical work, but wouldn’t know the overall picture.

This was also Hyang’s intention. Hyang applied maximum division of labor and modularization to all processes. Therefore, unless one was a Level 1 artisan who oversaw and coordinated all processes, it was impossible to know the entire process.

“So is it really a diversionary tactic?”

To the question from the 1st Division Chief, who was formerly the head of the North Village sword organization, the captain of the Inner Palace Guard pondered for a moment before answering.

“The probability is fifty-fifty. Half playing the role of diversion, half hoping for some unexpected luck. As you all know, it’s the research institute and Area 51 created by His Highness the Crown Prince. You know how great the pride, self-esteem, and skills of those working there are, don’t you?”

At the captain’s point, everyone nodded in agreement.


As Hyang personally organized and operated it, and as it produced incredible results, the status of the research institute and Area 51 skyrocketed. Of course, many nobles still looked down on mathematics and other sciences as miscellaneous studies, but the researchers working at the institute were proving themselves through results.

The case of the artisans was different. Being able to enter Area 51 or supply to it meant being an ‘artisan with the highest skills’. This situation brought both honor and wealth simultaneously.

Therefore, artisans in Joseon who were known for their craftsmanship honed their skills to establish connections with Area 51.

And as a butterfly effect, the development of various technologies in Joseon was accelerating.


The Secret Guards empathized even more strongly with the captain of the Inner Palace Guard’s words. This was because the Secret Guard had gone through a similar process.

If it weren’t for Hyang and Sejong, their lives would have ended as mere criminals.

“For now, plant people around craftsman Seong’s house to strengthen surveillance. If craftsman Seong happens to turn, the person who moved Im Dae-su might show themselves.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Continue tracking and monitoring Im Dae-su as well. Fortunately, if craftsman Seong holds out, Im Dae-su is the only lead to catch those behind this.”

“Yes, sir.”

“And, is there anything new from Jemulpo?”

At the captain’s words, the 4th Division Chief, who had been caught while growing the sword organization in the Jemulpo area, answered.

“There was an attempt to set up a tavern outside of Junghwatong, so I sent some men to stop it. After causing a few disturbances, they gave up on their own.”

The captain of the Inner Palace Guard’s face brightened at the 4th Division Chief’s report.

“Well done. You weren’t discovered, were you?”

“We caused disturbances citing seat fees as the reason, and they gave up on their own.”

“Well done, well done.”

As many Chinese merchants began to stay in Jemulpo, Sejong created ‘Junghwatong’, a Chinese-only residential area in Jemulpo. Chinese people, including merchants, could move freely within Junghwatong except for carrying swords. However, outside Junghwatong, everything from owning and operating buildings was prohibited.

In this situation, rumors spread about a tavern being set up with a Joseon person as a front, and the Jemulpo sword organization belonging to the Secret Guard returned to their original job and demonstrated their skills after a long time.


Five days later, the captain of the Inner Palace Guard visited the secret headquarters of the Secret Guard again.

“You’ve caught onto Im Dae-su’s trail?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Who is it?”

“Jo Han-tae, the manager of the West Sea Trading Group, was in charge of the execution, and it seems a man named Jang Seok-il was behind it.”

“West Sea Trading Group?”

“It’s a small trading group that’s just entering its third year. They mainly travel between Ming and Jemulpo selling goods. There are rumors that they’ve been having serious financial problems.”

“So this Jang Seok-il person gave them money and instigated this, is that it?”

“That’s correct.”

The captain of the Inner Palace Guard, who had been examining the report while listening to the explanation, asked another question.

“You’ve written that a deep investigation into Jang Seok-il is necessary. Why is that?”

To the captain’s question, the 2nd Division Chief answered.

“No matter how we look at it, he seems to be a Joseon person who is not really Joseon.”


Note 1)

Note 2)남산성곽_/1096

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