Chapter 698 The Alchemy Department (2)

As Erik and Noah emerged from the alchemy production building, the stark contrast between the indoor and outdoor environments was apparent.

Inside, the air had been thick with a medley of potent aromas, each vial and concoction adding to the rich tapestry of scents.

While stepping outside, they were greeted by the fresh air, a welcome respite that felt rejuvenating against their senses.

They moved away from the building, putting distance between themselves and the constant activity of the facility.

The steady hum of machinery and chatter of workers faded into the background as they made their way towards the waiting vehicle.

The limousine parked nearby commanded attention with its sophisticated design.

Its black paint shone impeccably, reflecting the sun's rays in a dance of light and shadow.

The sleek lines of the vehicle spoke of luxury and power, while the tinted windows promised privacy and discretion.

Noah opened the door for Erik, revealing the plush interior that awaited them.

The inside of the limousine was as impressive as its exterior, with comfortable leather seats and a meticulously maintained cabin.

The spacious interior boasted a mini bar, complete with crystal glassware and an assortment of fine spirits.

"So, what's the next step, Master?" Noah asked. It was clear Erik had many things in mind, and he wanted to know what these were.

Erik paused, gathering his thoughts. "We have a solid foundation for mass-producing common potions, but our goal is to create our own version of the brain-stimulating serum."

Erik turned to look outside the window. "We need to find the formula and the ingredients. I will ask the system to do that, but this time I'm not sure the results would be fast." There was a determined tone in his voice.

Noah nodded, aware of the serum's value and the means used to protect its secrets. "I assume the manufacturing process is highly guarded."

"Yes," Erik began, his voice carrying a tone of certainty as he nestled into the leather seat of the limousine.

He turned to face Noah, his expression serious. "It's a closely guarded secret, known only to a select few circles," His fingers tapped on the armrest as he thought.

"We'll need to get our hands on that process." That was of the utmost importance. "But that's easier said than done."

Leaning back in his seat, a slight furrow forming on his brow as he contemplated the complexities of their task.

"I'll have the biological supercomputer search for any available information. But it's going to take time, in my opinion." His gaze drifted back to the window. "And I still have to ask the biological supercomputer."

Noah considered this. "And once we have the formula?"

Erik sighed. "That's just the first hurdle. The production method is another layer of complexity. It's not just about the techniques, the timing, and the conditions, but also about the ingredients and our ability to get them."

"So, how do you plan to tackle that?" Noah asked.

"I still have one vial of the original brain-stimulating serum," Erik said. "I intend to use it. The system can analyze its effects and possibly reverse-engineer the formula."

"Good," Noah said. "At one of the problems can be solved easily." Since he had Erik's memories up to a certain point, he knew how efficient the biological supercomputer was.

The problem lay in that the formula, the ingredients, and everything that was about the serum could be stored on servers not connected to the internet, or worse, on paper. In that case, Erik had to move in person and search for it.

"Yeah," Erik said. "If we do this, our guild members will get insanely strong, and we will have more powerful people join us just to get a vial of the serum."

Noah nodded, understanding how useful the serum will be. He wondered if Erik was going to make one for the body-stimulating serum, so that even he could improve his strength.

"I'll start preparing for any operations we might need to undertake if the formula is not online. Should I also look into people who might have information?"

"Yes, do that," Erik said. "But be discreet. The last thing we want is to tip off anyone about what we're planning."

"Understood," Noah said.

Erik glanced back at the alchemy building. It was becoming a small dot in the distance.

"We're on the brink of something big, Noah. If we pull this off, it could change everything for us." He turned to look at him.

"This step is also necessary for my plans, so I want everyone working day and night."

Noah looked at Erik, sensing the weight of his words. "Then let's make sure we pull it off, Master."

After a brief trip back to the guild's headquarters, Erik disembarked from the stretch limousine.

As he passed through the entrance, he acknowledged the greetings of a few members of the guild who were standing there. As he entered his office and shut the door behind him, the weight of the day's conversations and plans lingered in the air.

Erik sat down at his desk. He turned his focus to the biological supercomputer. "I need you to search for alchemy manuals, ingredient compendiums, and any other relevant information about alchemy and pharmaceuticals. Inject all the data into my brain once you find it. We need to gather as much knowledge as possible."

The supercomputer responded, its voice talking to Erik's from the recesses of his mind.



"How long are we talking about?" Erik asked, leaning back in his chair.


Erik nodded, unfazed by the time frame. "That's fine. Start the search. We can't afford to miss any details, no matter how long it takes. I will keep myself busy in the meantime."


A small twitch appeared at the edges of Erik's mouth, hinting at the formation of a smile. Even though the message was concise, it clearly signaled the start of an extensive quest for information.

Once the supercomputer was connected to the internet, it began using its advanced algorithms to scour through a vast array of online databases, electronic libraries, and even secretive online discussion groups.

It was looking for ingredient compendiums, alchemy manuals, and anything else that could be useful to its master.

"Thank you," Erik SAID, thinking about his next move. The game was far from over, and Erik was just getting started.

As soon as Erik heard the confirmation, an overwhelming feeling of excitement overtook him.

The project that lay before was massive and fraught with risks and unknowns. In order to uncover the details of Doran's research, the theft of Thaids' bodies, Uncle Benjamin's involvement, and any other connections to the Blackguards, he recognized the necessity of having a group of individuals under his command.

Erik grappled with the formidable prowess of the Blackguards, weighing the risks of a direct confrontation.

Their reputation as monstrous forces loomed large in his mind, especially after witnessing their ruthless efficiency in action back at Doran's lab.

Yet Erik realized there were alternative strategies to engage this enemy. He considered leveraging the diverse talents within his guild for covert operations.

His members could serve as the eyes and ears on the ground, gathering crucial intelligence, monitoring movements, and unearthing valuable information.

They could be deployed to spy on key figures, infiltrate enemy ranks, and piece together the puzzle of the Blackguards' intentions and capabilities.

The idea occurred to Erik that employing subtler tactics could prove more effective in disrupting and destabilizing his enemies.

By employing tactics such as sabotage, spreading misinformation, and engaging in psychological warfare could be effective in undermining the enemy's control, leading to the creation of chaos that they will be compelled to address.

In this intricate chess game, the production of the serum took on a heightened significance.

Erik recognized its potential to tip the scales in their favor, enhancing his guild members' capabilities exponentially.

But this was not an overnight solution; the creation and distribution of the serum required meticulous planning and time. Every step had to be calculated with precision to ensure the maximum impact.

Erik sat back in his chair and stared at the ceiling for a while before leaning forward again. That's two weeks. It was a modest price to pay for the vast store of information that he desired to gain.

Rising to his feet, he extended his arms forward and stretched them out.

There were other things that needed to be attended to and other pieces on the complicated chessboard that was his existence that needed to be moved around.

For now, progress had been made on a critical part of the puzzle, leaving him with nothing to do except wait for the results.

He knew that patience was crucial, and he trusted that the two weeks of waiting would be worth it.

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