Scrambling to his feet, Erik covered the last distance.

Erik stood at the base of the massive tree, its gnarled trunk stretching skyward before him. Somewhere around there, hidden in the dense canopy, was the entrance he had created earlier - his only chance at shelter from the approaching Galewing flock. But first, he had to deal with the Galewing that even now was coming toward him.

The moment the Galewing descended from its talons poised for attack, Erik concentrated, channeling a surge of mana into the tree. The tree's vines erupted from the bark, writhing and whipping through the air like frenzied serpents.

Caught off guard, the Galewing screeched in alarm as the animated vines ensnared its wings and body, their grip ironclad. The creature thrashed to escape, its powerful wings beating against the unyielding vines.

Undeterred by the Galewing's struggle, Erik intensified his efforts, directing a stronger flow of mana into the tree. The vines responded in kind, tightening their hold with relentless force, squeezing the Galewing with crushing strength.

The battle between the ensnared creature and the animated vines grew more ferocious, with each twist and turn of the Galewing matched by the tightening grip of the tree's tendrils. The air was filled with the sounds of the Galewing's desperate shrieks and the rustling of the aggressive vines.

Erik's focus remained unbroken, his resolve steadfast as he maintained the flow of mana, ensuring the Galewing remained trapped in the tree's grasp's powerful vines.

The Galewing was trapped, but Erik's mana reserves were draining fast. He couldn't maintain this for long. He had to end this.

With the beast immobilized for the moment, Erik sprinted for the trunk. The bark was rough and pockmarked, providing ample handholds. He climbed, scrambling up the tree with the agility of a squirrel. In seconds, he had ascended nearly 30 meters into the dense nest of branches.

Out of the corner of his eye, Erik spotted a thick vine wrapped around the Galewing's torso, pinning one wing against its body. That vine led back to a massive branch extending overhead. That was his path.

Digging his fingers into the bark, Erik crawled onto the broad branch. He could feel the tree quaking as the Galewing thrashed against its bonds, almost breaking free. Erik's mana was almost depleted; he had to hurry.

Sprinting along the branch, he closed the distance to the trapped creature. The Galewing's eyes burned with hatred, its piercing shrieks deafening this close. Erik steeled himself as he drew nearer to the struggling beast.

Stopping just before the vine, Erik channeled the very last wisps of mana into his right fist, activating the Force-Fist Brain Crystal Power. His hand supercharged with Force converted mana. It was now or never.

Erik, fueled by raw determination, launched himself off the branch with a thunderous roar. Descending, he targeted the Galewing, his body poised like a missile. In the fleeting moments of his freefall, Erik pulled back his fist, channeling a surge of mana into it.

As he neared the creature, Erik unleashed his punch with ferocious power, his mana-infused fist striking the Galewing between its eyes. The impact was cataclysmic, his fist tearing through the skull with a gruesome burst of blood and brain matter.

The Galewing's piercing shrieks ceased, its eyes fading into a lifeless glaze. It twitched violently under the force of Erik's devastating blow, its massive body shuddering in the throes of death. Then, as quickly as it had begun, the struggle ceased, the creature's form going still beneath Erik.

Erik hovered over the defeated Galewing, his chest heaving with exertion. He had triumphed in a battle that tested the very limits of his strength and resolve.








Erik cut the flow of mana to the tree. The vines loosened and retracted back into the bark, dropping the lifeless Galewing to the sand below. Erik swung from a nearby vine, landing in a crouch beside the beast's massive carcass.

However, the triumph was short-lived. An enraged shriek from above snapped Erik's focus back to the present danger- the Galewing flock was nearly upon him. He had seconds to reach the shelter of the tree.

Erik's heart raced as he bolted towards the tree, every fiber of his being focused on reaching the makeshift entrance he had made earlier. His breaths came in sharp, rapid gasps as he sprinted, muscles burning with exertion. The Galewings, a furious flock of vengeance, were closing in, their wingbeats thundering through the air like a relentless storm.

The distance to the entrance dwindled: five meters, then three. The cacophony of wings intensified, a foreboding chorus that urged Erik to push his limits. He could almost feel the talons of the lead Galewing, a mere breath away from his back. One meter left.

Erik's legs pumped with renewed vigor, every stride a battle against the imminent danger. The entrance was near, yet the gap between him and the Galewings was narrow. He could hear their enraged shrieks echoing around him, a symphony of rage for their fallen comrades.

In a last, desperate surge of speed, Erik lunged for the entrance. The Galewings were nearly upon him, their shadows engulfing the ground as they prepared to strike. His heart pounded in his ears, drowning out all other sounds.

Just as Erik crossed the entrance threshold, the lead Galewing made its move. Talons extended. It lunged with lethal intent, a blur of feathers and fury. But Erik was faster. He propelled himself through the door with every ounce of strength he had left.

Behind him, the door sealed shut with an ominous finality, cutting off the Galewings' access. Their frustrated screams pierced the air, a chorus of fury that reverberated through the desert.

The first Galewing, unable to halt its momentum, collided with the tree trunk in a violent crash. The impact resonated through the trunk, sending tremors up the massive tree.

Leaves rustled and branches swayed, but the tree stood resolute, too robust to succumb to the Galewings' assault.

For a moment, Erik stood just inside the entrance, catching his breath. His chest heaved, his limbs trembled with adrenaline and exertion.

The sounds of the Galewings' frustrated cries outside served as a stark reminder of the peril he had just evaded.

Exhausted, Erik slumped against the sturdy interior of the tree trunk, his body shaking from the drain of mana. He had pushed himself to the limits, depleting every ounce of energy to reach this refuge, narrowly escaping the wrath of the Galewings.

Outside, the trunk resonated with the Galewings' screams of fury, their cries echoing like a chorus of the damned. But within this natural fortress, Erik was safe for the time being.

His breath steadied, the rapid drumming of his heart slowing to a more manageable pace. Erik's gaze swept over his surroundings, assessing the safety of his surroundings. The trunk's vast interior was like a citadel, offering both protection and strategic advantage.

Then Erik allowed himself to sink to the ground, his back still pressed against the tree's inner wall. His eyes fluttered shut as he fought to regain control of his ragged breathing.

The rush of adrenaline that had sustained him was fading fast, leaving a void filled with fatigue and the unmistakable weight of his drained state.

But the rest was a luxury Erik could ill afford. He knew the Galewings, driven by a relentless thirst for vengeance, would not stop chasing him. They were likely considering making the tree their nesting ground.

Erik rummaged through his pack with trembling hands, searching for his water bottle. Hydration was crucial, and he needed to recover.

Erik had a plan forming in his mind - a daring and dangerous one. He intended to turn the tables on the Galewings, to strike them down in their most vulnerable state. He needed to be ready, to gather his strength for the imminent confrontation.

Resting against the robust trunk, Erik paused to put his thoughts back on track. He recognized the immediate necessity for food wouldn't be a concern thanks to his Plant Master brain crystal power, and he could wait as much as he needed before starting his plan. He could take all the time he needed.

Yet, water was a problem. His current supply was dwindling, and replenishment was crucial. He recollected a stream he had passed on his journey towards the White Desert, earmarking it as a potential water source to visit in the following days.

His mind then shifted to another critical task at hand — getting the blood of the Galewings outside.

If he could make a clone and let it absorb the creature's blood, he would gain a follower capable of transforming into a Galewing.

Such an ability would be invaluable. It would not only facilitate his movement across the landscape but also bolster his chances of survival.

He could evade potential threats with greater ease, scout for water sources more effectively, and kill thaids with more ease.

With these thoughts swirling in his mind, Erik leaned forward and started planning his course of action. Every detail mattered in this hostile environment, and he couldn't afford any miscalculations.

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