Episode 316: Battle (2)

The most important reason for the conflict between Park Yeon and Anpyeong was probably the difference in their values ??regarding music, but what caused the conflict was something else.

The reason they clashed was, ironically, because things were going too well.

* * *

After Jeongganbo was created, Park Yeon and An Pyeong worked together to create a more perfect score.

The forced march continued, even recruiting older and more skilled musicians to create performance codes and organize them systematically.

As a result of Park Yeon, who is said to be the most outstanding musician in the history of Joseon, and Anpyeong, who was intelligent and passionate about music, worked together while forgetting about food, a very effective score was created.

Once the score was created to a satisfactory level, most of the next steps were the responsibility of low-level officials and musicians.

The music that had been passed down orally was re-recorded and compared with existing scores, and Jeongganbo was recorded using the notation and performance codes learned through study.

It didn’t end with just making the score. The process of checking for errors was carried out by playing the score again.

The part in which Park Yeon and Anpyeong were most involved was the inspection process. And, the inspection process was smooth.

As things progressed so smoothly, the time afforded by Park Yeon and Anpyeong caused them to clash again.

* * *

“The reorganization of Aak has reached some end, and the reorganization of Hyangak and Dangak is progressing smoothly.”

“Isn’t it all thanks to the efforts of the Grand Commander?”

“Is what I have done in nothingness? “I was just interfering with what the governor was doing.”

The warm atmosphere that continued as they smeared gold on each other’s faces soon began to change little by little.

“Among the two parts of music, the left part (Aak) is almost finished, and the right part (Hyangak, Dangak) is also on track, so what is there to do next?”

In response to Anpyeong’s question, Park Yeon stroked his beard and thought for a moment before answering.

“The instruments need to be maintained. “Do you have any other thoughts?”

Anpyeong answered Park Yeon’s question right away.

“How about organizing the sounds and music that the people enjoy?”

Park Yeon responded firmly to Anpyeong’s words.

“It’s impossible.”


“There is no class. “They are not unconventional, but completely meaningless, so they are not worth organizing.”

When Anpyeong heard Park Yeon’s words, a tendon rose on Anpyeong’s forehead.

“These are things that have come down from the Joseon Dynasty (Goryeo) in short and the old Samhan (三韓) period. “It’s well worth recording and organizing!”

“Most of the old folk songs deal with the relationship between men and women. What value is there?” “Doesn’t that passion only refer to obscene activities? How many songs are there about fidelity to oneself? And, isn’t that heat the most primal emotion?”

“Music (樂) is intended to assist propriety (禮). However, the things that the Commander-in-Chief wants to sort out now are actually things that tarnish the manners!”

“Evil is not something that will end up as an assistant to propriety. Evil is precious even in itself!”

“It’s so valuable that you have to select it properly!”

“What are the criteria for that selection? To be honest, don’t even noblemen enjoy sound!”

“It’s just entertainment!”

“Stop making excuses for excuses!”

That is how the two people clashed violently.

* * *

As the conflict between the two intensified, an emotional conflict occurred.

‘The young guy with no blood on his head is a great general!’

‘What a way to show off when you become Abama’s favorite subject thanks to knowing some tunes!’

The two people, who had gone astray like this, growled whenever they got the chance.

This part was a little more severe for Park Yeon, as he was dissatisfied with the young Anpyeong’s involvement thanks to his status as a great general, as well as dissatisfied with not being able to work on the side because of Anpyeong.

* * *

In the history before Hyang intervened, Park Yeon was dismissed from his job three times and lost his job.

One was that in his later years, his son Park Gye-woo became involved in the restoration of King Danjong. Normally, he would have died by association, but thanks to his age of 81 and his achievements in music, he ended up being dismissed from office.

Another reason was an incident that occurred on the way back from the Ming Dynasty after being appointed as Jeolilsa (節日使) in the 28th year of King Sejong (1446).

It was discovered that they had hidden the incident, saying that they had left a treasure trove of envoys at the meeting hall in Beijing and was hastily retrieved it only when they arrived at the border.

As a result, Park Yeon was unable to hold office for a year.

However, the dismissal from office in the 30th year of King Sejong (1448) was dishonorable.

It was discovered that while working as a music maker, he had made money and accumulated wealth by personally employing the palace musicians.

King Sejong was furious and dismissed him, but since there was no one to replace him, he had to be called back to Akhak Manufacturing a little over a year later.

* * *

Because of this, Anpyeong was a thorn in Park Yeon’s eyes.

It was a long time later – about 17 years – that he was kicked out for personal use by musicians, but he was already having fun even before Anpyeong intervened. However, with Anpyeong stepping in, he couldn’t even think about having a side job.

The king’s three sons’ eyes were wide open, but there was no one to do side work.

As economic problems overlapped with differences in values ??regarding music, the perception of Anpyeong worsened.

This was the same in Anpyeong.

As Anpyeong participated in the task of clearing up the aak, he was faced with a situation where there were a lot of musicians right in front of him, and he couldn’t just ignore it.

As soon as there was a moment, Anpyeong ran to King Sejong and asked him to allow him to take Akgong home.

“Hmm… . “This would be better than wandering around the country chasing shrine plaques.”

King Sejong, who was well aware of Anpyeong’s virtue, accepted Anpyeong’s request, and Anpyeong invited musicians to his house to play music.

At Anpyeong’s house, the musicians mainly played folk songs.

The music played at royal banquets could, if done incorrectly, lead to political disputes.

-Listening to music that can only be heard where the king is present means usurping royal authority!

It was a claim that was full of absurdity, and would have been snorted and passed over by King Sejong and Hyang’s personality, but in the political world, it was a claim that could easily cause problems. If he had political ambitions, he could make a big impact.

Of course, this was an outsider’s perspective, and court music was definitely not Anpyeong’s taste.

When Anpyeong invited musicians to listen to their performances, he rewarded them. It wasn’t a huge amount of money, but it was enough to support him as the head of the family for a few days.

As this became more frequent, the musicians and Anpyeong became close friends, and Anpyeong was able to hear Park Yeon’s story through the musicians they became friends with.

“What a shameless guy… .”

Anpyeong, who heard the story from the musicians, could not look kindly on Park Yeon.

Because of this, the relationship between the two became even worse.

* * *

If No. 1 and No. 2 in an organization do not get along, it is the subordinates who die.

This was also true of the officials and musicians working under Park Yeon and Anpyeong.

These people, who had a hard time being caught between the two who growled at every opportunity, complained and complained whenever they were alone.

“If we keep doing this, we will die first!”

“That’s right. Every day is like walking a tightrope… .”

“It’s fortunate that the official affairs side is handled properly… .”

“But we can’t live like this forever, right?”

“That’s true, but you can’t file an appeal, right? There is no one who can take the place of Nari Jeok and the Great Captain right now! “If you do something wrong, we’ll use the dump!”

“That’s the problem… .”

In a situation where no clear answer could be found no matter how much one looked at it, one of the officials made a suggestion.

“Shall we talk to the crown prince?”

“To the crown prince?”

“I have submitted an appeal to His Majesty the Lord. If something goes wrong, it will be a big problem, but wouldn’t it be okay if I complain to the crown prince?”

“Hmm… .”

The officials around him all looked astonished.

A crown prince, not a king, and a complaint that is not even an appeal.

The officials who were counting things over and over muttered in one voice.

“That sounds plausible?”

* * *

“This is it… .”

A few days later, after hearing the complaints of officials from Jeonakseo and Akhak who secretly visited me, I looked embarrassed and muttered.

“I listened carefully to what you said. It’s really hard. “I’ll think about it for you, so please go back to your workplace.”

“I understand. “We will only trust you.”

Hyang, who was watching the officials trudging around, muttered with a still embarrassed expression on his face.

“It’s a challenge… .”

The scent that heard the officials’ complaints was equally overwhelming. According to what I learned in middle and high schools in the 21st century, many folk songs, including Goryeo songs, disappeared intensively in the early Joseon Dynasty.

The reason why folk songs disappeared was because the noblemen who founded Joseon judged them to be harmful to customs.

“Should we say that it is fortunate that Anpyeong was saved by Sokyo? No, Abama doesn’t look down on our allies either… . The problem is that even for Abama-mama, the hurdles are high. He’s surprisingly conservative… .”

Sejong was progressive enough to guarantee maternity and childcare leave to government officials by law, but it was quite conservative in some aspects.

This was due to a kind of lack of entitlement that King Sejong had.

-Although the previous king was the legitimate eldest son, someone who was not the legitimate eldest son became king.

-The reason he was able to become a king like that was because he was very knowledgeable and intelligent, but also because his behavior was upright.

Because of the second item, Yangnyeong was pushed out and King Sejong became the crown prince.

Therefore, King Sejong had to be more faithful to Confucian moralism than anyone else.

Because the scent was vaguely aware of this situation, it judged King Sejong negatively.

In the end, I chose the first method that came to mind.

“okay! “The best way to solve a problem like this is alcohol!”

* * *

A few days later, Hyang took Anpyeong and Park Yeon to Gibang.

“I am here with you today to express my gratitude. Thanks to your hard work, the arrangement of the tunes is going smoothly. Thank you so much.”

Park Yeon and Anpyeong bowed their heads in response to Hyang’s death.

“That’s too much praise.”

Hyang raised her glass and announced the start of the main role.

“ruler! “Let’s have fun getting drunk today!”

As the glasses passed around, the atmosphere gradually became softer. As the gisaeng’s song and dance aroused the excitement of Juyeon, Park Yeon and Anpyeong’s laughter began to grow louder.

“ha ha ha!”

“Lowering! “Please eat it.”

“Anpyeong, you want to come in too! manufacturing! “Have a drink too!”

Hyang continued to offer drinks to Anpyeong and Park Yeon, aiming for the right moment.

‘It’s become reasonably soft. Then slowly… .’

“By the way. manufacturing.”

“Yes, sir.”

“I hear a lot of rumors about this and that since I’m at the palace. But I also heard a rumor that Anpyeong and Jeokjo are in discord. What’s going on?”

At Hyang’s words, the alcohol completely disappeared from Park Yeon and Anpyeong’s faces. At that sight, the scent slowly began to waft.

“ah! I’m not saying that to say anything. “I just asked because I was worried about hearing bad things about doing something that Abamamama had high expectations for.”

“Because we have slightly different opinions on the sound…” .”

“Different opinions?”

When Hyang hinted a question, Anpyeong answered immediately.

“It’s because of a problem with Sokyo’s records.”

“Great Commander!”

Park Yeon shouted in surprise, but Anpyeong did not back down either.

“manufacturing! Not the perfect spot! “Let’s decide it right here!”

As the third round of ‘Anpyeong VS Park Yeon’ was about to take place, a new guest was in the room that was a small hallway away from the room where Hyang and his group were.

“Would you like to hear what’s going on with the Crown Prince suddenly going on a wild trip?”

The person who entered the room was Sejong.

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