Chapter 757: Mercenary-Police Station (1)

Matthias, one of Erik's clones, meandered through the streets, his eyes scanning the diverse throng of people that populated the city.

Men and women in suits hurried past, their faces buried in their devices, oblivious to the world around them.

Street vendors hawked their wares, their voices rising above the city's constant hum. Children scampered around, their laughter echoing through the narrow alleyways.

His destination was the mercenary-police station, a unique establishment that straddled the line between law enforcement and a private military contractor.

This wasn't your typical police station, not in the same way Frant had it. It was a place where mercenaries with police duties worked, a testament to the nation's unconventional approach to maintaining order.

The mercenaries were not just guns for hire in Etrium. They were an integral part of the culture.

Their duties ranging from defending the borders against Thaids' incursions to mediating disputes among the citizens within Etrium.

Beyond their martial prowess, mercenaries often served as advisors to the rulers of Etrium, lending their expertise in security and military strategy.

Their presence was woven into the fabric of Etrium's society, symbolizing strength, resilience, and the unyielding spirit of its people.

Erik had tasked the clone with this mission. His creator's idea was simple: infiltrate the mercenary police station and gain a potential list of safe houses where their target, Max, could be hiding.

Identify any individuals who might have knowledge about Max's whereabouts and spy on them.

The mercenary-police station Matthias approached was an imposing structure, standing out against the backdrop of the city's more ordinary buildings. Its exterior was a blend of modern architecture and fortified design.

The building was much larger than a typical police station, equipped to accommodate the unique needs of this hybrid force.

The entrance led to a spacious waiting area, somewhat reminiscent of a hospital waiting room, where civilians could wait to speak with officers.

The clone paused for a moment, taking in its fortified walls and guarded entrance. Matthias paused, absorbing the sight of the fortified mercenary-police station.

His gaze roved over the imposing walls and the guarded entrance, taking note of the many agents patrolling the area.

"This won't be a walk in the park. Getting in undetected will be a challenge."

Through the glass doors, Matthias could see the interior of the station. The spacious waiting area was filled with civilians, some looking anxious, others resigned, all waiting for their turn to speak with an officer.

As he assessed his options, Matthias knew he needed a plan to infiltrate the building without drawing attention.

He couldn't just walk in; the officers were too vigilant, their eyes scanning each person who entered or exited. He needed to be invisible, unnoticed. And he knew just how to do that.

As a clone with the ability to shape-shift, he had an advantage. But timing and positioning were crucial. The last thing he wanted was for someone to attack him while in that form. Animal cruelty was something humanity had never been able to get rid of.

However, he needed to find a secluded spot, away from prying eyes, before shape-shifting.

He scanned the surroundings, his gaze landing on a narrow alleyway next to the station. It was shadowy and deserted - perfect for his needs. He would shift there, then slip into the station as a stray cat.

Matthias moved discreetly towards the alleyway, his every step calculated to avoid attention.

Once there, he took off his clothing and placed them in a small pile tucked away behind a weathered dumpster.

The alleyway was deserted, but Matthias took no chances. He ensured his clothes were well hidden and would remain undisturbed during his absence.

While taking a deep breath, the clone started his transformation. His body began to contract and twist, his human features fading into a blur as they reshaped.

Thick black fur sprouted across his skin, covering him entirely. Within moments, the transformation was complete.

Where there had once been a man, there was now a sleek black cat now crouched, its eyes gleaming with intelligence and a touch of human awareness.

With his transformation complete, Matthias emerged from the alleyway. He padded towards the mercenary police station, while his eyes looked at the guarded entrance.

As he neared the station, a police officer entered the building, creating an opportunity for Matthias to slip inside.

He timed his movements, shadowing the officer just as he was about to enter the building. As the door swung open, Matthias darted in, slipping past the officer's feet unnoticed. He was much faster than the man, as his base agility and speed got only stressed by his feral form.

Once inside, he oriented himself, his keen feline senses taking in the sights, sounds, and smells of the bustling station.

The first part of Erik's plan had been successfully executed. Now came the harder part: finding that list and any potential leads on Max's whereabouts.

The station was abuzz with activity, something he knew he had to take advantage of. Officers were moving about, some engrossed in their paperwork, others engaged in hushed conversations.

Civilians, a mix of the anxious and the resigned, were scattered throughout the waiting area, their eyes flicking between a clock and the officers.

Matthias needed to navigate this sea of people and make his way to the private section of the police station. He scanned the room, his keen eyes noting the layout, the movement patterns of the officers, and potential routes to his destination.

He noticed a door on the far side of the room that appeared to lead to the private area. It was heavily trafficked by officers, but there were brief lulls in between. Timing would be key.

With a plan in mind, Matthias moved. He stuck close to the walls. He darted between hiding spots - under benches, behind potted plants - moving swiftly while avoiding to be seen.

Finally, he reached the door. While waiting for a lull in foot traffic, he nudged it open with his head just enough to slip through.

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