The flock of flying Thaids, enormous and majestic in flight, soared through the open sky. They were drawn towards a solitary, towering tree, standing as a solitary sentinel in the otherwise barren landscape, its existence a mystery that beckoned them closer.

As the Thaids glided nearer, their vigilant eyes scrutinized the ground beneath them, searching for any sign of danger or intrigue. Despite their keen vision, nothing remarkable caught their attention.

While approaching the enigmatic tree, the Thaids noticed a noticeable shift in the environment. The ambient temperature around the tree dropped, contrasting with the surrounding arid landscape.

Without warning, two members of the Thaid group, distinguishable by their impressive size and sleek, powerful bodies, diverged from their companions. Their sudden departure left the rest of the flock trailing behind.

These two Thaids, the largest and most dominant of the group, accelerated towards the tree. Their mission was clear—to investigate the area for potential threats that could endanger their flock.

As they flew closer to the tree, its features became distinct. The tree stood tall and imposing, its bark smooth and white, almost glowing against the sun. Its leaves were lush and vibrant, a stark contrast to the desolation surrounding it.

The two Thaids circled the tree cautiously, their eyes scanning every inch of its unusual form.

The Thaids surveyed the area, their senses on high alert for any sign of danger or hidden secrets that the tree might conceal.


Hidden in the shadow of the towering tree, Erik watched as two Thaids cut across the desert sky.

The vibrant blues and whites of their feathers blended into the clear sky, their massive wingspans casting gigantic shadows over the white sand. They were Galewings, a species known for their Aerokinesis powers and sharp intelligence.

"Well, at least I know I can kill them since I did it in the past." Erik could sense their physical might, their bodies radiating with power.

While there were other factors, it was primarily their Aerokinesis abilities that troubled him. Renowned for their mastery over wind manipulation, the Galewings were feared for their capacity to fashion lethal blades through this extraordinary power, making them a formidable force to be reckoned with in battle.

His eyes narrowed as he studied them more, but then, to be completely sure he was able to kill them, he asked the biological super computer to lend him a hand.

"ANALYSIS!" The usual white and blue screen appeared before his eyes.


Name: Galewing

Brain Crystal Power: Aerokinesis.

Galewings possess a brain crystal power called Aerokinesis, that grants them the capability to conjure wind currents that enhance their velocity, enable vertical takeoff from a static position, and create formidable wind blades for combat purposes. These wind blades are capable of slicing through both flesh and bone with lethal accuracy. The Galewings' advanced control over wind currents affords them extraordinary agility, solidifying their status as formidable adversaries in aerial combat scenarios.

According to the hypothesis, the brain crystal power is believed to give the Galewings the ability to perceive even the slightest changes in atmospheric pressure. This exceptional capability not only enables them to predict shifts in weather patterns but also empowers them to navigate effortlessly through tumultuous air currents. Because of their remarkable abilities, the Galewings are considered apex predators in their environmental niche. In addition, they show a remarkable ability to adapt to the ever-changing and sometimes unforeseeable weather.

Physical Characteristics:

Size: Massive with a wingspan of up to 20 feet

Color: vibrant blues and whites in its feathers

Eyes: Piercing and intense

Mandibles: sharp talons and beak gleaming with a metallic sheen

Wings: Large and powerful, enabling swift flight

Ecology: Galewings are predominantly found inhabiting the lofty altitudes of mountainous terrains and the expansive stretches of open plains. These creatures exhibit a profound affinity for aerial elements, leveraging their brain crystal power to control and manipulate the surrounding air currents. With their innate ability, the Galewings are able to soar through the skies, showcasing their impressive speed and agility while gliding.

They feed on terrestrial thaids and avian species, which they hunt from their vantage points in the sky. While using their sharp predatory instincts, Galewings are able to execute quick and precise dives in order to capture their prey by using their strong talons. The usual habitat for their lairs is among cliffs and rocky outcrops, with the occasional occurrence of being positioned on tall trees. Not only do these high-altitude dwellings offer them an optimal observational standpoint, but they also serve as a fortified sanctuary, providing both security and a strategic position for hunting.





ENERGY: 1000


Power Level: 470

Estimated Experience: 5321 (EXP per kill)

Neural Links: A3ιA-level


However, that wasn't the only thing that happened, as the system gave him a new quest, the words flashing brightly on his screen.


<Quest: The Galewing's Assault. >

-Description: Kill the Galewings and survive.

-Rewards for completion: 20,000 experience points, 4,000 DNA points, and ten stats each in strength and Dexterity.

-Failure Penalty: Death.


Erik, taken aback by the situation, pondered over the sudden appearance of a quest. Because of his increased strength, the frequency of quests had diminished, since Thaids seldom presented a challenge to him.

Therefore, the emergence of this quest showed the Galewings presented a genuine challenge.

As Erik pondered, he mentally assessed his own abilities in relation to the known attributes of the Galewings. His physical prowess was undoubtedly superior. Rigorous training and battles had sculpted his body into a near-perfect fighting machine, endowing him with exceptional speed and reflexes.

Despite his confidence, Erik couldn't shake off the lingering feeling of vulnerability whenever he considered the Galewings' lethal wind blades and their aerial assault capabilities.

Their Aerokinesis allowed them to create wind blades that possessed such immense power that they could slice through the most durable materials.

If they poured enough mana into these blades, the resulting attacks could be catastrophic.

He couldn't help but feel small in comparison as he observed the two monsters, each boasting an impressive 1000 energy points and an abundance of mana.

Erik knew that underestimating these wind-wielders could lead to disastrous consequences. His strategy needed to account for their aerial agility and the unpredictable nature of their attacks.

Erik required a well-thought-out plan, a strategic approach to swiftly neutralize a Galewing, enabling him to divert his attention to the remaining one. With a quick glance, he scanned the environment, carefully observing and absorbing the layout of the land.

He carefully observed and took note of various factors, including the position of the sun, the direction of the wind, and the distance between himself and the approaching Galewings.

Launching an ambush was the most suitable and effective plan of action, given the circumstances. He would use his speed and strength to his advantage, striking at one Galewing before it reacted.

His chances of surviving this encounter would increase if he could land a fatal blow quickly.

Timing was crucial for his attack, so he had to wait for the Galewings to approach the large tree before making his move.

His strategy was simple: target their underbellies, the only place where their protective feathers thinned, exposing their vulnerable flesh.

With each rhythmic beat of their wings, the Galewings filled the air with a low, ominous hum. Erik's muscles tightened, ready to spring into action, similar to a wound coil, gathering potential energy before its inevitable discharge.

Erik's gaze focused on the Galewings, his eyes narrowing as he observed them. While peering downwards, one of the massive creatures extended its neck to see the ground. It was scanning the area beneath for any signs of prey or threat.

The other Galewing took a different approach. It circled the tree, its large wings beating rhythmically, creating a gust of wind with each powerful stroke. This one seemed to survey the area from all angles.

A subtle disturbance caught the monsters' attention. Near the base of the tree, a faint but discernible motion stirred, a slight variance against the stillness of the landscape. It was Erik, making his move.

One of the creatures, with its sharp eyes honed to detect even the smallest of movements, paused its circling flight. With its head tilted, the creature focused its attention on the exact area where Erik had just been.

When the second Galewing noticed the change in its companion's demeanor, it stopped scanning and redirected its gaze to the same spot. The two predators shared a quick and silent exchange with each other.

Upon confirming something out of the ordinary nearby, the Galewings made adjustments to their flight paths. While moving in unison, their synchronized descent towards the base of the tree showcased their precise wing movements, effortlessly slicing through the air.

Their descent was not only a display of controlled power but also a demonstration of grace, highlighting their mastery of flight. Their intense curiosity drove them to investigate the source of that mysterious movement, as they felt compelled to do so.

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