Erik explained in details where and when he wanted the clones to go. He also told them what to do if they found some useful information and what not to do.

"Go now, we can't waste anymore time."

The clones rose to their feet in unison. June and Alexander exchanged a glance before turning to follow the others towards the exit. The room emptied, leaving Erik alone with his thoughts.

In the past, he was always the one who had to do every heavy lifting, but since he now had the clones, he could at least give the most boring tasks to the clones.

Erik didn't want to stay days in bars and cafes drinking or eating just for the sake of finding some info he may or he may not find.

Back in Testrovsc's Rest he often gave the task to people from his guild, occasionally to the clones, but there were still personal quests he did on his own. He couldn't create many clones back there, since where he found those powerful people would be the question on everyone's mind.

But now Erik had enough. He had enough of having to restrain himself; he had enough of having to hide. Since the Guild was so hellbent on capturing him, and the Blackguards already had the inkling there was something weird with him, there was almost no reason to lie low.

Arhythmic pattern started resounding through the stairs of the apartment building. 31 clones rushed down the stairs to complete the task.

June and Alexander led the way, their eyes locked onto the path ahead. Behind them, the rest of the clones followed suit.

Before long, they reached the atrium. Sunlight streamed in, casting long shadows on the polished marble floor. They moved too fast for the early risers in the building to register their presence.

Almost as swiftly as they had descended the stairs, they were out of the building. The cool morning air hit them like a shockwave, causing a few of them to close their eyes in response.

Before them lay a sprawling cityscape.

Despite the early hour, the city was awakening. Cars zipped by through the skies, pedestrians walked along the sidewalks, their breath visible in the crisp air.

Then, as if on cue, the clones dispersed. Merging into the sparse crowd, disappearing from sight. June and Alexander gave each other a nod before parting ways.

They set off in different directions, each with a destination in mind. Based on what Erik told them to do, they went where they could find drunk mercenaries. They were bound to say something about Max, especially considering what Erik said he did to bring light to the matter, Max's hunt.

June veered left. His knowledge of the city was extensive since he scouted a lot during the past weeks, every alleyway and hidden corner mapped out in his mind.

His target was a grimy bar nestled in a less reputable part of town. Known only to those who lived life on the edge, it was a refuge for hardened individuals seeking comfort at the bottom of a glass after facing life-threatening dangers.

June moved with a swift, purposeful stride, his silhouette merging into the sparse morning crowd.

<Where are you? > He thought, his mind echoing with the question like a mantra.

With each step he took, June's thoughts became more focused, more determined.

Meanwhile, Alexander charted his course towards a notorious inn on the other side of the city. The place provided shelter to mercenaries and served as a hub where tales of dangerous quests were traded over pints of cheap ale and plates of stale bread.

It wasn't frequented by the wealthiest of the people, and usually its hosts were low leveled citizens. But they were also the ones who spoke the most.

Being at the edge of society, these guys were bound to have a lot of resentment and envy toward the luckiest ones, those that, instead than a cheap and old tavern ate at the most luxurious of the restaurants, and slept on the most comfy beds, likely accompanied by women whose elegance and beauty matched the opulence of their surroundings.

These privileged few reveled in lavishness, their nights filled with the company of charming and sophisticated companions, contrasting starkly with the rough, solitary existence of those on society's fringes.

This stark disparity fueled a simmering resentment among the less fortunate, who could only dream of such luxuries and companionship as they languished in their humble, forgotten corners of the city.

Erik had every confidence in his clones, knowing their capabilities mirrored his own. They were his creations, extensions of himself. They didn't have the system, that was true, but all the time Erik spent doing missions for the guild taught him a lot, and they too had this information.

Turning away from the window, Erik surveyed the room one last time.

"Well, let's go to work."

Erik then turned on his heel and strode towards the exit. His footsteps were steady, his posture exuding an air of calm determination.

As he left the building, he was ready to play his part in the unfolding drama. His clones were on the move, and now it was his turn.

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