
Chapter 897 Into A Corner

Bullets followed Lee Seng around with a wave of Connie's fingers. They followed him around the room as he tried to dodge them. The bullets grazed and hit him, making it much harder to traverse the chaotic room. Lee Seng's wounds failed to heal all that much. He clutched his arm as he kept his sword raised.

'I won't last much longer if these wounds don't heal.' Lee Seng thought. The bullets flew around Connie as she reloaded the rifle. 'I'm going to have to use the Gate to heal myself… During that time, I can't shut it off after I open the gate. I'm not necessarily skilled in this matter, so I'll have to be careful.' 

"Already worn out, Creator's son?" Connie asked. She grinned at him as she held the rifle in her hands. "It's such a shame. The Deimons say to fear Perfect Singulars, but I'm not sure I see anything Perfect about you. You're just flesh and bones with a lotta holes in you. What's Perfect about that?" 

"I don't know why you Deimons are so obsessed with being Perfect." Lee Seng smiled. Connie bared her fangs as she narrowed her eyes. The Deimon didn't like that comment one bit. Lee Seng loosened his stance up, shrugging his shoulders. "The way I see it, I retained myself while you actually took over that body. What's so Perfect about that? Oh, wait… I guess it would be this. Gate VII: Unlock."

Connie sprayed bullets at Lee Seng, only to feel wind pick up in the room. Lee Seng didn't even move as the bullet wounds that had slowed, started to slowly patch itself back together. A gust of wind caught the bullets, scattering them onto the other side of the room. Blades of wind flew out at Connie, forcing the gunner to move from her spot.

'How was he able to do that? He's a Light and Gravity-user! There's no way he should be able to manipulate gravity to be like the wind!' Connie thought as she slid across the floor, barely dodging the blade of wind. She quickly stood up and readied the rifle. She watched Lee Seng look at his wounds, commenting about how his natural healing abilities were still great. 

'What happened here?' Connie asked herself. 'What changed suddenly? What did he do to gain the upper hand so quickly?' Connie was one of the smartest Deimons. She manipulated the technology of the city and threw everything into chaos for Queen. She moved to the Academy through orders of the Master and captured Biohumans to kill them off with horrible games, so what happened with Lee Seng?

"Hmmm, what was the one move, again…?" Lee Seng tapped his chin. He looked at Connie who was beginning to get frustrated. He could tell she couldn't figure out what happened with Lee Seng. Lee Seng took his stance. The Sun blade in front of him and his legs bent, ready to block or attack at any moment. "Want a clue? I think even a Deimon like you should know what this means… Vanishing Strike." 

Connie's eyes widened as soon as Lee Seng spoke those words. Wind exploded the glass as he disappeared from his spot. "He can mimic her power?" Connie asked loudly. Lee Seng reappeared next to her, smiling as Sun blade m=moved straight for her neck. A sharp gust of wind flew out of the blade as everything slowed for Connie.

"Rupturing Winds!" A protective gust of wind flew around Connie, catching the Vanishing Strike. The two wind spells slammed against each other, shattering the room into chaos and sending Lee Seng backwards. 

'I'm not dead?' Connie asked herself. She listened to the rustling of wind around her. Her eyes widened as she turned. A gust of wind whipped around outside of the wall of wind that protected herself. She watched the formless wind move forward, forming a humanoid shape. 'It's her. She's revealing herself now? Why?'

The formless wind moved to Lee Seng, grabbing him by the neck and ripping the form away. Number 7 smiled at Lee Seng as she picked him up and lifted him up into the air with ease.

"S-seven…?" Lee Seng gasped. "W-what're you doing…?"

"Ah, I guess you really don't know." Abby smiled. Her eye color began to change to purple and when the puzzle pieces were coming together, Abby grinned and tossed Lee Seng into the opposite direction. Lee Seng flew as Abby picked up speed. "I'm not the Abby you know, kid. I'm something much better than her. Windripper!" 

Lee Seng threw his arms up, conjuring wind around him. Windripper was a devastating move that would shred him to pieces if he wasn't careful and Lee Seng's attempt was only met with more brute force tactics. Windripper attacked his thin wind walls as Deimon Abby broke through the wind and punched him in the stomach dozens of times. 

Each punch tore at him. It ripped through his aura, almost ripping it to pieces completely before he was inches away from the windows. Deimon Abby grabbed him and swung him around with ease. The Deimons had somehow gotten a Number… 

'How was that possible?' Lee Seng thought as he was tossed out of the building. The wind rippled all around him as he felt the gate closing. 'No time for that. I need to live!' Lee Seng spun himself around, catching himself mid air as Deimon Abby flew at him.

"You already know who I am, too! Why are you surprised poor ol' Abby turned into a Deimon? Maybe it's what she wanted!" Queenie shouted. Queenie's accent was all Lee Seng needed to understand who he was talking to.

"Shit." Lee Seng whispered. Queenie grinned as she floated above Lee Seng. 

"Now you know!" Queenie cackled. She raised her hands to her side and let wind gather around her. It whipped into a blurry image of Queenie cackling as energy built. "Now, Lee Seng Chang! You'll need to come with us! Ravaging Tornadoes!" Mini tornadoes flew out of the concentrated energy around Queenie, picking up speed and flying straight for Lee Seng.

Lee Seng gritted his teeth and flew away from the first tornado. He needed to get out of the Ravaging Tornadoes before it was too late. 'Ravaging Tornadoes fill the area with small tornadoes that can tear you apart. It's used to trap enemies. If enemies are cocky enough to try to get out of it, the tornadoes will hunt you down and end the fight. I need to get away as far as possible from them before its too late.' 

Lee Seng blasted upwards, taking count of the tornadoes that were after him. "She's trying to choke me out." Lee Seng whispered. He spiraled into the air, blasting a couple of tornadoes. The tornadoes exploded into a large vortex of wind, pulling him inwards. Lee Seng cursed as he released more blasts of gravity. He knew Ravaging Tornadoes' flaws, so he would use it against Queenie.

Queenie smiled. She knew Lee Seng would try to disrupt the tornadoes. Little did Lee Seng know, she had an alternate plan. Queenie waved her hands and the rest of the tornadoes exploded. They pulled Lee Seng downwards as she conducted the winds. Violet energy flew outwards, forcing the wind to form a sideways tornado. 

Lee Seng was pulled in every direction, fighting for his life to break out of it. The winds moved around him, pulling him faster than before. The wind was faster than anything Lee Seng had ever experienced. Abby's power was never this devastating before. 

Lee Seng flew straight for Queenie, who was already preparing a condensed wind spear for him. She tossed it straight at Lee Seng, watching his futile attempt to protect himself with a measly golden barrier. She would catch Lee Seng for the Master. Once she did, everything would go accordingly to plan.

"Ahh!" Lee Seng screamed as a portal opened between him and Queenie. Queenie flew into the darkened room, slamming the spear into the ground of the gymnasium as Lee Seng was sucked into the portal. The wind stopped, sending him straight into a wall with a loud thud. He groaned, sliding down the wall and catching himself as Queenie screamed. Wind whipped everywhere in the room as the lights turned on.

"Lockdown!" Lee Seng shouted.

"Lockdown is initiating." The room spoke. Queenie growled as she turned to look up at Lee Seng. 

"You're going to lock us in the gym?" Queenie asked. "If you were smart, you'd take the fight in an open space. There's much less room to run here versus out there!" Lee Seng landed on the ground. The bullet wounds were finally healing themselves along with the numerous cuts he had taken from Queenie's Ravaging Tornadoes. 

The odd feeling Lee Seng felt suffocating him earlier was returning. It was building in his chest and he was starting to understand why. 'These Deimons… The people trapped within are crying for a way out. The Deimons haven't fully taken over all of them. Some of them I can still save… Why am I getting the same feeling with Abby all of a sudden? Why do I feel her shouting for me?'

Massive purple energy surrounded Abby's body, but a small fragment of light green was trying to force its way out. 

"…help me…!" Abby's energy quietly called out to Lee Seng. "….Help me..! Help me!"

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