Biological Supercomputer System

Chapter 935: Back to the Northern gate

Erik bid farewell to the woman, who kept talking about the Blackguards during his entire stay at the enlisting center.

Her empty platitudes about the Blackguards' supposed virtues ringed hollow in his ears.

He had played the part of the eager recruit well, but the truth was, he felt nothing but disgust towards this corrupt organization.

Once outside, he noticed the same car that had brought him here waiting in front of the entrance.

Honestly, there were many cars like that, which was why the driver got out of the vehicle. Ben Fink had to find him easily, after all. Who knew if, one day, he would become a high-ranking blackguard?

As he approached the sleek black car, the driver greeted him. "Time to head back to your post at the Northern Gate, Mr. Fink," the man said.

Erik nodded and climbed into the vehicle, the driver's words confirming he had indeed waited here for some time.

The car lifted off the ground and soared over New Alexandria's damaged cityscape.

Erik peered out the window, observing the ongoing reconstruction efforts amidst the remnants of the parasite's destruction.

The driver navigated the car skillfully, weaving between the towering buildings and the other cars, mostly military and blackguards' ones.

Erik remained silent, using the time to reflect on what he had gathered so far and plan his next moves. For sure, he was going to contact the resistance as soon as he was alone.

The Blackguards' enlistment had been a fortuitous event, bordering on the bizarre because of how suddenly it came.

It also revealed the extent of their indoctrination methods, as well as what the people working for them thought about the organization.


Soon, the car descended towards the Northern Gate, with the walls and watchful soldiers in view.

Erik tensed, knowing he would have to maintain his charade a little longer.

But he was also happy, since this was a real chance to get inside the Blackguards and find out everything he had to know about them.

He was going to find the party of blackguards that were making trouble for the resistance


"Here we are, Mr. Fink," the driver said, bringing the vehicle to a smooth landing.

"Good luck out there and congratulations."

"Thank you," Erik said, opening the door and stepping out onto the familiar ground.

He could see the other soldiers he had fought alongside in the past months rushing inside the gate. Many soldiers were wounded.

Based on the scene before him, It was clear there had been a massive battle that morning, and the situation hadn't been managed that well judging by the wounded soldiers being rushed inside and the bodies being carried in, covered by white blankets.

The defenders had clearly taken heavy casualties, and Erik couldn't help but wonder about the scale and intensity of the clash with the thaid horde.

The rebels shouldn't have attacked this gate again based on what he knew, so this was a thaids' natural attack.

As he made his way towards the gate, Erik spotted Sergeant Markham barking orders amidst the pandemonium.

A mix of exhaustion and rage etched the sergeant's face. Erik approached him.

"Sergeant, what happened here?" He asked, feigning concern.

Markham turned to him, his expression never changing. "Private Fink! You are back! That's great news!"

The man turned and looked at the soldier in front of him. "A damn thaid attack! It was massive; we would have been breached if it weren't for the blackguards! They came at us in waves, like nothing I've ever seen since the Heniate's attack. We fought them off, but not without paying a heavy price." He gestured towards the covered bodies.

Erik nodded solemnly, faking his heart sink at the sight of the dead men and women, but in

truth, he didn't care one bit. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

The sergeant considered it for a moment. "Yeah, actually. We need all hands on deck to secure the gate and clear the battlefield. Get in there and lend a hand."

"Yes, sir," Erik said. "But there is something I must tell you."

The marshal working for the blackguards told him what to say to his friends and superiors once back.

Everyone got told he had been reassigned but not where, which was to keep his identity as a blackguard hidden.


"I've been reassigned, sir! In Fasard."

"I received a briefing about this matter in the morning, Fink. However, until tomorrow, you are mine, so get your ass outside!"

"Yes, sir!" Erik said while saluting and hurrying towards the gate.

Erik joined the other soldiers in the grim task of clearing the battlefield.

He worked alongside them, handling the twisted, lifeless forms of the thaids with a mix of efficiency and reverence.

The bodies were loaded onto trucks, their materials were going to be used in fortifying the city's defenses.

As he toiled under the sun, Erik's mind raced, trying to piece together the events of the battle. The sheer scale of the thaid assault suggested that, as the sergeant said, the gate would have been breached if it weren't for the Blackguards.

"Mother fuckers..."

Erik was obviously referring to the blackguards. Erik believed that during the Heniate attack, they did not take any action to save New Alexandria, but of course, this was because Volkov

was involved.

However, the soldiers nearby heard those words.

"Yeah, these fucking thaids. The higher-ups are still trying to figure out why this new mass migration is happening. However, many people say it is only going to worsen."

Erik was slightly embarrassed by the situation. He wasn't talking to this soldier; he didn't even know who he was. Yet he replied as if he were really talking to him.

"Yeah, it's a mess. Some people say it's because of something happening within the Eldraith mountain range."

"The Eldraith mountain range?" Another soldier said.

"What could occur within the Eldraith mountain range that would force them to travel all the

way here?"

"I don't know," Erik said. "Maybe a powerful monster pushed all the others away?"

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