Chapter 745: An Awkward Situation

Erik left the apartment as swiftly as he had entered. The woman was meeting someone right now, and he didn't know how long she would stay at her current location. He had to make haste.

As he navigated the bustling streets, Erik's eyes were drawn to a massive structure. It was a colossal mall, an architectural marvel that dwarfed the surrounding buildings.

Its exterior was a spectacle of glass and steel, shimmering under the city lights.

The mall's name, "The Empyrean," was displayed in bold letters across its facade, illuminated by bright white lights despite the early hour.

Even from the outside, Erik could see the flurry of activity within. However, he didn't spare the mall more than a passing glance. He had a mission to complete, and getting distracted wasn't an option.

As he ventured further from the city center, the streets became quieter.

As the towering skyscrapers receded, they made room for smaller buildings that exuded a more traditional and homely charm, almost resembling mini mountains in their design.

Erik arrived at Asterion Boulevard.

<Where are you, little bee? >

Erik paused at the entrance of Asterion Boulevard, taking in the serene atmosphere.

<Find the target's location. >


<Building 47, uh? >

With the digits echoing in his mind, he began his search. Each house in the neighborhood was a mirror image of the next, creating a beautiful maze of identical houses, only interrupted by the unique touches of their inhabitants - a colorful garden here, a unique door there.

Along Asterion Boulevard, the houses formed a neat row, resembling a string of pearls, each one distinct yet perfectly aligned.

Their facades, painted in an array of soft pastels, basked in the golden glow of the morning sun.

The sunlight played on their surfaces, casting a warm, inviting sheen over the street.

Windows shimmered like jewels, mirroring the clear blue sky. Flower boxes adorned with vibrant blooms added bursts of color, enhancing the picturesque charm of the neighborhood.

With a determined stride, Erik made his way down the cobblestone path, scanning each house's number while his eyes moved.

After several minutes, the young man found the place - Building 47. It was tucked away at the end of a cul-de-sac, its facade no different from its neighbors. Small buildings, compared to the skyscrapers, at most 2 or 3 stories tall.

Yet, it was here that his target was at the moment. He paused, taking in the house's sight, before moving towards it.

The building was a typical middle-class home, complete with a small front garden. The place was well-tended, with blooming flowers adding a splash of color to the otherwise plain exterior.

<Do I really need to tell you what to do? >


Since the surveillance systems were no longer a threat, Erik had the freedom to continue with no obstacles.

He glanced at the rooftop and cautiously stepped back. Gathering his strength, he dashed forward.

With his powerful legs, he leaped into the air, showing impressive agility and force.

His quick sprint transformed into a soaring jump as he propelled himself over the rooftop, landing on top of it. His landing was as silent as a whisper.

<Where is she? > From his position, Erik couldn't see her. She was somewhere behind the closed windows. The only way for him to know her position was to enter the house. But he wanted to avoid that chore.

The system didn't wait a second before replying.


He tiptoed across the rooftop, making sure each step was silent. His focus was on not alerting the woman below. The simplicity of his movement contrasted with the intensity of his purpose, as he kept his presence unnoticed.

He approached the window, which was slightly ajar, and curiously peered inside. The sight that he witnessed made him stop abruptly, unable to move.

Erik had chased the woman the whole morning, and now, there she was, her naked form entangled with a man in the luxurious embrace of a four-poster bed.

The room, bathed in the subdued illumination from bedside lamps, held an air of privacy and intimacy.

Shadows danced along the walls, mirroring the rhythmic movements of the woman and the man beneath her.

The dim lighting crafted an atmosphere of seclusion, with the shifting shadows playing a silent, suggestive ballet that echoed the couple's entwined motions.

Erik withdrew from the window, his mind spinning like a top. Of all the scenarios he'd played out in his head, stumbling upon her mid-romp was not one of them. He stifled a chuckle, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Well, that's one way to welcome a guy." A wry grin spread across his face. He didn't expect to find the woman right in the act. "Not exactly the 'open door' policy I was expecting."

He leaned against the rooftop, taking a moment to collect his thoughts and suppress his laughter. This hunt was turning out to be more entertaining than he'd expected.

"Alright, Erik," he said to himself. Then a chuckle escaped his lips. The situation was very amusing.

"Focus. You've got a job to do, even if it feels like you've walked onto the set of a red light film."

Erik's mind whirled, a vortex of thoughts spinning within the depths of his consciousness.

However, his initial amusement, sparked by the unexpected view before him, morphed into a cold, steely sense of purpose.

The situation, as unanticipated as it was, presented an unforeseen advantage. With the element of surprise now in his hands, he felt a sense of power and control.

He could act swiftly, like a falcon swooping down on unsuspecting prey. The two lovers, engrossed in their intimate moment, were oblivious to his presence.

With their attention elsewhere, their defenses were down and they were left exposed. This was an opportunity Erik knew he could exploit the situation and neutralize them both in one fell swoop.

The mission parameters were clear: be swift, efficient, and leaving no trace behind. This unexpected scenario fit within those boundaries.

Forged by flames is out.

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