Erik had to dodge flying rubble and debris kicked up by the intense fighting.

Explosions rocked the building, causing walls and ceilings to crumble.

<I wonder what's happening outside.>

There was still a lot of noise going on suggesting that the battle outside, despite having tuned down a lot, was still going strong. It was understandable. The blackguards command center was barking orders constantly through the communication channels, most of them requesting help to all the groups scattered through the city.

But they were far. Reaching this place was not something that could be done fast, and regardless, the Chimaeric Demons killed every newcomer, making it so that the pressure on the rebels remained weak.

Erik glided among the battling clones and blackguards, invisible to all. Only the Chimaeric Demons knew he was there, and where, because Erik told them by mind link.

Many blackguards were firing their laser rifles at the invaders, but they missed Erik as he zipped past. Not that they target him to begin with.

The clones seemed unstoppable in their fury, tearing apart soldiers and sending some flying with powerful blows.

Erik stopped to look at a Chimaeric Demon, ripping the door off a room and tossing it aside.

He peered in to see several injured blackguards huddled together in fear as the clone advanced on them.

Erik decided to move on. He didn't care about what happened to these guys, and for sure, he wanted them dead.

He then focused on using his instability brain crystal powers to find Momentum. But it would not be easy. There were many people inside the building, and finding the man was going to need him to search each individual mind within the cluster.

<Let's see... Where are you, old friend?>

Erik searched and searched. To the point where he read the minds of every single person within the building. In the end, he found what he was searching for.

<There you are!>

With that, Erik moved.

When he glanced into Momentum's mind, Erik saw a mix of frustration and rage, but there was also defiance.

Though caught off guard by the rebel attack, Momentum was planning an escape through an underground tunnel below the building and was heading there right at this moment, together with some high-ranking officers from the organization.

Erik was surprised. The stoic and confident blackguard was going to flee, but understood Momentum valued his own survival above all, and despite everything.

Erik stealthily followed, walking through floors and corridors to chase momentum. While doing so, he reached five clones with his instability brain crystal power.

<Momentum and some other guys are heading downstairs. I will show you where he is going.>

With that, Erik sent the images of what Momentum saw and was thinking to them. The five Chimaeric Demons disengaged from whoever they were fighting and headed downstairs, chasing after Erik and Momentum.

As they descended into a bunker-like tunnel, Erik glimpsed maps and exit strategies in Momentum's mind, confirming escape pods at the tunnel's end were present.

Seeing the sprawling underground complex, the man realized the blackguards' de facto headquarters were far bigger than he thought.

After a not so long chase, Erik arrived right behind the man.

Momentum was running, but not even that fast, through the cement corridors. His face was obscured by a mask, but his mind was wary and on alert.

<Finally, I will have my revenge. I can't wait to interrogate him.>

However, Erik had to be careful because he couldn't kill him despite wanting to. Erik knew this was his chance to capture and interrogate a high-ranking blackguard.

Even if the man wasn't fully informed about the overall situation, it was clear he knew things few people knew.

For example, what did the blackguards know about him? What were his and his squad's exact orders when they attacked him in Caelora City? Who were those coordinating the effort to capture him?

Though all those questions had to wait for now, he had to capture him first, but Erik was planning on taking his sweet time.

But capturing Momentum alone was a problematic move, simply because he had to bring him outside somehow, and doing so alone while having to avoid deadly attacks would not be simple. Besides, there were two other men with Momentum.

If they were leaving secretly, as the men were doing, it meant they had at least the same rank as him, and that was an excellent turn of events.

"Are you going somewhere?"

Momentum and the other two men turned around, but they saw no one.

"Ah... Confusion... It's a funny thing, considering who the confused one is. You used to be those who knew everything and everyone, but now you don't even know who is in front of you."

Momentum and the other two men could see no one. Immediately, they understood someone with an invisibility brain crystal power was there, behind, beside, or in front of them. "Who are you? Show yourself if you have the galls!" One of the two men said, Judging by the voice, this man was old. Not that Erik really cared; he had no mercy for the blackguards. "I'd rather not, but I suggest you avoid trying to run, or I will be forced to break your legs." "It's pretty bold of you to say that since you have a brain crystal power that allows you to hide only," the other blackguard said.

Momentum was remaining silent, but he already understood how dire the situation was, and that was because he recognized the voice behind the mysterious man hiding from their sight. Immediately, he started channelling mana. His powers worked best with single targets, but they could also influence an area of effect, and since he couldn't see the man in front of him, influencing an area was his best chance at fighting him.

Of course, Erik read the man's mind and knew exactly where Momentum's powers reached. "Oh... Momentum, you still think I don't know how your powers work? I learned it a long time ago. Both of us know I can counter it."

"Perhaps, but it's still good to mess up your movements. A single mistake could prove fatal, after all. You should know it well."

"Who are you talking to, Momentum? Who is the guy hiding?"

But the man didn't reply. He didn't have time to make his mind wander into useless thoughts now. Momentum had to flee, and he knew that.

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