As dawn broke, Erik opened his eyes inside his shelter. Soft morning light flooded the interior of the tree, casting a warm glow and creating a peaceful ambiance.

Throughout the night, there was an unending onslaught of noise and chaos. Driven by an overwhelming rage and sorrow from the tragic loss of their companions, the Galewings launched a relentless attack on the tree.

The furious Galewings, spurred by vengeance, had circled the tree continuously, their wings thundering in the night air.

They had launched furious gusts of wind, each powerful enough to rattle the branches and leaves, to uproot the tree and reach Erik.

Their sharp talons had clawed at the bark, stripping away large chunks in their effort to breach his refuge.

The sounds of their talons scraping and tearing at the wood had echoed through the night, a reminder of the danger lurking outside.

Inside his haven, Erik had lain awake, listening to the unending assault. He knew venturing outside would be a certain death sentence.

The tree, a formidable natural fortress, creaked and groaned under the Galewings' attack.

Yet, its deep roots and robust trunk had withstood the onslaught. Erik had even used his Plant Master Brain Crystal Power to regenerate the damaged areas, ensuring the tree's integrity.

The night's ordeal had tested the tree's resilience and Erik's nerve, but both had endured.

As the first light of dawn seeped through the leaves, the sounds of the Galewings already subsided. Their attacks had ceased, allowing Erik a moment of respite.

Erik stood up as the first light of dawn crept into his tree shelter. The sounds of battle faded, replaced by the calm stillness of morning. Stepping towards the opening of the trunk, he peered outside.

The immediate vicinity of the tree was a scene of aftermath. Broken branches and scattered feathers lay strewn around, evidence of the Galewings' attack.

Deep gouges marred the earth where the creatures had vented their anger. Yet, in the silent light of day, there was no trace of the Galewings themselves. They had retreated.

A smile crept across Erik's weary face. Despite the tumultuous night, he had achieved his goal. His strategic attack on their nests had halved the flock's numbers, weakening them.

Just six of the Galewings remained, and Erik felt confident in his ability to handle them should they dare return.

However, Erik couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret. He had missed an opportunity to claim the full reward the system might have offered for annihilating the entire flock.

Yet, he consoled himself, knowing that his chance to kill such beasts was far from over. The White Desert still held many challenges and opportunities.

He also had to search for the creature that tore apart the cargo plane he was sent to find some time prior. The beast was dangerous, but he needed to find it.

However, now, with the most imminent threat gone, Erik pondered his next move. The remaining Galewings, should they choose to attack him, would find him prepared.

Erik delved into his backpack and retrieved a bottle. Inside, the deep red hue of Galewing blood shimmered.

Erik held the vial up, allowing the light to filter through its contents. The small container was simple, yet it served its purpose.

The blood within glowed with a rich hue. Its color was a vibrant crimson. The blood seemed to have a life of its own, its viscosity slightly thicker than human blood, hinting at the extraordinary nature of its source.

Within the bottle, the blood movement was hypnotic, swirling as Erik turned the bottle in his hands. It caught the light and shimmered, casting a soft, reddish glow around its immediate vicinity.

"At last, the blood of a flying Thaid."

Erik studied the blood inside the bottle. "With this last component, I can finally make the clone I needed."

Erik needed to use his CHIMERIC BIOMETAL SOLDIER Brain Crystal Power to make it. The clone, once given the Galewing's blood, would have the ability to shapeshift into it.

The only thing he had to do was to make the egg. This would boost Erik's mobility a lot and add him a myriad of new fighting tactics.

Enemies he had problems fighting now were going to be easier to hunt. No longer were the Flying Thaids going to pose a threat to him. The time of their aerial advantage was going to end soon.

Erik settled into a more comfortable position and prepared for the process. He closed his eyes, focusing his thoughts on the task at hand.

While channeling mana through the neural links connected to the Brain Crystal, he felt the familiar surge of power.

He visualized the egg, picturing its size, texture, and the life it would contain. Erik kept his concentration steady, guiding the energy with precision.

As Erik pressed the sharp knife against his finger, a small bead of blood formed, slowly trickling down. Mixed with the trailing wisps of mana, the blood formed a shimmering crimson orb—

his latest creation, the egg, pulsating with otherworldly energy.

With a practiced eye, he observed it, displaying his familiarity with the process while remaining attentive to every single detail.

With a tap on the vial, Erik acknowledged the next step in his plan. "Now I just need to wait for this little fellow to hatch."

With delicate care, he cradled the egg in his hands and transported it across the room, placing it in the exact spot designated along the wall.

In a silent and secluded corner, he had taken the time to create a makeshift nest. The nest, a blend of soft leaves and fine sand, lay ready to house the egg during its crucial incubation period.

Erik lowered the egg into the heart of the nest. He arranged the leaves around the egg, ensuring it was nestled securely.

Erik observed the nest while stepping back. He felt satisfied with the egg's secure position. This cozy corner of the house would provide a warm and concealed spot for the egg. Now it just needed time to mature before bursting into life.

Following two weeks, the egg would hatch, and subsequently, the clone would undergo a month-long process of maturing.

Once ready, Erik would give his clone the Galewing's blood. Until that point, the young man had no choice but to wait.

The young man took one last glance at the fragile egg nestled in the corner, its delicate shell reflecting a soft, warm glow.

Since he felt happy with its safe location within the house, he walked across the room. The sound of his footsteps resonated on the wooden floorboards as he approached the front door.

After having reached the heavyset door, Erik pulled it open. As the sunlight streamed in, it created a stark contrast with the dimness of the interior, revealing the floating specks of dust.

As Erik stepped outside, the glaring brightness of the desert sun forced him to squint. He took a moment, allowing his eyes to adjust to the stark contrast from the dimness inside the tree. With a firm hand, he closed the door behind him; the sound echoing up the expansive trunk, a deep and hollow reverberation.

Before him stretched the vast expanse of the White Desert, a sprawling canvas of shimmering sands that seemed to merge with the horizon.

The sun hung high in the clear blue sky, its rays unrelenting, turning the desert into a furnace of heat and light. Yet, under the colossal tree's vast canopy, a sanctuary of shade provided a cool respite from the desert's harsh embrace.

The tree's shadow cast a large, cool area where the temperature was noticeably lower, a stark contrast to the scorching heat just a few steps away.

The air here was fresher, infused with a hint of moisture that the tree's immense presence seemed to draw from the very earth itself.

Beyond the shade, the desert sands danced in the heat, creating mirages that blurred the line between reality and illusion.

The landscape was barren, with only the occasional hardy shrub, surviving on such unforgiving conditions.

Erik stood at the threshold of this natural oasis, contemplating the beauty of the desert ahead. The serene coolness under the tree's shelter was a brief solace.

But he couldn't linger anymore. He had an important task ahead of him. He turned his gaze outward. Erik set off into the depths of the desert, sand shifting underfoot. His senses were alert, focused on the hunt for Thaids to kill.

"I hope I will find something strong enough to give me enough experience for a quick level up."

That was wishful thinking. Although there were many monsters present, locating them proved to be quite challenging. The focus of their specialization in this desert was on ambushing strategies, with their brain crystal powers tailored for this purpose.

However, in this dangerous place known as the White Desert, there were going to be many opportunities to encounter Thaids, which would provide him with massive amounts of experience to boost his strength.

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