Seated at his desk, Erik meticulously went through a stack of paperwork while casually nibbling on a piece of toast.

The office was imbued with the scent of freshly brewed coffee, a comforting aroma that made the administrative work more manageable.

While in the act of raising his coffee cup to his mouth for another sip, an unexpected knock at the door caused him to pause.

"Come in," Erik called out, setting his coffee mug down.

As the door swung open, Noah and Nick entered, each of them holding folders that were filled to the brim with important documents.

After settling themselves in the seats situated across from Erik's desk, they briefly exchanged pleasantries before diving into the business at hand.

"So, Noah, Nick, what really brings you here so early?" Erik asked, leaning back in his chair.

Noah was the first to speak. "Master, we've been scouting locations for the production facilities you mentioned. We've identified a few potential sites, but we have a question: Do you want all the facilities to be in the same building, or would you prefer separate locations?"

Erik paused, considering the question. "Separate locations," he said. "Each facility should be specialized, but self-sufficient. From equipment to personnel, I want them to have everything they might need to operate independently."

Nick nodded, jotting down notes. "That makes sense. It would also reduce the risk; if one facility faces an issue, the others can continue to operate."

"Exactly," Erik said. "And it would be easier to expand in the future if each facility is its own entity."

Noah flipped open the folder he was holding. "In that case, we'll proceed with securing different locations. We've already identified some that are strategically placed, close to resources, and easily accessible for our personnel."

"Good," Erik said, pleased with the progress. "Make sure each facility has state-of-the-art security measures. We can't afford any breaches or thefts."

"Understood, Master," Noah assured him.

Then Nick chimed in, "Master Erik, if I may add something about the hiring process. I've been working on that front as well. Aside from some promising candidates for the general workforce, I've identified potential heads for each department."

Erik looked up, intrigued. "Go on."

Nick proceeded with his briefing, his hands gesturing to emphasize his points. "For Blacksmithing, we have Tyree Collin," he said. "He was the department head at Haven Market and came highly recommended."

He paused, his hands coming together in a steeple as he leaned forward, underscoring Tyree's reputation. "Tyree is known for his meticulous attention to detail. He's the kind of person who would spend hours perfecting a single blade."

Nick then straightened up, his hands separating and moving outward in a gesture of balance. "However, he's a bit of a perfectionist, which can sometimes slow down production." It was clear in his words many people often complained about this aspect of Tyree's personality.

Concluding his point, Nick brought looked Erik in the eyes. "But the quality of his work is unparalleled." Nick knew that despite any delays, the results would be worth the wait.

Erik nodded, making a mental note. "Quality is crucial. So, it is not like I see this as a negative quality. However, it's clear I can make my mind up only once I see how disruptive his behavior is. What about Alchemy?"

"For Alchemy, there's Jabir Sables," Nick said, rifling through the pages of his notes. He glanced up, then said, "He's a somewhat eccentric, to be honest." Nick shrugged his shoulders as he spoke. His hands made a small swirling motion, mimicking the act of mixing potions. "He loves experimenting and often gets lost in his world of potions and elixirs."

"But that's also his strength; he's incredibly innovative. He is one of those alchemists who isn't afraid to push boundaries and try new combinations, which could be beneficial for us." Nick nodded, tapping his finger on the table as he emphasized Jabir's potential value.

Erik smiled. "Innovation is always welcome. And the last one?"

Nick looked up, "For Vehicle Production, we have Darius Funnell. He's a no-nonsense, results-driven individual." He said, handling a report about the man to Erik for him to read. "Darius is known for his strict adherence to deadlines and efficiency. He maintains strict control, but he is also reputed for his inflexibility. He's not one for improvisation and likes things planned and executed to the letter."

Erik leaned back in his chair, absorbing the information. "Efficiency is good, but flexibility is also important. We'll have to think about this, but for the other two, I have no problem."

Nick nodded, "Absolutely, Master Erik. I thought it would be good to meet them personally and gauge their fit for our guild."

Erik was impressed. "You've done excellent work, Nick. It's good to know that while I'm occupied with various responsibilities, things are being handled well here."

Nick bowed slightly. "Thank you, Master Erik. We aim to serve you to the best of our abilities."

Erik felt a sense of assurance swell within him. "Arrange for interviews with these candidates as soon as possible. I'd like to meet them and assess if they align with our guild's vision."

Nick looked up at Erik. "Master, would you like me to arrange individual meetings with these candidates, or would you prefer a group setting?"

Erik pondered before responding, "I'd like to meet all of them at the same time. Arrange for a lunch meeting here at the guild headquarters. It will give us an informal setting to gauge their personalities and how they interact with each other."

Nick nodded, making a note on his tablet. "A group lunch meeting it is. I'll coordinate the schedules and make sure everything is set up."

Erik said, "Make it as soon as possible. I want to move fast with this."

"Understood, Master," Nick said. "I'll get on it right away."

Erik glanced at Noah, who had been quietly observing the conversation. "Noah, assist Nick in coordinating this. Ensure the dining hall is prepared, and the meeting goes smoothly."

Noah nodded, "Of course, Master. I'll make sure everything is in order."

Nick turned to Noah, "Great, your help will make the process more efficient. We'll get started on this as soon as possible."

"Excellent," Erik said, satisfied. "I appreciate your efficiency and attention to detail. This is an important step for our guild, and I want to ensure we bring in the right people."

"As for the peculiarities you mentioned," Erik said, "they make people unique and bring different strengths to the table. We can use that diversity to our advantage."

"Of course, Master," Noah and Nick said in unison. "We'll make sure everything is arranged to your satisfaction, Master," Nick assured him.

"Good," Erik said, "You're dismissed. I look forward to meeting our potential new department heads."

As Nick and Noah left the office, Erik felt a sense of anticipation. This meeting could be a pivotal moment for the guild, setting the course for its future growth and success.

However, he still had many things to do, and couldn't think about this at that moment. What Erik had been up to during the morning was investigating about the Blackguards. He was trying to learn everything he could about them, but that wasn't simple.

The Blackguard organization first appeared in 2935, ostensibly to put an end to the Criminal Phase. This era was notorious for widespread chaos, as individuals misused their powers for personal gain, leading to rampant robbery, murder, and abductions. It was in this environment that criminal syndicates, such as the Crystal Cross Gang, began to emerge and gain notoriety.

To the general populace, the Blackguard represented a united force against the escalating menace of supercriminals and the dangers posed by thaids.

They were perceived as a collective police entity, supported by nations worldwide, dedicated to mitigating global threats. Erik, too, shared this belief until recent revelations cast doubt on their true nature.

However, the reality of their operations, exemplified by their actions in Doran's lab, painted a different picture. Alongside these revelations, intriguing historical details surfaced.

Notably, before the advent of the Blackguard, there was a clandestine group known as the Echoes, who were also engaged in battling supercriminals. This group, shrouded in mystery, contributed a lot to the complex tapestry of that tumultuous period.

The enigmatic leader of the Echoes, known only as 'The Wraith,' commanded a group shrouded in secrecy. Their legacy in history stemmed from two significant achievements.

The first was the Liberation of Zegan's Undercity.

Zegan, once a city considered the bastion of humanity, fell under the tyrannical rule of a supercriminal named Iron-fist, whose reign was marked by unspeakable atrocities. The Echoes mounted a daring operation against him.

One night, they infiltrated Iron-fist's headquarters by breaching its security systems. This paved the way for an assault team to storm the stronghold, leading to an intense battle. Using their powers, the Echoes successfully defeated Iron-fist's enforcers.

Their second notable triumph was the Silent Night coup, targeting Elena Dravic, a high-ranking Zegan government official. Dravic had been abusing her A-ranked brain crystal power, manipulating key government figures to serve her own interests, creating an extensive network of corruption and abuse of power. The Echoes' decisive action brought an end to her manipulative reign, further cementing their place in history.

Erik found it peculiar that the disappearance of the Echoes coincided with the rise of the Blackguards, who seemed to undertake similar missions. Regardless, originally, the Blackguard's goal might have been to instill order worldwide. Maybe, originally, their purpose was really to set order inside the world, but things changed, even if they remained hidden.

Erik saw first hand their dubious connections to criminality and their willingness to fund scientific endeavors that teetered on the brink of madness. Their lack of hesitation to experiment on humans was something he had witnessed himself, deeply changing the opinion he had about them.

Erik's current puzzle involved unraveling the connection between the Blackguards and the Crystal Cross Gang. The gang operated under the umbrella of the Blackguards, but the question of leadership remained.

While Howell was widely recognized as the head of the Crystal Cross Gang, whispers in the criminal underworld suggested a more shadowy figure: Shade, rumored to be the true power behind the entire underworld's operations.

Given the Crystal Cross Gang's extensive influence in Frant and its widespread branches in various countries, Erik considered it plausible that Shade also exercised control over them. That wasn't just a rumor.

Erik also speculated on a potential link between Shade and his Uncle Benjamin, suggesting that the military might serve as a bridge connecting Shade to the Blackguards.

The possibility of Shade having control over the Crystal Cross Gang could clarify his presence in Etrium for a meeting with Doran.

Erik surmised the Blackguards might have financed Doran's research, with the Crystal Cross Gang playing a crucial role as an intermediary.

This arrangement likely involved abducting individuals and eliminating Thaids, bringing everything to Doran to facilitate his experiments, all under the watchful eye of Uncle Benjamin.

While Erik acknowledged these were mere conjectures, they were the most plausible explanations he could derive from the limited information at his disposal.

Most of what he found were simple information about the Blackguards' history and some major achievements. There was nothing more.

The Crystal Cross Gang, the Blackguards, and even Uncle Benjamin were adept at concealing their activities.

There seemed to be no digital footprint or online records that Erik could use to corroborate his theories.

His only recourse to uncover the truth lay in venturing to their main headquarters in Frant and Hin, a risky endeavor that might unveil the clandestine workings of these secretive organizations.

"I really need to get stronger if I want to understand what is happening…"

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