
Chapter 99 Struggle In The Night

"So you did know," Lee Seng scoffed. He turned away, licking his lips before turning back to look at Manny. "Is this your doing? I have to create a team with you in it and it ruins a lot of things, Manny." Manny tilted his head and shrugged. He wore a smug and carefree look that irritated Lee Seng.

"I didn't do anything. You can blame your dad for that." Manny answered, truthfully. Manny kept his slight grin and watched as Lee Seng glanced down at his feet.

'He's already suspicious of the Creator.' Manny thought to himself. 'He won't trust me right now, but he'll have to show something sooner or later. I need to make sure I get close to him. Dad asked me to do this for Lee Seng's sake, so I have to.'

Lee Seng stood up and grabbed his phone off the nightstand. He turned to walk out of the dorm, when Manny suddenly stood up.

"That's it?" Manny asked. Lee Seng stopped and turned, slightly, towards Manny.

"That's all I needed to know." Lee Seng answered.

'I thought he wouldn't accept it.' Manny thought. He watched as Lee Seng slipped on a pair of sandals and walk out of his vision.

"What does he mean by 'that's it'?" Lee Seng muttered to himself as he shut the door behind him. "I really can't tell if he was surprised or not." Lee Seng ruffled his hair and shook his head. Lee Seng headed over to the Academy for dinner.


Lee Seng patted his belly as he turned the corner towards his dorm room. He unlocked his phone and moved to the Academy app and tapped his account button. He lifted the screen towards the door, listening to it beep and unlock. He shut his phone screen off and pushed the door open and stepped into the room.

Lee Seng closed the door behind him and flipped the lights on. Lee Seng took his sandals off next to the nightstand and opened the closet. He grabbed some clothes and pulled a towel out before wandering into the bathroom. He set his clothes on the bathroom countertop and set the towel on the hook near the shower. He turned the shower on and avoided the stream of cold water from touching him.

Lee Seng stripped his clothes off and stuck his hand into the shower before stepping in. Lee Seng showered, dried himself off and slipped his night clothes on and grabbed his dirty clothes. He wore a tank top and orange shorts. He hung the towel on one of the hooks near the bathroom door where Manny had hung a towel and moved out to throw his clothes in the closet where the laundry bin was located.

Lee Seng scrolled his phone for quite a bit. He had put earbuds in and was listening to music as he read news on celebrity Adventurers and surfed for any articles on anything new in the world. Manny had come while Lee Seng was scrolling and hadn't paid too much attention to him. An hour and a half passed and Lee Seng pulled the earbuds out and noticed Manny had showered and was lying in bed, too. Lee Seng set his Bluetooth earbuds into its case and plugged his charger into his phone. The earbuds has been custom made just for him. They fit his Fox ears just right.

He switched off the lamp on his nightstand and settled in for sleep.

Just as fast as he fell asleep, he woke up to people hovering over him.

"He's awake." A male voice spoke to the others.

"Get up, transfer." A deeper male voice spoke. Lee Seng rubbed his eyes as he felt hands grab him and forcefully pull him up.

"What the fu--" Lee Seng tried to get out as he felt something prick him. He could feel himself slipping, slowly and a bag covered his face.

"Did you inject it?" A third male voice asked.

"Yeah," the deep male voice said.

"It doesn't look like one will do." The first male voice pointed out. A female's voice sighed and the three males seemed to look towards the female.

"Inject another one and let's go." She commanded. Lee Seng could hear someone pulling out something and pushed one of the guys off him. He swung a punch at his right and felt someone grab at him. He felt gravity slip out of his hands and heard the loud crashes.

He could hear Manny through the commotion. Manny rubbed his eyes and flicked on his lamp. Sara turned to look at Manny.

"What the hell are you doing, Sa--" Manny began to say when tiny metal balls flew at Manny, stopping right in front of him.

"You know what this is, Valentin. Shut up!" The female hissed. Lee Seng threw himself up and stumbled across the room, knocking over his lamp.

"Dammit... What the hell is this?" Lee Seng muttered. "Manny, help..." His vision blurred and he felt his body become weaker. One of the guys to his left grabbed at him and held him down.

"Now!" He shouted. Lee Seng struggled to push the guy off. He shoved and felt someone else crash into him. They tumbled and slammed into the nightstand behind Lee Seng. Lee Seng's ears twitched and he accurately grabbed the guys right hand, stopping him from injecting him.

"What the hell?" The guy yelled. Lee Seng could hear something flying through the air and he felt his body resonating with the Dark Matter. A tiny metal ball slammed into the side of his body before his body erupted. Gravity shot outwards, blocking all the balls and pushing everything and everyone backwards.

The loud crash noises of people and his things slamming into the walls around him. Lee Seng struggled to push himself onto his feet. He could hear the groaning of the four people in his room. He could hear Manny slowly moving over.

"What the hell is happening... to me?" Lee Seng slurred. He heard the door burst open and instantly felt his body being wrapped with something cold.

"Holy fu--" Manny uttered. Blue water tendrils wrapped around Lee Seng's body and Manny watched as Lee Seng was pulled into the air. A guy stepped into view and took one look around the room before shaking his head. His eyes landed onto Manny and Manny stepped backwards. Victor put his index finger up to his lips and smiled at Manny. Manny slowly nodded and watched as Victor pulled a syringe out and walked over to Lee Seng.

"This is why I told you I should've went in alone," Victor said as he pulled the plastic off the syringe. He looked around at the people around him before settling onto the girl. "You got something to prove, Sara? Follow your orders and stay in your lane." He pulled Lee Seng closer and injected the syringe into his chest.

Lee Seng groaned as Victor pushed the injection down. Lee Seng could feel his body relaxing and slacking. His vision blurred harder. He senses were dulling and he was being pulled into darkness. Victor let go of Lee Seng, his body dropping onto the floor.

"Get up." He commanded. Sara and two guys slowly sat up. The room looked like a tornado had run through the room. "Sara and you, fix this. You two carry him out. We need to stay on schedule."

"Hey, Victor," Manny's voice cracked as Victor spun on his heel and turned around. Victor turned to look at Manny. His features softened for a moment.

"Yeah?" Victor asked.

"Y-you don't have to worry about the mess. I'll handle it. I know you got a schedule and you probably need most, if not all, of your guys."

"Don't worry about it. They screwed up. It's only natural they should try to fix it themselves." Victor waved goodbye and moved out of the room. The two guys groaned as they picked up Lee Seng and wrapped his arms around their shoulders before slowly shuffling out.

Sara pushed herself off the ground, groaning. She looked at the other guy on the floor and moved over to nudge him with a kick. She waited and didn't get a response and sighed, moving to kneel next to his head and check to see if the guy's actually out.

"Dammit, he's out." Sara hissed. She clicked her tongue and shook her head.

"I'll help you put things back together." Manny offered. Sara turned to look at Manny. She was pissed. She moved past the unconscious guy and shook her head as she walked out of the room. The door shut and Manny shook his head. He moved over to the unconscious guy and kneeled down.

Manny set his hand onto the guy's chest and green energy burst out of his hand. Manny tilted his head back and forth for awhile, slowly nodding.

"He just knocked you out cold." Manny chuckled. He shook his head and planted his other hand on the guy's head. The green energy erupted out and surrounded the guy's body. "Victor was right, Sara. You should've stuck to the leader's orders. 'Your action in battle is only as good as the strategy you implement based on the intel.'"

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