
Chapter 904 Broken Heart

Abby had always been the opposing force to Lee Seng. She always fought with him. She was a powerful Number, yet had no interest in being anything remotely 'kind' to the Creator's son. Every memory Lee Seng could remember of Abby was filled with insults and jabs. She avoided him for the most part, only staying around him when he was with Carter. It was the only time she was nice to him.

Lee Seng always wondered why Abby disliked him. It made sense now. She envied him. Lee Seng's entire life was something of a miracle. Abby knew it, but watching the small baby grow up, only made her resent Lee Seng more. He had family. He didn't suffer like she did. He could be rebellious. He could be snotty, a brat because of his background. 

Abby's head rolled off to the side as Lee Seng's blade finished its strike. The wind chimes Lee Seng heard finally died. They had carried her pent up feelings, but deep inside, Lee Seng could feel an emotion he didn't think Abby could feel… Love.

  Abby was no more. He held his position while his friends covered their mouths in horror. 

"Lockdown mode disengaged." The gym spoke. The doors unlocked, but not a single soul moved. Lee Seng felt his chest give out. He began to sob uncontrollably. He crumbled in tandem with Abby's body. He had really killed her. He had killed someone who secretly loved him and wanted to protect him.

'She didn't know how to love me.' Lee Seng managed to think. 

"Lee!" Evan was the first to come through the door. Seeing the severed head of Number 7 was a lot to take in. He pushed past that and rushed straight for Lee Seng. "Lee!" Hearing Evan only broke Lee Seng more. He cried harder, burying his face into Evan as he dropped to his knees and pulled Lee Seng into him.

"Lee Seng…" Liz and Olivia whispered, moving over to him. They glanced at the head and body, unsure what to do. 

"She begged me to kill her!" Lee Seng sobbed. "I didn't want to!"

"I-I know!" Evan's voice shook. He wasn't sure at all what happened. "Y-you would never." His eyes went to the body and out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Liz and Olivia giving the same twisted expression. They weren't sure what to do. They had witnessed Lee Seng kill a Number.

"She begged me to kill her before the Deimon came back!" Lee Seng sobbed.

"I-it's okay." Evan forced himself to keep it together. "You're alright now. She's in a better place. She isn't suffering anymore." That only made Lee Seng cry more. He had gotten bits and pieces of Abby. She was thinking about Lee Seng. That was happening while she told Lee Seng to kill her.

"Lee Seng!" Manny and Keng shouted. They scrambled through the door and stopped. Evan, Liz and Olivia turned to look at Manny and Keng. Keng knew exactly what had happened. Their soul was shaking so hard, he found it hard to focus as he covered the little boy's eyes.

"What happened…?" Manny asked, stepping forward. His eyes grew wide as he realized Abby's head was chopped off. "What did you do…? What did you do?!?" Manny ran straight for Lee Seng in a fit of rage. 

"Hey, don't jump to conclusions!" Liz stepped over and blocked Manny from going to Lee Seng.

"Why do you ruin everything?!? I felt you! Keng and I both felt you with her! I knew it was her but I didn't want it to be true! Why did you kill her?!?" Manny screamed. Liz struggled to hold Manny back as his anger forced him to cast her aside. She fell to the ground and reached out for Manny, missing his hand by mere inches. "Why? Why did you kill her?!?" 

Manny grabbed Lee Seng, pulling him by his collar up to him. Lee Seng didn't fight it. He hung in the air as Evan tried to peel Manny's hands off.

"It isn't what it looks like! I know it looks bad, but —" Evan began to say when Manny cut him off.

"I'm not talking to you!" Manny growled. He shook Lee Seng. "What did you do?" Lee Seng sobbed harder. He had forgotten Manny was close to Abby. There were tears in Manny's angry eyes. He wanted to beat Lee Seng to a pulp, but held himself back. It wasn't like Manny to do that. He tightened his grip around Lee Seng's shirt and growled. 

"She was…" Lee Seng sucked in a shaky breath. "Begging me to kill her… Deimon… She was a Deimon."

"No!" Manny socked Lee Seng in the face. 

"Manny!" Olivia and Evan screamed. Lee Seng crumpled onto the floor as Manny climbed over Lee Seng and raised his fist. 

"Stop it!" Olivia shouted. She had casted her spell on Manny. He wouldn't move now. 

ƥαṇdα-ηθνε|·ƈθm "You're protecting him? He ruins everything! He's the reason why everyone we care about is going to disappear! He's just a fucking curse!" Manny screamed. Lee Seng gasped for air. Another large piece of his heart broke. 

Keng winced, nearly dropping the kid as he tried to hold himself together. 

"Mister…" The kid whispered. Keng set down the kid without removing his eyes from Lee Seng and Manny.

"Stay here." Keng struggled to say. He vanished into silver stars with a pained grunt. The silver stars flew over to Lee Seng, pouring into him. The others looked up. They realized Keng had physically vanished.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

"You ruin everything! You deserve to be alone!" Manny shouted. "Your Mom left you because of you! Abby left because you killed her! I left you because of you! You're the problem!"

"It doesn't matter who's the problem!" Keng's voice came out of Lee Seng's mouth. He pushed Manny off Lee Seng and let out a breath of fire. The silver gleam in Lee Seng's eyes was enough. Lee Seng had crumpled under his grief, so Keng was protecting him.

"And you! Stay out of it!" Manny shouted.

"Or what? You're going to kill me?"

"He killed Abby! He killed my aunt!"

"She was our aunt, bastard!" Keng and Lee Seng shouted in unison. "You don't get to act all high and mighty in this! If you were here, you'd feel a thousand times worse! She didn't ask you to kill her because of a Deimon! You weren't there!" 

"What're you… Let me out, Olivia! That's an order!" 

"She was a Deimon. She begged me to kill her. She begged me to let her go! You don't think I wanted that?!?" Lee Seng shouted. The gleam in his eyes turned to a mixture of silver and gold. Lee Seng needed Keng right now and he wouldn't let Manny walk all over him, ever again. 

"You should've found another way! You didn't become a Deimon! She could've—" Manny began to sob. Olivia's hold fell, dropping Manny to the ground. Lee Seng wiped his tears and snot as he looked over at Abby. "How much do I have to lose for you to be happy…?" Manny looked up at Lee Seng. "How much?!?"

Lee Seng didn't answer. He lingered on Abby and then turned to the kid. The kid was crying because of them. Olivia silently moved over to the kid and began to console him.

"It's okay… Don't cry." Olivia quietly hugged the kid and wiped his tears away. Lee Seng moved over to Abby's body and stood near the body. He silently prayed Abby found her way to his Mom. He prayed this nightmare would just end, but when he finished praying, her dead body was still there. He turned and started to leave when a burning feeling ignited on his chest.

Lee Seng gasped as he crumbled to the ground. For a moment, he felt like Keng and him were splitting. Keng floated somewhere behind him as Abby's energy. Wind rushed around him, dancing around Lee Seng before moving to dance around Manny. It was like the wind was comforting them as Lee Seng's chest burned. The green-white energy flew into Lee Seng's Number crest and vanished.

[Number 7 and a Greater Deimon has been slain. 200,000 souls have been added to the Golden Protocol! Soul points from Keng has been added as well totaling out to 998,754/1,000,000]

[You've fully unlocked Gate VII: Vanishing Winds!]

[There's a quiet spring to your steps! You move quieter as a result…]

"There's no need to shed tears for me when the time comes…" Abby's voice spoke as if coming from the air around them. "I finally found my peace."

"Abby!" Manny looked up. A gentle breeze brushed against him before disappearing.

'That's cruel.' Lee Seng pushed himself up onto his feet. 'Their death only strengthens me…' Lee Seng moved past the group. Anger burned in his heart. The Numbers were suffering because of his father.

"Where are you going?" Manny asked. "I'm not done." He reached for Lee seng's hand, stopping Lee Seng. Lee Seng licked his lips and chose his words carefully.

"Don't tell me you didn't think about how far we'd have to go to set all of this right." Lee Seng spoke quietly. 

"We? You—" Manny began to snap back but Lee Seng pulled his hand away from Manny and turned to look at him. There was the burning fury Manny was scared of in Lee Seng's eyes. The same burning fury he saw that day he left Lee Seng with Sara.

"Right, me." Lee Seng nodded. "You can run back to safety." A portal flew open. Lee Seng turned to face the exit. Olivia and Lee Seng exchanged a silent conversation. Lee Seng looked past her and started to walk away.

"You're just going to leave? That's how this works? Something happens and you don't choose to be responsible for it and just walk away? How is Abby getting justice for this, hm?" Manny stood up. His voice grew loud as he continued. "You always run away! If you really mean what you say, prove it to me! Prove it to us! Don't just run away!" Lee Seng stopped in his tracks. His fists balled.

"Nothing I say will bring her back or get you to trust me." Lee Seng started forward. 

"Lee." Liz spoke. They watched Lee Seng exit the gym and turn right. 

'I won't sit by and let anyone else die. This game should've ended ages ago.' Lee Seng thought.

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