Chapter 781: Behind The Scenes (2)

781 Behind the scenes (2)

As the group ventured into the building, they navigated through a labyrinth of corridors and rooms, each with its distinct purpose.

Amber's eyes darted around, taking in the sights. Some rooms were designed for secure storage, while others had been transformed into functional offices.

A few had a distinct military vibe, equipped for strategic planning and operations.

Amber noticed the well-organized nature of the setup, yet something about it suggested the room was just recently made.

The arrangement of the rooms and their contents hinted at rapid adaptation rather than long-established tradition.

The building's layout and the activities within painted a clear picture of a bustling city hub.

This place was not just a simple military or administrative center; it was the beating heart of a vibrant and thriving community, bustling with life and activity, yet still finding its footing.

Amber noticed the scarcity of people in the large underground city while she came here, suggesting recent habitation.

Despite its vast capacity, easily fitting hundreds of times their current numbers of thousands of individuals, the city seemed scarcely populated.

The plants caught her attention, hinting at her friend's involvement in their cultivation.

The extent of his contributions to the city, however, remained uncertain. Ethan's earlier words echoed in her mind, adding to her puzzlement.

His references to Erik being a 'savior' made her even more confused.

<He talked about him as their savior. What did you do here, Erik? > That was the question she had in mind.

Five minutes of brisk walking through the maze of corridors led them to the vast conference room's entrance.

The space was expansive, its sheer size emphasized by the minimal furnishings within.

A small podium stood at the far end of the room, an island of authority in a sea of emptiness.

The podium's unassuming size contrasted with how big the room was, making it seem almost humble in its purpose.

Scattered around the room were several rows of chairs, arranged in a semi-circular fashion, facing the podium.

They were simple yet functional, designed more for utility than comfort.

The chairs were spaced out evenly, creating an orderly appearance that hinted at the serious nature of the discussions likely to take place here.

The room had minimal decoration on the walls, with only a few lights strategically positioned to illuminate the area and creating a tranquil atmosphere.

Even the ceiling was high, adding to the room's spacious feel, with a few discreet air vents ensuring a comfortable atmosphere.

As they entered, the echo of their footsteps filled the room.

However, despite how empty it looked like, it was full of people.

Amber recognized most of them. Her father, Richard Stone, Emily, Mikey's mother. But there were some she had never seen, and even a person covering his or her face.

There were also people Amber had never seen. Men and women with weapons and armors, but that wasn't the only oddity they had.

What puzzled Amber was the uniform they were wearing, white and green, the colors of nature, that hinted at them being mercenaries.

The mercenaries had an insignia she became familiar in the recent months.

"Nexthorn Vanguard Guild," Floyd said. "He really is connected to this place, then."

Amber looked at Floyd. Since they saw the mysterious masked man called Erik Kay perform in the guild's arena, they believed him to be Erik, their friend.

However, aside from the hilt of his Flyssa, he showed no other sign they were the same person, yet that hint was significant.

Until now, they had only speculated, unsure whether this masked individual called Erik Kay was indeed their friend.

What Ethan said first had nothing to do with the Nexthorn Vanguard Guild. Erik could have been there in the past, but not being tied to those mercenaries.

However, the hint he left in Etrium made it clear. Their friend left a hint he was alive only they could understand, a hint Ethan could not be aware of.

This realization brought a mix of emotions to Amber, especially relief at knowing Erik was alive.

"Wait here for the discussion to start," Samuel said.

"Everything will be clear as soon as he arrives."

"Who?" Martha asked.

"Noah. We don't know who he is. The man had never shown his face, but he is a very dangerous man. We only know he works for Erik. But he is cunning like no others, and very strong." Then he grinned.

"Not as much as me, though. In this room, there are only three people can contend with my strength."

"You must be sure of your skills, uncle," Benedict said. "Want to have a spar later?" A smile blossomed on his face.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA. Kids nowadays." But then he turned to look at Benedict. "Of course I will."

At that pivotal moment, the atmosphere in the room shifted. The doors swung open, and in strode a man whose presence commanded immediate attention.


He was a towering figure, his stature alone imposing, but it was his mask that drew the eyes of all present. It was a variation of the famous mask worn by Erik Kay.

Draped over his shoulders was a massive cape, trailing at least 20 centimeters behind him.

The cape billowed as he walked, creating a theatrical effect that seemed choreographed to enhance his entrance's theatrical.

Amber and the others became quite proficient at sensing mana during these past months.

There was no detectable aura emanating from this man, an anomaly that piqued their interest.

Either he possessed an extraordinary level of control over his mana, suggesting a massive number of neural links, or he had no mana at all. That was impossible, but it could be the only logical explanation.

The room's occupants exchanged wary glances, each trying to gauge the intentions of this new player on the stage.

"That is the man that should be very dangerous?" Amber asked Samuel.

"Impressive height, eh? The first time I saw him, I thought they put a cape over a giant banana."

Amber's chuckle broke the tension, a rare moment of levity amidst the grim circumstances.

The presence of Samuel, with his reassuring demeanor, provided a much-needed sense of comfort.

Their situation was dire, a truth Amber was aware of, especially after the events following Volkov's takeover of Frant.

In the aftermath of the parasitic attacks, Frant's stability had rapidly deteriorated.

Volkov's ascent to power had been swift and brutal, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

Key figures from her father's faction, as well as those aligned with Emily's father, had been eliminated.

Even Becker found himself in a precarious position, choosing flight over fight.

Caiden and Richard were alive only because they were too powerful to be killed, and that wasn't physical strength.

However, isolated and outnumbered, their ability to resist was hampered.

Becker, who should have been in a similar situation, found himself the target of a planned takedown.

Volkov, with months, perhaps years, of preparation, had fabricated enough evidence to issue a warrant for the arrest of the esteemed general.

In the meantime, the man walked onto the podium. The mercenaries from the Nexthorn Vanguard Guild positioned themselves in front of the podium.

Their presence was an explicit statement of protection, a human shield meant to deter any potential threats.

There were for sure some people here that could pose a threat to him, but it wasn't like these mercenaries could do anything. They were strong, but not as much as to be unkillable.

Then Amber looked at the people shielding the man. There was one person she recognized, Mira "Windwhisper" Flynn, the person said to be the lover and closest confidant of the mighty Erik Kay.

But if Erik Kay and Erik Romano were the same person, then it meant… As if sensing Amber's internal turmoil, Gwen spoke. "We will kick that bitch's ass."

Amber smiled. "Thank you, Gwen."

"May I have your attention?" The man on the podium spoke. Everyone became silent.

"My name is Noah. I'm the right-hand man of Erik Kay, guild-master and founder of the Nexthorn Vanguard Mercenary guild."

But that was clear to everyone. "You may wonder why I made everyone come here inside this room. Well, the reason is that we all have been played for a lot of time." Noah paused.

"I'm not talking of me, you," he said by looking at Caiden Joyce, "Or everyone else in this room. Well, aside from one person. But I mean the world."

Murmurs started spreading. "What is this guy talking about?" Benedict asked.

"I don't know, but it looks like he knows something we don't that may be related to this whole situation," Floyd said.

"But before I explain in details the results of our investigation, I would like to invite someone to talk. Maybe you will be more inclined to believe his words, rather than mine."

Noah turned to look at a hooded man behind Richard Stone and Caiden.

"General of Frantian Army, and Supreme Leader of the nation, Armand Becker." Everyone turned to look with incredulous eyes.

"May I ask you to explain what really happened in Frant?"

May privilege price will lower.

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