As spring arrived in the year of Imja, Joseon once again began its full-scale foreign activities.

Trading ships departed for Cheonchuk-guk – more precisely, the Bengal Sultanate – and ships also busily traveled back and forth to Japan.

Ships from Dongnae and Mokpo bustled to and from the Joseon trading posts in Nagato and Naniwa, and to the silver mine in Iwami. It wasn’t just between Joseon and Japan. With large-scale cotton cultivation commissioned in the territory of the Governor of Kyushu in Kyushu, the number of Joseon ships traveling between Ming and Japan also increased. The main cargo these ships carried between Ming and Japan was rice. Since large areas of farmland that should have been used for rice and other grains were being used for cotton cultivation, Joseon procured rice and miscellaneous grains from Ming’s Jiangnan region to supply the farmers in those areas and for consumption in Iwami, shipping them directly to Japan.

As a result, Joseon ships were always present in the seas between Ming, Joseon, and Japan.

In the related records of Ming and Japan at that time, phrases like “The sea has become like it was in the days of Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla” were commonly found.

When supplying the grains procured from Ming’s Jiangnan region to Japan, Joseon used a clever tactic.

The trick Joseon used was not to distribute directly to the farmers and workers of the Governor of Kyushu and Ōuchi, but to hand them over to the Governor of Kyushu and Ōuchi themselves.

Joseon acted this way because of Hyang’s suggestion.


When Hyang first proposed this, not only King Sejong but also the ministers expressed doubts.

“Must we do it this way? It seems like we’re doing the work twice, which contradicts what you usually say.”

“Moreover, if we hand it over like that, there could be leakage in the middle.”

While the ministers were pointing out various issues with faces of incomprehension, King Sejong, who had been pondering Hyang’s proposal, spoke up.

“Is it for the sake of justification?”

At King Sejong’s question, Hyang immediately nodded.

“That’s right. We should avoid unnecessary conflicts.”

At Hyang and King Sejong’s words, the ministers bowed their heads and muttered inwardly.

‘Again! Here we go again! A Zen dialogue only they understand!’

‘I’ve never been called stupid anywhere, but this really makes me feel inadequate…’


While the ministers were grumbling inwardly, Hwang Hui – who had returned for a regular report – exclaimed.

Naturally, not only the ministers but also King Sejong and Hyang fixed their gazes on Hwang Hui.

“Do you understand the reason, Minister?”

At King Sejong’s question, Hwang Hui immediately answered.

“It might be my foolish thought, but isn’t it because of the Ōuchi clan and the Governor of Kyushu?”


At Hwang Hui’s words, Lee Jik and Maeng Sa-seong simultaneously exclaimed. Following them, starting with Lee Maeng-gyun, the ministers nodded one after another.

Lee Maeng-gyun, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, immediately bowed his head to King Sejong and reported.

“I, who bear the title of Minister of Foreign Affairs, failed to consider that aspect. Please forgive my stupidity!”

“Please forgive our foolishness!”

The ministers all bowed their heads in unison, asking for forgiveness.

‘Aren’t we about to hear that tongue-clicking sound after a long time?’

‘Aren’t we about to hear that we shouldn’t do things that require asking for forgiveness?’

‘I thought I was going to live without hearing that tongue-clicking sound lately…’

As if aware of the ministers’ thoughts, King Sejong asked a question instead of clicking his tongue.

“It seems you all have understood the reason. Would you care to explain?”

At King Sejong’s order, Lee Maeng-gyun, who could be considered the head of the relevant department, immediately answered.

“The reason is that there are rulers in those places. If our Joseon were to distribute directly, we could be accused of disrespecting them.”

King Sejong nodded at Lee Maeng-gyun’s answer.

“That’s right. Perhaps that’s why the Crown Prince said such things. Is that correct?”

At King Sejong’s question, Hyang bowed his head and answered.

“That is the main reason, but there are other reasons as well.”

“Other reasons?”

At the words ‘other reasons,’ King Sejong and the ministers’ ears perked up.

“Explain them.”

“Yes, Father.”

After moistening his throat briefly, Hyang immediately began his explanation.

Even if our Joseon pays wages or provides grains in return, it is certain that the Ōuchi clan and the Governor of Kyushu will take taxes. If our Joseon deducts those taxes before distribution, the Japanese farmers and workers will curse our Joseon.

Therefore, our Joseon should give to the Ōuchi clan and the Governor of Kyushu, and let them distribute to the farmers and workers.

This way, we can prepare for the case where dissatisfaction arises among the Japanese farmers and workers.

“As we know, those Japanese lords impose harsh taxes. Naturally, the Japanese farmers and workers must have many complaints. And if we’re not careful, those complaints might burst out. When that happens, we don’t need to be the ones taking the blame.”

King Sejong and the ministers nodded at Hyang’s explanation. The ministers, in particular, had expressions of strong agreement.

The explosion of farmers due to severe taxes was something they had already experienced at the end of the previous dynasty (Goryeo).

Observing the ministers’ reactions, Hyang continued.

“The reason we must do this is because we need to sell our Joseon’s products to those Japanese farmers and workers.”

Hyang’s method applied the concept of “Global value chain” that was popular in the 21st century.

It was a more sophisticated version of the “imperialistic economic policy” that was common until the 19th and mid-20th centuries, and it was the modus operandi of ancient multinational corporations that were considered to have power even greater than nations.

‘Make the government of the country where the factory is located take the blame, while we appear as benevolent merchants as much as possible.’

Thanks to acting this way, multinational corporations that had been symbols of “imperialist capitalists” until the 20th century were able to avoid criticism and grow even stronger.


As the ministers nodded at Hyang’s explanation, Hwang Hui opened his mouth.

“The Crown Prince’s words are good, but there could be problems. Among the sayings in the market, there’s one that goes, ‘A meddling sister-in-law is more hateful than a beating mother-in-law.’ If we’re not careful, our Joseon could become that meddling sister-in-law.”

Hyang immediately responded to Hwang Hui’s point.

“If we only pretend to mediate, that’s what will happen. We need to mediate properly.”

“You said mediate properly? Is that possible?”

At Hwang Hui’s question, Lee Maeng-gyun interjected.

“I think it’s possible. With the Ōuchi clan and the Governor of Kyushu, that is. Especially the Ōuchi clan, after the joint silver mine venture and their victory in the conflict with the former Shōni clan, they’ve been busy adopting our Joseon’s culture. Moreover, I’ve heard that they’re already getting information about taxes through our people working in the silver mine.”

“Is that so? Then…”

After hearing Lee Maeng-gyun’s answer, Hwang Hui closed his mouth for a moment, pondering various things, and then reported to King Sejong.

“If we plan carefully and execute it, it seems possible.”

“Is that so? What do others think?”

At King Sejong’s question, the ministers immediately answered.

“Inspector Hwang’s words seem appropriate.”

“It seems possible with the current Ōuchi clan.”


Through this process, Joseon did not directly distribute the grains purchased from Ming, but handed them over to Ōuchi and the Governor of Kyushu.

Having received the grains this way, Ōuchi and the Governor of Kyushu, especially the latter, actively strengthened their control over the farmers.

And in the meantime, Ōuchi introduced Joseon’s tax system. This was not a passive decision made by accepting Joseon’s recommendation, but was closer to Ōuchi’s active choice.

As Lee Maeng-gyun said, the influence of the silver mine played a big role in Ōuchi’s choice. The discontent of Japanese miners grew as they directly saw how their situation differed from that of the Joseon miners working in the mine.

“Even if we say the Joseon miners’ wages come from Joseon, why are the taxes like this! Those who earn more pay less!”

“We want to receive bonuses too!”

Upon confirming the discontent of the Japanese miners, Mochiyo immediately called his subordinates.

“We need to teach those insolent fellows a lesson!”

“That’s right. If we cut off the heads of a few of the most insolent ones, they’ll quiet down!”

As the atmosphere turned violent, as if they were about to go out and start slashing immediately, Ahn Sang-taek interjected.

“Wouldn’t it be better to listen to what they’re saying?”


“Shut your mouth!”

At Ahn Sang-taek’s interference, Mochiyo’s subordinates bristled and raised their voices.


Stopping his subordinates, Mochiyo glared at Ahn Sang-taek and opened his mouth.


Mochiyo asked Ahn Sang-taek for the reason, suppressing his anger. He remembered Morimi’s words when he had entrusted him with the task.

‘Don’t take lightly even passing jokes made by the Joseon people! If there’s anything to be gained from them, you must take it! Whatever the cost!’

At Mochiyo’s question, Ahn Sang-taek immediately answered.

“Because our Joseon has experienced this too.”


“Do you think our Joseon has good harvests every year and people live well just because there are no droughts or floods?”

At Ahn Sang-taek’s point, Mochiyo’s face turned serious.

He too had heard rumors. When he was very young, there were frequent rumors that across the sea in Joseon, there were continuous bad harvests and nothing left to take.

But from about 10 years ago, the rumors coming from Joseon began to change.

‘Joseon is changing!’

‘Wealth is increasing in Joseon!’

And now, although it was together with his lord, Joseon was leading the Iwami silver mine.

Finally, Mochiyo reached a conclusion.

“I will report to my lord.”

Thus, upon receiving the report, Morimi immediately sent an envoy to Joseon requesting advice on tax policy.

“Lower the tax rate, but encourage motivation to ultimately collect more taxes…”

Muttering about the aim of Joseon’s tax policy, Morimi made a decision.

“We will introduce Joseon’s tax system!”

As a result, the Ōuchi territory came to have a distinctly different tax policy from other territories.

Overall tax rates were significantly lowered, and various miscellaneous taxes were abolished. Instead, progressive taxation based on income and property was applied, and the concept of value-added tax was introduced.

And the concept of ‘bonuses’ began to be applied in various places, including the silver mine.

Later, Japanese historians would come to call this decision by Morimi “the decision that changed Japanese history.”


As maritime traffic between Joseon, Ming, and Japan became more active, a common phenomenon began to occur in all three countries.

-There’s a shortage of ships!

Although pirates had decreased due to the active operations of the Joseon navy, pirates still swarmed just outside the areas protected by the Joseon navy.

The situation arose where the number of ships lost to pirates, ships lost to storms or running aground, and ships that had to be dismantled due to severe aging from constant use, exceeded the supply.

As a result, shipyards in the three countries were busily building ships.


“To solve the problem of ship shortage, we must establish a shipyard in the bay in the north discovered during the last exploratory voyage!”

When not only the Ministry of National Defense but also the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of General Affairs made the same claim, King Sejong summarized the situation.

“The port in that bay, which we named Dongbinghang (Winter Ice Port), freezes over in winter. Is it suitable for building a shipyard?”

“It is more than suitable, Your Majesty!”

“There are dense forests nearby, making it easy to obtain timber needed for shipbuilding. Even if we work only during the thawing period, it can sufficiently serve its purpose!”

After hearing the ministers’ words, King Sejong finally accepted their proposal.

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