Chapter 695 Jabir, Darius And Tyree (2)

As the three men settled into their seats, the atmosphere was tinged with a subtle tension. Tyree was the first to break the silence, his words carefully chosen. "Mr. Kay, it's an honor to be in your presence. I've heard much about your leadership skills and the rapid expansion of your guild."

Jabir followed suit, his tone measured. "Yes, Mr. Kay, the buzz around your guild is quite impressive. It's clear that someone of high intelligence is steering the ship."

"The growth of your guild, Mr. Kay. It's quite the talk among industry circles," Darius said.

Behind his mask, Erik remained unswayed. He sensed their veiled desperation, a result of their recent joblessness because of the Haven Market's termination.

Yet, he also detected a calculated awareness in their words, an understanding that their skills were in demand, giving them a subtle edge in negotiations.

"Thank you for your kind words," Erik said, his voice devoid of warmth.

Erik leaned back in his chair, a contemplative look on his face. His eyes moved from one man to the other, as if measuring their worth. "I'm not the only one here with a successful career," he said, his voice carrying a tone of respect.

"If I'm not wrong, you're among the best in your respective fields." He emphasized the word 'best', acknowledging their expertise and achievements was the right thing to do to win these old geezers.

Pausing, he tilted his head, looking directly at the blacksmith. "Tyree, your blacksmithing skills have set industry standards." He nodded, recognizing Tyree's renowned craftsmanship and influence in the field, hoping to sway him.

Turning his attention to Jabir, Erik's expression softened, faking a hint of admiration. "Jabir, your expertise in alchemy is nothing short of… revolutionary."

Erik's gaze then landed on Darius. His posture relaxed a bit. "And Darius, your work in vehicle production has been groundbreaking."

The three men exchanged glances before turning their attention back to Erik. "Thank you, Mr. Kay, for your kind words," Tyree said, his voice tinged with genuine appreciation. "It's an honor to be recognized by someone of your standing."

Jabir nodded in agreement. "Indeed, your acknowledgment means a great deal to us."

Erik leaned back in his chair, his masked face unreadable as he surveyed the three men before him.

"Now, let's stop with the pleasantries. I've called you here because I'm considering offering you a position within my guild. Positions that would make use of your particular skill sets."

The men exchanged quick glances before Tyree spoke up. "We would be honored to assist you, Mr. Kay. May we inquire about the specifics of these roles and the objectives you have in mind?"

Erik steepled his fingers, a thoughtful expression on his face. "I'm in the process of establishing various production departments within the guild," he said.

Then he paused for a moment, for theatrical reasons. "The aim is to cut down on operational costs," he said, his eyes scanning each of the three men, assessing their reactions.

"And perhaps generate some additional revenue by selling crafted items." His gaze remained fixed on his audience.

"It's a fairly straightforward operation," he said, "Designing blueprints, crafting, and so on."

Erik concluded with a slight nod, "Nothing too grandiose, but necessary all the same." His demeanor projected a sense of calm assurance, but that underlined the importance of the roles he proposed.

Jabir and Darius nodded, absorbing the information, while Tyree asked, "And you'd like for us to head these departments? I mean, that was what we did at the Haven Market."

"In a manner of speaking," Erik said, his tone casual as he leaned slightly forward, emphasizing his point. His gaze swept across the three men, ensuring they grasped the scope of the roles he was outlining.

"You'd oversee the day-to-day activities. Ensure quality control and manage the workforce." He gestured with his hand to denote the routine nature of the tasks.

He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms as he assessed their reaction to the responsibilities being placed upon them.

Erik concluded, his voice carrying a hint of perspective. "It's important work, but let's not inflate its significance. We're crafting items, not changing the course of history," he said, with a slight shrug.

The men nodded but were slightly disappointed. This was their last chance to get back on track with their lives, and they had to take the best out of this opportunity.

Erik was subtly placing on it. Darius then spoke. "It sounds like a solid position, Mr. Kay. But given what happened with the Haven Market, we need to be certain that we're not stepping into something... questionable."

Erik looked each man in the eye before responding. "I assure you, the guild's operations are legitimate. Our primary focus is to arm our own personnel and sell excess inventory to outside parties. There's nothing illegal about self-sufficiency."

Then, the group kept talking. Erik didn't leave any aspect of the job unchecked, and the men had many questions, like how many people they would have to work, what kind of equipment and the likes.

After some time, Erik leaned back in his chair, his eyes meeting those of the three men seated across from him despite their inability to see them.

The atmosphere was thick with anticipation. "I assume you're curious about the financial aspect of this arrangement," he said, breaking the silence. That was, in fact, an aspect they wanted to know about.

Reaching into a drawer, Erik pulled out three neatly organized folders and slid them across the table. Tyree, Jabir, and Darius each picked up a folder, their eyes scanning the documents inside. The tension in the room seemed to lift as they reached the section detailing their proposed salaries: 100,000 Eurems a month.

The offered remuneration mirrored what they had been making at the Haven Market, yet the nature of the job presented by Erik was different.

In their previous roles, they had engaged in physically demanding tasks, with Tyree bending over the heat of molten metal, shaping it into remarkable creations, and Jabir mixing a plethora of volatile chemicals, crafting complex alchemical solutions.

However, the positions Erik proposed were of a different caliber, focusing more on the intellectual aspects of their crafts.

These roles would require them to apply their extensive knowledge and experience more towards planning, designing, and supervising. It was as if Erik had expected their desire for a change—a shift from the hands-on, labor-intensive work to roles that leveraged their strategic and creative abilities.

In these new roles, the grunt work, the actual manual labor of forging and concocting, would be handed off to a team under their guidance.

This arrangement would not only relieve them from the physical strain of their crafts, but also allow them to command a substantial income, one that was more commensurate with their expertise and less taxing on their physical stamina.

Essentially, they would earn an equivalent salary, perhaps even more, but with less physical exertion, aligning with what Erik had envisioned and now laid out before them.

Their faces broke into wide smiles, almost in unison. Erik noticed, but maintained, his composed demeanor. "I'll give you some time to think it over," he said, as if the deal weren't already sealed.

Tyree was the first to speak. "Mr. Kay, I believe I speak for all of us when I say there's no need for further consideration. We accept your offer."

Erik nodded, a subtle smile forming on his lips. "A wise decision," he said.

"I'll have the contracts drawn up. You are now a member of the guild." Erik spread his arms in a welcoming gesture.

Erik subtly gestured to the waiter, his nod barely perceptible yet understood. In response, the door to the luxurious meeting room swung open, ushering in a procession of waiters.

Each moved with practiced grace, balancing trays laden with an array of gourmet dishes. The aroma of the first course wafted through the air, and the three old crafters mouths started watering.

The waiters arranged the dishes on the ornate table, their movements synchronized like a well-choreographed dance.

The first course was an artistic display of culinary excellence: delicate appetizers, intricately plated, promising a blend of exquisite flavors.

As the array of starters took their places on the table, the room seemed to transform. The earlier air of cautious negotiation gave way to an ambiance of cordiality and mutual respect.

Conversations flowed more freely, punctuated by the clink of fine china and the subtle chime of crystal glassware.

For Tyree, Jabir, and Darius, the acceptance of Erik's offer wasn't just an agreement with a job proposal; it was the gateway to rejuvenated careers and untapped potential.

The lavish spread before them symbolized not just a meal, but the promise of prosperous times ahead.

For Erik, the unfolding scenario was another strategic piece falling into place in his grand plan. Each decision, each alliance formed, was a step towards realizing his goals.

As he observed his new associates settling into this new beginning, a sense of satisfaction filled him. His plan was materializing, each element aligning, just as he had orchestrated.

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