Panic filled the atmosphere as Erik and June made their way through the labyrinth of city streets.

The people's faces were masks of terror. They didn't know what happened with the Blackguards, but seeing a flying Thaid into the city's sky was enough to alarm everyone.

"A flying Thaid," they said, their voices echoing off the towering buildings around them.

The very mention of the creature set hearts racing and sent a chill down the spine of everyone inside the city.

Erik observed as mothers clutched their children a little closer, their eyes wide and darting.

Men frantically tapped at their phones, their fingers a blur as they tried to reach out to loved ones.

The incessant ringing of unanswered calls formed a dissonant soundtrack to the unfolding chaos.

With trembling hands, the shopkeepers flipped their signs to 'closed' and hastily bolted their doors.

Restaurants, usually brimming with life, were now deserted, chairs left overturned in the rush.

The city was shedding its lively skin, revealing a scared skeleton underneath.

However, they knew well that all their attempts would be futile.

If a flying Thaid wanted to kill them, there wasn't a building that could prevent them from doing so.

However, they knew well that all their attempts would be futile.

If a flying Thaid wanted to kill them, there wasn't a building that could prevent them from doing so.

The preferred course of action was to maintain a low profile and avoid attracting attention.

When the city witnessed the sight of a Thaid flying inside, it was thrown into a frenzy. Understandably.

Erik and June, maintaining their composed demeanor, scanned their surroundings, ensuring they avoided any mercenaries, police, or blackguards that could lurk around.

It seemed that their pursuers were unable to keep up with them and had lost their trail.

As they had been hoping for, they finally made it to the park, letting out a sigh of relief.

Guiding their steps through the verdant park, Erik and June navigated a network of sun-dappled pathways and lush trees.

Their destination was a pre-agreed meeting spot, nestled at the base of a towering statue at the center of the park.

The statue was a magnificent tribute to Solomon Judd.

Time and the elements had weathered the stone from which it was carved, softening the intricate details without diminishing its grandeur.

The statue, with its majestic stance, stood tall and proud against the backdrop of the clear azure sky as the warm rays of sunlight embraced its form.

His stone face, etched with lines of wisdom and tales of valor, watched over them with an expression that seemed both stern and comforting.

Upon their arrival, the clones, who had been waiting for them, quickly gathered around Erik.

The worried expressions on their faces seemed to reflect the bright rays of the sun, while the sound of their voices echoed and reverberated throughout the peaceful park.

"Master," one of them started, his voice shaky, "What happened?"

When June transformed into a Galewing, it was as if they were announcing their presence and powers to the world.

Of course, they understood it was them, and not a real flying Thaid that entered the city, meaning that something big happened.

Erik's face was a mask of cool composure, yet his eyes blazed like steel. "We were ambushed," he said.

His jaw clenched, the muscles rippling. "The Blackguards have sneaked into the city under our noses. It seems Lyria's little get-together at the mercenary guild was just a smokescreen to lure me into the open. She likely knew I was watching, or at least suspected that."

"But how did they communicate? If she suspect you can hack into devices and have the means to listen to private conversation, there wasn't a safe way for her to coordinate with the Blackguards."

Erik thought about it for a second. "They likely organized this before coming here. If I don't know where they are, I can't possibly learn what they plan."

Erik, feeling restless, started pacing back and forth, his footsteps resonating with a sharpness that resembled cracks of thunder.

The furrowing of his brows created a striking effect, enveloping his eyes in an ominous darkness. He was mad. "They caught me blindsided, like a fool. I should have known it was a trap."

The air was filled with a sense of heaviness as Erik's words resonated.

Uneasy glances were shared among the clones as their faces darkened, resembling a storm that was about to unleash.

"These mad dogsā€¦ They've caught the scent of power and are tracking me like hounds on a fox hunt." His lips peeled back from his teeth in a vicious sneer.

"All they needed was just a whiff of what I could do, to where I was, and they came. I just hope they don't know all of this was made on purpose."

Erik abruptly halted his movement and shifted his focus towards the clones, causing his coat to swirl around his figure.

"I've endured enough of their meddling. They likely sent the Crystal Cross Gang back in Frant to hunt me. They likely asked uncle Benjamin to bring me out of the house to search the place."

He whirled to face the others, his coat flaring out like a hawk's wings. "But no more. Now we go on the hunt. We'll smoke those rats out of whatever fetid holes they're hiding in and crush them underfoot." Erik's lip curled in a fearsome snarl.

As the clones imagined the upcoming battle, their eyes sparkled with a chilling determination.

Finally, one clone stepped forward, fists clenched. "We will make them pay, Master."

The other clones murmured their assent. "We will hunt them to the ends of the earth if need be," another said, his face set in grim determination.

The clone who had first spoken met Erik's gaze unwaveringly. "Command us, and we shall obey. We live only to serve your will."

Around him, the other clones nodded, their postures radiating readiness. As one, they turned to Erik, awaiting his orders. Their loyalty and resolve was absolute.

Erik's eyes gleamed with feral satisfaction, seeing the eagerness of his warriors. His lip curled in a ruthless smile. "Good."

"The Blackguards want a war. We'll give them one. We'll rain down hellfire on their heads until there's nothing left but ashes." His eyes blazed with cold fury, as merciless as a winter storm.

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