747 The hunt begins

Over the course of the following weeks, Erik embarked on a hunt. His targets were people with shapeshifting brain crystal powers.

One by one, he tracked them down, neutralized them, and absorbed their powers. Eleven, each one a different piece of the puzzle he was assembling.

The result of his efforts was a new power that allowed him to shapeshift into animals. But animals only.

It was a fascinating ability. It offered a plethora of strategic options, but it was different from Conal's power - Erik couldn't gain more transformations by drinking blood.

Each new form resulted from merging the powers he had absorbed from the guys he killed to get an ability that could transform them all.

His repertoire of animal forms was diverse, and each had its own unique advantages. Some were combat-oriented, like the gorilla or the panther.

Others were more mundane but no less useful, like the inconspicuous forms of a cat or a dog. He could also transform into birds like crows and owls, offering him aerial surveillance and mobility.

These transformations gave Erik an edge, providing him with a variety of tricks to spy and find people or disappear when chased.

However, the most intriguing forms were those of a fly and a beetle. These forms allowed him to infiltrate any location undetected, bypassing even the most stringent security measures.

Who would suspect a fly to be a spy or an assassin? This transformation, despite not being suited to fight, was very useful.

With this new array of abilities at his disposal, Erik was certain he would be able to find out what was happening and why the Mercenary guild was searching for him.

However, Erik's goal was to gain the ability to shapeshift into humans. For that, he needed a specific power, one that was rare and coveted. Within the city, there was only one person known to possess such an ability - Maximilian Hartley.

Max was a man of considerable influence in the city. He held the position of Chief Security Officer, overseeing the city's defenses and intelligence operations.

His job was vital, his decisions affecting the lives of thousands. To the public, he was a dedicated official with an unblemished record.

Since he could transform into anyone he saw, strict regulations governed his power. It was a dangerous.

However, this ability made Max an invaluable asset for the country, since before doing his current job, he was a spy.

He could blend into any crowd, adopt any identity, and infiltrate any organization. It was exactly what Erik needed.

However, he had left Max alone until now. The man was no ordinary target, and Erik knew he would need every advantage he could get.

However, the string of killings targeting individuals with shapeshifting abilities had sent ripples of fear and uncertainty through the city, as that was a common power.

As the grim news of the shapeshifter killings circulated, it spread through the city like a ferocious wildfire, leaving a trail of fear and unease in its wake. The shapeshifters now found themselves the targets of an unseen predator.

Every whisper of another fallen shapeshifter, every rumor about the hunter, stoked the flames of panic. These people now looked over their shoulders, their eyes filled with paranoia and fear.

Many fled, their fear overpowering their ties to the city. They disappeared into the cloak of night. This terrifying threat uprooted families, severed friendships, and altered lives.

Max Hartley was no exception. As the news of the killings reached him, he became cautious.

Being a high-profile figure with a unique ability, he knew he was a prime target.

He ramped up his security, surrounding himself with a group of trained guards and mercenaries. He fortified his residence and workplace, equipping them with state-of-the-art security systems.

His movements became unpredictable, his routines changing to throw off potential attackers.

He traveled in armored vehicles and was always surrounded by guards. Every public appearance was planned and executed under heavy security cover.

Erik's situation had become quite complex. The threat had amplified the man's cautious nature, making him even more elusive. Erik's usual tactic of striking was hampered. The element of surprise, often his greatest ally, was now a dwindling resource.

As if this wasn't enough, the mass exodus of shapeshifters from the city added to another layer of complexity.

The once abundant pool of abilities was drying up, getting additional powers a harder task.

The city's streets were now desolate. This not only limited his options for increasing his abilities but also made his actions more noticeable.

However, Erik didn't need more transformations. His primary aim had always been to create the most potent power possible through the merging process, so that once he got Max's power, he would create one he hoped was going to be like Conal's.

As he observed the streets, Erik grinned. If someone knew what he did, he would have said the man was crazy.

Why would have someone made it so the people fled the city? Yeah. That was a reasonable thought. However, if they knew what Erik's true aim was, they would have not only thought he was crazy but also told him.

Erik was trying to stir troubles. That for the only goal of luring the Blackguards to Caelora city.

What Erik was doing was sending a message. 'I'm targeting the shapeshifters, and the guild can't do anything to stop me. What will you do?'

If luck was on his side, he would bait them, leading to their arrival in the city. Otherwise, he had to go search for them, but he was sure his tactic was going to work.

But how could they not take the bait? Erik was killing people that were close to them. They had to come, if not because they didn't care about them, at least to save face.

The young man walked through the lobby of Terrence's apartment building and then took the elevator. After a while, he arrived at the apartment where he and June stayed for the past weeks. However, they weren't the only two staying there now. With them, there were 30 more clones ready to serve him.

Forged by flames is out.

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