As Erik and Mira navigated through the bustling crowd, each step was met with eager faces and respectful nods. The room buzzed with an undercurrent of excitement, and Erik, hidden behind his mask, felt the weight of many gazes fixed on him.

People, drawn by his newfound prominence, flocked to them, extending hearty congratulations for his achievements. They addressed Erik in a formal tone, calling him "Master Kay," a title that felt foreign to him. Mira, by his side, shared in the awkwardness, her discomfort mirroring his.

Among the throng, entrepreneurs and influential figures proposed collaborations. They pitched ideas and ventures, seeking to intertwine their paths with Erik's. The proposals ranged from business partnerships to strategic alliances, with each person more enthusiastic than the last.

Erik, unaccustomed to such attention, nodded along, his responses measured but non-committal.

The interactions grew more personal as some guests broached the subject of private quests. They detailed missions and adventures, hoping to enlist Erik's unique skills.

The specifics of these quests were intricate, often entailing complicated scenarios that required Erik to study them before accepting. Mira, sensing his discomfort, offered polite smiles but remained silent, her presence a steady anchor amidst the overwhelming tide of conversations.

As the evening wore on, the discussions took a more intimate turn. Several families, seeing an opportunity, began discussing potential marriage alliances with their daughters or sons. The proposition of such personal arrangements left both Erik and Mira embarrassed, though they masked their discomfort with practiced poise.

For Erik, these interactions were challenging. His life before arriving in Etrium had been far from the grandeur and complexity of these social circles.

He was unaccustomed to dealing with people this much, especially those much older and more experienced than him. The conversations felt like a swamp from which it was hard to come out.

Mira, equally unprepared for the intensity of these exchanges, offered supportive glances to Erik. Despite their unease, they maintained a facade of composure, not wanting to betray any hint of their internal puzzlement or confusion generated by some requests.

Throughout the evening, Erik and Mira navigated this gauntlet of social interaction with as much grace as they could muster.

They politely excused themselves from conversations that became too invasive or personal. Their replies were diplomatic, careful not to offend their well-intentioned but overbearing interlocutors.

Erik felt the mental exhaustion setting in already. Each new introduction, each proposal, and each personal inquiry chipped away at his reserve. Mira, ever observant, could sense his fatigue and steered them towards quieter corners of the room when she could.

In these fleeting moments of respite, they exchanged looks of understanding, a silent acknowledgment of the surreal nature of their situation.

As they reached the buffet, a voice boomed out, "The buffet is now open!" Almost immediately, the crowd surged toward the tables, eager to partake in the feast.

Amid the sea of faces, Erik's eyes locked onto a familiar one—Lysa, his merchant friend and collaborator. With her high cheekbones and piercing blue eyes, she commanded attention wherever she went. With her hair tied back in a neat bun, she exuded an air of professional elegance. However, that was Erik's last thought. What he wanted to do was to stay away from some particularly bothersome guests.

"Lysa, it is good to see you," Erik greeted, extending his hand.

"Congratulation for the party. Let me guess, it was Noah's ideas, right?" She had a smirk on her face, as if she was amused to see Erik decline marriage proposals. Her eyes met Mira's. "I bet you waited all this time just to tease me."

In response, her smirk grew wider. Then Mira approached the duo. She had enough of marriage proposals, and seeing Erik talking with another stunning woman upset her a little.

"Lysa!" Erik's girlfriend hugged Lysa and gave her a kiss on her cheek. "Mira!" Lysa said with a smile. "You look stunning!"

The trio initially joked a little, with the two women allying themselves and teasing Erik. However, the conversation shifted to recent business ventures and the success of Erik's guild.

Lysa seemed sincerely happy with the achievements of Erik's guild and how their business was going, and the young man was filled with a sense of pride as he held the woman in high regard. She was one of the reasons his guild had this massive financial success.

But just as the conversation was hitting its stride, Mira's eyes darted across the room, locking onto another figure. She noticed this woman was looking at Erik, and it was clear she wanted to talk to him.

"Lysa," Mira said, her tone polite but firm. "Would you mind accompanying me for a moment? There's something I'd like to discuss with you."

"Of course," Lysa said, sensing the urgency in Mira's voice. "Erik, we'll catch up with you later."

With that, Mira and Lysa excused themselves, leaving Erik standing alone near the buffet. As they walked away, Erik was left there, not understanding what was happening or why Mira and Lysa left, until he saw someone approaching. It was Testrovsc's Rest's Mayor, Elara Bonner.

She was a woman that commanded attention everywhere she went. Her height was striking, and her posture conveyed a sense of dignity and poise. She wore her silver curls in a cascade that framed a face etched with years of political maneuvering. But scars in many parts of her body showed she was a mercenary before jumping to politics.

Her sharp, hawk-like eyes scanned the room, taking in every detail. The lines of her tailored suit announced her authority and power before she even spoke. She approached Erik with confident strides, but she faked that was a coincidental move.

"Ah, Erik Kay, the new city sensation."

"Mayor," Erik said, nodding his head in a show of respect. His voice was steady, but behind the mask, his eyes were alert, gauging the woman before him.

"I've heard quite a bit about you." Her eyes narrowed slightly. "Your guild has been the talk of the city. What's your secret?"

"Hard work, Mayor," Erik said, maintaining his composure. His tone was polite but guarded. He was also choosing his words with care. The last thing he wanted to do was to reveal too much or offend the mayor because of a phrasing.

She chuckled, making a low, almost mocking sound. "Hard work? Surely you jest. How can an 18-year-old amass such power and influence? You're rivaling guild leaders who've been in the game for decades."

"Thank you, Mayor, but there is not really that much aside from hard work." Erik couldn't show his smile because of the mask, but forced himself to appear as humble as possible.

She raised an eyebrow, her gaze piercing. "If it were merely hard work, we'd have a city full of Erik Kays, wouldn't we?"

An awkward silence hung in the air, thick and palpable. Her scrutinizing gaze bore down on Erik, but he held his ground. After what felt like an eternity, he spoke up and broke the silence. "Is there anything I can do for you, Mayor?"

"Ah, right to the crux of the matter, I see," she said, her lips curling into a half-smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

"I have a proposition for your guild. I've been rather... unsatisfied with the Border Wolves' performance on recent missions we gave them through the guild."

Erik's eyes narrowed behind his mask, intrigued yet cautious. Mayor Bonner's words were laced with an underlying agenda, and he was aware this was more than just casual conversation.

"Is that so?" Erik said, his tone tinged with curiosity. "And what sort of proposition are we talking about?"

Mayor Bonner leaned in closer, her eyes locking onto his masked face, as if trying to read the thoughts behind it.

"Let's just say it's an opportunity that could be mutually beneficial. But it's not something to discuss here, among prying eyes and ears," she said while turning to look at David Miller, the Border Wolves' leader, who was looking at them talking.

Erik considered her words, sensing the significance of the offer yet to be revealed. "Very well, Mayor. I look forward to hearing more about this opportunity."

"As do I, Mister Kay. As do I," she said, her eyes glinting with a mixture of anticipation and calculation.

"My office will contact you to discuss this matter. I will leave you at your party now. Have fun, young man," she said.

With a nod, they parted ways, each contemplating the concealed words behind their exchange. The air seemed to thicken around them, as a subtle tension was conveyed by their postures. In fact, many people saw them talking, but refrained from approaching them.

They stayed away from the Mayor, for her obvious influence inside the city, but for Erik was because most of them, if not all, were weaker than him. Aside from his clones, no one knew the extent of his power, but what the public knew was that he was powerful, much more than they could ever be.

Mira returned, her eyes scanning the room before landing on Erik. She navigated through the crowd, her dress flowing elegantly with each step. "So, what did Mayor Bonner want?" she asked. If the mayor approached him, there must have been a reason, and if there was one, it had to be important. Elara Bonner was known to be someone that wasn't easy to approach, and hearing of her going to someone else was even less heard.

Erik turned to face her, his masked visage betraying no emotion. "She mentioned a proposition, something she seemed keen on but didn't elaborate on," he said.

Mira's eyebrows arched in intrigue. "A proposition? That's rather vague. Did she give any hints?"

"No, she was vague," Erik said. "She said it's not something to discuss here, among prying eyes and ears and that she wants to talk at a later date."

Mira pursed her lips, contemplating the implications. "That's interesting. Mayor Bonner isn't one to beat around the bush. If she's being cryptic, it must be something significant."

"I thought the same," Erik said. "She seemed to have an ulterior motive, something she's not ready to disclose yet."

Mira nodded, her eyes narrowing thoughtfully. "Well, whatever it is, we should tread carefully. Mayor Bonner is a seasoned politician; she knows how to play her cards and how to move on the field."

"Agreed," Erik said, his eyes meeting Mira's. "We'll find out soon enough what she's up to. For now, let's focus on the evening."

Mira smiled, her eyes softening. "Of course, this is a celebration for the guild's successes, after all. Let's enjoy the night."

And with that, they turned their attention back to the festivities, but the conversation with Mayor Bonner lingered in the back of their minds, a puzzle yet to be solved.

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