Chapter 835 To Nokisi Point (3)

Despite its massive size, the bird displayed a remarkable agility and strength, maneuvering through the air with an instinctive grace that belied its colossal form.

Each flap of its enormous wings sent ripples through the sky, propelling it forward with a power and finesse that was mesmerizing to watch.

The wyvern, instead, was smaller than the majestic bird, carried with it an aura of fear and a palpable sense of might that commanded attention.

Its sleek black scales absorbed the sunlight, creating a stark contrast against the bright sky, making it appear as a shadow brought to life.

The flames that occasionally flickered around its body added an element of danger and unpredictability, highlighting its fearsome nature.

The problem was that If the rule size equal strength was true; the bird was stronger than the wyvern, and that was terrifying.

However, he couldn't understand how that was possible. Wyverns were supposed to be at the top of the food chain, at least on this continent.

This only made Erik convinced this creature came from the other one.

Erik was particularly affected by two of the many reasons that made the situation frightening. The first was that something big was going on the Mur continent.

The situation in that place must have been extremely dire to force the arrival of such an abomination on the Mannard continent.

Second: if a 'mere' flying Thaid was stronger than a wyvern, what were the true horrors that lived in the Thaid infested continent?

Were they really that much stronger compared to the Thaids here?

June watched in awe as the colossal bird unleashed a flurry of attacks.

Despite being confused by the sudden chaos, June couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence for the magnificent creature's prowess.

However, the reverence was shattered by Erik's shout.


At that precise moment, a cluster of trees, uprooted by the wyvern's tail, soared towards them. The sudden involuntary attack came out of nowhere, and Erik and June barely had a moment to react and avoid it.


As they sprinted away from the site of the aerial battle, both Erik and June couldn't help but feel a gnawing sense of apprehension.

The expanse of the open area around them felt oppressively vast, a seemingly endless terrain that stretched on far beyond what they had anticipated.

Despite their considerable speed, the distance to safety seemed to not shrink, as if the ground itself was stretching out beneath them. Erik's usually composed demeanor was ruffled, a rare occurrence. June, following closely behind Erik, mirrored his unease.

Erik glanced back and his eyes narrowed in concentration. The creatures were tearing into the side of the mountain, leaving behind a trail of destruction.

Then something happened. The two creatures behaved as if they got woken up by something, and started using their brain crystal powers with renewed frenzy, to the point they started solely using them.

The wyvern opened its jaws, unleashing a scorching torrent of flames that illuminated the sky in a blaze of fire.

Erik and June watched in horror as the flames crackled and roared, consuming the forest in a fiery blaze.

Meanwhile, the colossal bird unleashed a powerful gust of wind, its massive wings flapping and intensifying the force of the gale.

The sound of crackling energy filled the air as the bird manipulated the element, creating a swirling barrier of wind around itself.

The clash between the wyvern's flames and the bird's wind created a tumultuous display of swirling fire and gusts of air.

The bird must have had a hard time, judging by the way its feathers were ruffled and its wings drooped.

After all, Wyverns' flames were not common ones. The flames were powerful, surpassing the intensity of any ordinary fire.

Sparks flew and gusts howled, the chaotic battle raging overhead as Erik and June raced through the forest.

Fear gripped their hearts as they skillfully maneuvered around the debris littering the ground, their senses heightened by the menacing presence of the fiery winds.

The scorching heat engulfed the air, making the temperature rise to unbearable levels as flames danced around the nearby trees.

Erik's voice rang out above the roar of the inferno. "RUN, JUNE!"

The sheer force of the elemental conflict overwhelmed June's senses, causing his eyes to widen in awe.

Despite their efforts to escape, the heat from the flames seemed to grow more intense, searing his skin with each step.

However, something had altered the dynamics between the two.

With a surge of power, the colossal bird propelled itself forward, the sound of its wings slicing through the air reverberating through the surroundings.

It unleashed a final, devastating attack while making a deafening screech. The bird channeled an ungodly amount of mana that became visible to Erik and June before releasing a massive wind blade.

It towered over everything in sight, its size comparable to that of a bus. With a swift motion, the bird propelled the blade forward.

The wyvern tapped into its vast reserves of mana once again, summoning a wall of flames to protect itself.

The problem for the wyvern was that the blade sliced through it like it was made of butter. Even with all that mana, the attack could not be stopped.

In stunned silence, Erik and June observed as the bird launched its attack, colliding with the wyvern and shattering its defenses.

The air crackled with energy as the wind tore through the flames and bisected the wyvern's body, tearing scales and flesh alike.

"What the…"

The victorious bird let out a screech so loud that it reverberated through the smoky haze, proclaiming its triumph.

The wyvern's massive body hit the ground with a thunderous crash, causing the trees to tremble and the birds to scatter in fright.

As the fallen beast landed, the trees shuddered and let out audible groans, their branches snapping and splintering in protest, and most destroyed by the creature's massive weight.

As the wyvern's body reached the ground, a massive cloud of dirt, ashes, and earth erupted, creating a swirling vortex of darkness that enveloped everything nearby.

The thick blanket of debris, swirling in the air, suffocated the flames that had ravaged the nearby trees, bringing an abrupt and definitive end to the inferno in the immediate surroundings.

Yet, despite the temporary reprieve, the forest was consumed by flames, the unrelenting fire roaring without mercy.

The heat was so intense that the air crackled, and the landscape was engulfed in thick clouds of smoke, creating a foreboding atmosphere.

Amidst the devastation, the triumphant bird stood tall, its majestic form silhouetted against the backdrop of destruction.

Its wings outstretched, it surveyed the aftermath of the battle with an air of regal authority, a solitary beacon of strength amidst the charred remains of the forest.






Erik was far from the sight of the crash. In theory, he should have been outside of the biological supercomputer's range of absorption.

To stay in that cursed place was only akin to suicide. He only wanted to escape, and that happened just because of pure and dumb luck.

Erik thought that what he absorbed was just a tiny speck of the creature's mana, that left the immediate area of the crash and entered the supercomputer's range.

<I won't take this route anymore, I swear… >

The sheer magnitude of experience that a single thaid provided him was utterly astonishing. It was the largest surge of mana he had ever received from a single monster. Just how strong was this cursed Thaid?

Erik and June stood frozen in shock, their hearts pounding as they took in the unbelievable sight before them.

The forest fell silent, with only the rustle of leaves and distant cries of unseen creatures breaking the stillness after the battle. They exchanged a bewildered glance.

As the realization of the bird's victory sank in, Erik and June were left in a state of awe and disbelief, their jaws dropping in astonishment.

They had never seen such a show of power before, and the immense strength of the bird left them both trembling.

"Did you analyze it?" June asked.

"Are you crazy? That was the last thing I had in mind."

However, as they observed the bird gracefully soaring away, Erik's heart fluttered with a sudden urge. A mischievous smirk played on his lips.

June understood immediately what his master wanted to do as he saw the determined look in his eyes.

June's eyes, flickered towards the sky, searching for any sign of the creature.

"Did the bird go away?"

Erik wore a more contemplative expression. His brows furrowed as he tapped into his Instability Brain Crystal Power, trying to sense the bird's presence.

The corner of his mouth quirked up in a subtle smirk when he realized the bird had indeed left the area.

"I can't feel it anymore, so I would say yes," he said. There was a hint of relief in his voice.

"Should we go, then?"

His face then shifted to a more decisive expression etching across his features. "Yes."

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