"It's my first time to do such a thing. As a father, I'm really worried. So you have the cheek to come here. "

Fei Yuchen kept smiling all the time. "It doesn't matter. For the first time, both Mr. Huo and Mr. Huo Shao will certainly help each other, which is understandable. "

"Thank you for understanding." Huo Dongyang replied. "Have you started talking?"

After that, he said, "Mr. Huo shook his head and talked about it."

Fei Yuchen immediately asked someone to prepare a set of tableware for Huo Dongyang, and then handed the menu to him. "See what you like to eat?"

"I'm just as good as little warm."

Fei Yuchen winked, and Allen immediately placed the order.

"Huo Dong, in fact, I've always wanted to visit you, but it's a pity that your time is hard to arrange."

Huo Dongyang nods. "Yes, I've been busy with my children recently. Both the son and daughter-in-law have to work, so the work of taking care of children is in my place. "

"I didn't expect Huo Dong would do such a thing."

"It doesn't make any difference." Huo Dongyang replied.

In this way, in the atmosphere of some embarrassing situation, the meal was finally finished. When Huo Yun warm and Fei Yuchen talked, Huo Dongyang sat on the side and did not speak, silently looking at the mobile phone.

Just as Huo yunnuan thought before, Fei Yuchen was sending human feelings, and almost all the conditions were agreed. There is no need for any skills and business ability, a few simple words to end.

"If it's OK, then we can sign."

Fei Yuchen nodded. "OK, no problem!"

"That's settled."

After the signing of the contract, Fei Yuchen took the initiative to extend his hand, "warm, happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation!"

Fei Yuchen did not have too much delay, found a most common excuse, said later still something to leave first.

Huo Dongyang stood up, "he is drunk, not wine."

"Whatever it is, I can achieve my goal." Huo yunnuan said with a smile.

Huo Dongyang saw Huo Yun's warm smile and didn't say anything that destroyed the atmosphere. It's rare that something makes her happy, so let her go.



But the next day, the news came out. But the headline of the news is that Miss Huo is about to get married and have dinner with her future son-in-law with her father.

After seeing such news, Huo Yun's warm mood became bad, which was all nonsense.

And Huo yunnuan's mobile phone has been ringing since the morning, everyone has come to care about the process of this matter. But Huo yunnuan did not pay attention to, she just made a phone call with Huo Dongyang.

"Dad, you watch the news."

"The media always like to catch the wind and take no notice of it." Huo Dongyang doesn't mind.

Huo yunnuan is a different situation. She thinks it is necessary to clarify clearly that she does not want to be misunderstood by someone.

"But we can't just let them talk nonsense." Huo yunnuan said wrongly.

Huo Dongyang knows his daughter's mind, "what do you want to do?"


"How to clarify it?"

Huo yunnuan's words are blocked, and he knows that Huo Dongyang doesn't want to do it.

"I said his purpose yesterday." Huo Dongyang casually said, "so you should be clear in your mind. It's a good experience. "

Huo yunnuan finished the call, and Ji Haonan's wechat came in.

"What is the situation?"

Huo yunnuan is in a bad mood, but he replies to Ji Haonan. "What else can it be? We just had a meal together and talked about a cooperation. Nothing else. "

"Fei Yuchen is a cunning fox. I said not to be with him long ago."

"I'm not with him. And my dad's here. What else can he do? " Huo yunnuan asked.

Ji Haonan's attitude is better. "Keep a distance from him."

"I see."

Huo family this time is still to take the way of ignoring, let the news continue to ferment.

In the afternoon of that day, a reporter had the honor to interview Fei Yuchen, so he couldn't help but gossip once.

"Mr. Fei, what do you think of the news on the Internet? Are you really with Miss Huo? "

Facing the reporter's question, Fei Yuchen kept smiling, but did not give an accurate answer.

"Mr. Fei, would you like to comment on Miss Huo?"

"She's fine. I like her very much." Fei Yuchen replied with a smile.

With such a sentence, Allen protected Fei Yuchen from leaving. However, such a sentence alone has undoubtedly aroused a thousand waves.

Fei Yuchen confessed directly! I freely admit that I like it.

Seeing the latest news, Huo yunnuan felt that he couldn't wash the Yellow River! What kind of madness is Fei Yuchen? What's the meaning of smearing himself like this.However, he is still his own partner and can't tear his face right away.

Huo Yun has to stamp his feet to keep heating. Here comes the trouble.

After that, Huo yunnuan took the initiative to update a micro blog on the micro blog.


However, some netizens commented that Huo yunnuan was not easy to admit, so he denied it. Today's netizens' eyes can be fierce. No matter what they say, they can come up with the so-called evidence to refute.

"Miss, in fact, that Mr. Fei is a good match for you."

After reading a lot of these comments, Huo yunnuan replied directly. "I have a fiance

This wave, was quickly put up by people's screenshots, have been calling for the mysterious fiance to appear.

At this time, another news broke out in the entertainment industry. Zheng Lili, the Asian pop star, was arrested for taking drugs. All of a sudden, she turned all her attention to that place.

Huo yunnuan got a moment's rest. Being a public figure is trouble.

Huo yunnuan left the mobile phone aside, and the whole person seemed to have collapsed.

Fei Yuchen called and apologized for the interview today.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know they would misinterpret me like this. Warm, aren't you angry? "

Huo yunnuan's tone is obviously cold. "That's all right. I'm tired."


Huo yunnuan lies on the table, not a bit of spirit, as if nothing has been done has been exhausted.

The mobile phone vibrates again, Huo yunnuan does not want to pay attention to, close his eyes and want to have a good rest.

This time, the laptop next to it tinkled, and new mail came in.

Huo yunnuan gets up and opens it immediately. As a result, he sees an email from Ji Haonan.

Click open to see is a video, and the protagonist in the video is actually himself. The video is full of his own photos, each with a smile. Huo yunnuan swept the haze in his heart and slowly appreciated it.

She didn't know when Ji Haonan took these photos, but it was a warm gift.

At last, a line of words suddenly appeared: "I like to see you smile! Be happy. I'll always be with you. "

But the signature says, "your fiance Ji Haonan."

Huo yunnuan raised the corner of his mouth, it seems that he is always paying attention. But looking at this gift, she doesn't care about the past.

She picked up her mobile phone to reply to Ji Haonan, but she saw the wechat he sent a few minutes ago.

"No matter what happens, I believe you!"

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