June stood still, surrounded by a freezing wall that stopped him from seeing the battlefield but prevented anyone from doing the same with him.

<Turn into a wyvern,> Erik said, and as he heard those words, the clone took a deep breath.

The transformation began with a low growl that emanated from deep within his core, growing louder and more intense with each passing second.

His skin rippled and his muscles bulged unnaturally. June's bones broke and reformed, lengthening his frame.

He started getting really dark skin, like some kind of magical obsidian. As this transformation continued, scales started to appear and converge, uniting to create an impervious suit of armor that sparkled when exposed to light.

Instead of nails, he got some sharp, gigantic talons that were able to rip steel and flesh with


June's face was twisted and stretched. His jawline formed a snout. Razor-sharp teeth came out of his gums, incredibly long and lethal.

His eyes turned red and slitted. Massive wings spread from his back, ripping his clothes. The wings' midnight-black span covered the entire area within the encircling wall.

June's transformation culminated in a roar that was heard throughout the battlefield, shaking the earth and terrifying whoever listened to it.

Few knew about June's ability. Not even Fischer and Van Dyke did, so when they started getting reports of a roar, which they knew well to what it belonged to, they started sweating in fear.

From outside the ice wall, Erik felt the battlefield's tension rise and shift because of what was happening within the ice wall.

At that point, everyone understood what was inside of it. Though they couldn't understand where it came from.

"A wyvern!"

"A wyvern!"

People shouted in fear, after having recognized to what the roar belonged to. The thaid's presence made even the most experienced blackguards hesitate.

A hush fell over Volkov's troops as they heard the earth-shaking roar. The sound was primal and filled them with a terror that no other creature could invoke in a human.

That was a pretty powerful statement, considering there were many dreadful beasts around the world.

But only a wyvern could have that effect on people. Maybe because they resembled dragons, and dragons were powerful magical beasts, albeit those of legend.

Regardless, wyverns were a bad sign. Volkov's soldiers faced many horrors on the many battlefields and missions they had been sent on in the past, but a wyvern was an entirely different beast.

The soldiers exchanged nervous glances for a couple of seconds, but then someone started losing it.

"We need to get out of here!"

Panic spread like wildfire through Volkov's soldiers' ranks.

Volkov's army collapsed as soldiers fled instinctively. Fear spread like wildfire among soldiers, engulfing the entire force in a frantic retreat.

"Fall back! We can't fight that thing!"

Fearful and perplexed voices yelled. Cries for retreat drowned out orders to hold ground.

Some soldiers lowered their weapons and stopped fighting. Some tripped and fell in their hasty escape, causing a jumble of bodies and equipment.

The lines of Volkov's army turned into a chaotic mess. A few tried to gather their fellow soldiers, but fear won over everything.

The thought of facing a wyvern was too much for them to bear.

"Perfect," Erik said to himself, his grin widening.

<June, I'm going to weaken the wall; you destroy it and try to look as threatening as possible, then let me jump on your head, but make it so everyone can see me.>

<Yes, master.> At that point, even June was grinning. <I can already hear the organ playing.> Erik's weakening of the ice wall caused the icy fortress to tremble and crack. The blackguards looked up at the massive ice wall with conflicting looks. Their fear, hidden behind their masks, was likely being battled, with the blackguards trying to bury it, thinking about their mission.

With a loud crash, June shattered the wall. Ice shards exploded, sparkling in the sun. The clone, the wyvern, appeared on the battlefield, his black scales instilling terror into everyone.

Every soldier in the area felt June's primal roar. The clone flapped his wings, which flapped like thunder, causing a wind and debris storm.

Even the toughest of the blackguards wavered at that point, showing signs of hesitation and uncertainty. Though they were still trying to win their fear, struggling internally to maintain their composure and resolve in the face of the daunting situation in front of them. June's red, slitted eyes scanned the battlefield. Erik, calm amid the chaos, advanced. He strolled toward the clone, staring at his massive form.

<It is time to seal the deal, June.>

Erik walked more confidently as he approached. Both friendly and enemy soldiers watched in silence. The man jumped onto June's colossal head and landed between the clone's terrifying horns.

June held his head high to show Erik on top of him. Already uneasy, the blackguards and Volkov's troops faced the ultimate show: a human having control over a wyvern.

The battlefield became silent, because it was at that point that everyone on that battlefield understood that Erik Romano couldn't be stopped, and that meant the rebels won.

The sight overwhelmed Volkov's troops. Seeing a wyvern was scary already as it was, but a man who could control one? That was legend and nightmare material.

At that point, even the blackguards' resolve fell. Fear took hold as they realized the true extent of Erik's power.

They retreated, their ranks breaking apart in a desperate scramble to escape what they perceived as impending doom.

Erik re-established his telepathic link with June, his expression one of satisfaction. "Well

done, June. Let's finish this."

Then Erik raised his voice.

"Kill them," he said to his comrades. "Kill them all! Don't leave anyone alive!"

June, the black wyvern, nodded his massive head in understanding. With a powerful and swift beat of his wings, he took to the sky, his scales shimmering in the sunlight.

It was at that moment that the Chimeric Demons' eyes turned red with bloodlust. It was, of course, figuratively speaking.

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