Huo yunnuan has been looking at Ji Haonan. She can't bear to say no at this time.

But on second thought, she didn't want to agree so readily.

"Go to the hospital first."

"If you promise, I'll go." Ji Haonan should face, occasionally with a laipi.

Huo yunnuan frowned and looked at Ji Haonan unhappily. "Ji Haonan, you are extremely irresponsible to your body now."

"I just want to be responsible for you."

"I don't need you to be responsible. If you don't care about yourself, no one will pay attention to you." Huo yunnuan shook off Ji Haonan's hand.

Ji Haonan felt his hands empty, and his heart was empty. He dropped his eyes, no longer to see Huo yunnuan.

"You go!"

Huo yunnuan stood up and pointed to Ji Haonan angrily and said, "Ji Haonan, if you don't go to the hospital, you'll die!"

With that, Huo yunnuan plans to leave the room and let Ji Haonan think about it himself.

"You are my medicine, my doctor." Ji Haonan suddenly said. "So if you give up on me, you will be dead soon."

Huo Yun warms up and looks back at Ji Haonan in disbelief.

"You threaten me?"

Ji Haonan turns over with his back to Huo yunnuan. "I didn't threaten you, I told you the truth. Huo yunnuan, without you, I live like a walking corpse. "

Huo yunnuan repressed his anger and told himself to be calm. He was ill, which made him lose his temper.

"Ji Haonan, for the last time, do you want to see a doctor or not?"

"My life is just around the corner." Ji Haonan is a pun.

Huo yunnuan finally compromise, she walked out of the room, can only let Jess to the doctor home. If she really ignores Ji Haonan, he may really hang up! In the past, for the sake of saving himself once, she couldn't let go.

Ji Haonan heard the room behind him close, and his heart seemed to close a door. So She left after all

It's all gone, isn't it?

Ji Haonan clenched the sheet and felt his eyes dry. Damn it, I knew I shouldn't listen to Huo yunxun's words. Let Huo Yun warm and free!

Hearing the sound of opening the door again, Ji Haonan thought it was Jess.

"Get out of here!" The tone was extremely bad.

Huo yunnuan stands at the door with a basin of water. Facing Ji Haonan, who has a bad attitude, he comes in with a cold face.

"I can go out and get up and wash my face. When the doctor comes, I'll go. "

Ji Haonan blinked. It was Huo Yun's warm voice.

"Warm..." Ji Haonan laboriously raised his head, and then saw Huo yunnuan sitting by the bed.

Ji Haonan was surprised to stare at Huo yunnuan, "didn't you go?"

"I'll go, don't worry."

Ji Haonan grabs Huo yunnuan's hand again. "Don't go!"

"Ji Haonan, how old are you? Why are you like a child? And who are your subordinates who leave you when you are sick. Say that the company has something urgent to deal with. "

Ji Haonan laughed. Jess did a good job this time. It seems that he will get a raise.

"It's up to him to deal with the company."

Huo yunnuan said angrily. "I'm speechless to meet a boss like you."

After that, Ji Haonan, with Huo yunnuan, gets up to take his temperature and wash his face.

"Here comes the doctor. You cooperate with the examination."

"Are you going?" Ji Haonan asked again.

Huo yunnuan felt Ji Haonan's uneasiness, "I don't go today."

Ji Haonan just obediently let go and let her do other things. As long as she's in sight, it's more important than anything.

Here comes the doctor. This is a doctor who is familiar with Jess. Before that, Jess and he passed gas, and he knew what to do.

"Ji Shao, how did you make yourself like this?" He Chi saw Ji Haonan's appearance and make complaints about it.

Ji Haonan took a puff from the corner of his mouth. How did he come from the trouble. It seems that Jess couldn't find anyone temporarily, so he was put in the top gear.

"Do you know each other?" Huo yunnuan can see how they get along with each other.

"I don't know!"


Two people say two different answers, Huo yunnuan a listen to know that they have a story in mind.

He Chi tut a few times, did not expect that the proud Ji Haonan would also use such a despicable way to retain a woman. If you say it, you'll laugh off your teeth.

What's more, Ji Haonan's warning eyes are obviously too obvious.

"Dr. he, why don't you check it out?"

He Chi shrugs helplessly. "Ji Shao doesn't cooperate with me. Just now, he warned me with his eyes. I think I'll go back first. "

Ji Haonan was also angry. "He Chi, what kind of doctor are you. Who sent you here? ""A beautiful woman called me just now, so I came here. If I knew it was you, I would not come He Chi is merciless.

Huo yunnuan seems to understand. "So you used to have a grudge."

"No!" This time, the answer was unanimous.

"Doctor he, you should have a quick examination! Otherwise Ji Haonan's life will be lost. "

He Chi sits down and grabs Ji Haonan's hand, feeling pulse like a traditional Chinese medicine.

"Will you?" Ji Haonan doesn't believe he Chi. Just wanted to give Jess a raise to take back, who did not look, unexpectedly found such an eye-catching guy.

He Chi immediately dumped Ji Haonan, "it's OK. It's just that I miss too much and I don't want to eat."

"He just hit his head."

He Chi's action is rude. He grabs Ji Haonan's head and checks it. It is a bag.

"It's no big deal. It's just swelling." With that, he Chi stood up.

Huo yunnuan looked at He Chi had finished the inspection, looked so casual, she went to do the inspection by herself.

"Borrow your things." Huo yunnuan came in person.

He Chi can't help but change his view on Huo Yun. He also heard some rumors about Huo yunnuan. But I didn't know that she could understand medicine. And look at her technique and movement are skilled, obviously has learned.

He chizhang looked at Huo yunnuan and couldn't help seeing some trance. Suddenly, he seemed to understand why Ji Haonan would be so persistent to her! This young lady of Huo family is different from the ordinary daughter.

Her body has a lot of flash points, not the general gentleness, but she has her own unique temperament. An indescribable complex temperament, noble, generous, serious, beautiful, moving and so on.

Just can't find an accurate adjective. There are many points in her that people want to explore.

"Have you seen enough?" Ji Haonan's voice interrupts He Chi's thoughts.

He Chi talks to Ji Haonan's flaming eyes. "How can you see enough of such beauties?"

"You can go." Ji Haonan made an order to leave.

Huo yunnuan put down the receiver and said to Ji Haonan, "I think you have a good spirit. You should be OK."

"Warm, I'm not..."

He Chi said with a smile. "Miss Huo, Ji Shao, this looks obviously lovesickness!"

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